Raw File
  Plot a linear network
  Plots a linear network
 \method{plot}{linnet}(x, ..., main=NULL, add=FALSE, 
                               vertices=FALSE, window=FALSE)
    Linear network (object of class \code{"linnet"}).
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.psp}}
    controlling the plot.
    Main title for plot. Use \code{main=""} to suppress it.
    Logical. If code{TRUE}, superimpose the graphics
    over the current plot. If \code{FALSE}, generate a new plot.
    Logical. Whether to plot the vertices as well.
    Logical. Whether to plot the window containing the linear network.
  This is the plot method for class \code{"linnet"}.
  Ang Qi Wei \email{aqw07398@hotmail.com} and
  Adrian Baddeley \email{Adrian.Baddeley@csiro.au}
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