Tip revision: 3fd3e706522d0f4675eb006a9e9a141931668675 authored by Sudipta Basak on 17 June 2021, 05:56:54 UTC
WIP orbital correction tests
WIP orbital correction tests
Tip revision: 3fd3e70
import shutil
import glob
import os
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import math
import pytest
import numpy as np
import pyrate.constants as C
from tests import common
from pyrate.configuration import Configuration, MultiplePaths
from pyrate import prepifg, correct
from pyrate.core.geometry import get_lonlat_coords
from pyrate.core.dem_error import dem_error_calc_wrapper, _calculate_bperp_wrapper
from pyrate.core.ref_phs_est import ref_phase_est_wrapper
from pyrate.core.shared import Ifg, Geometry, DEM, save_numpy_phase
geometry_path = common.MEXICO_CROPA_DIR_GEOMETRY
dem_error_path = common.MEXICO_CROPA_DIR_DEM_ERROR
def point():
x, y = np.random.randint(0, 60), np.random.randint(0, 100)
return x, y
class TestPyRateGammaBperp:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.params = Configuration(common.MEXICO_CROPA_CONF).__dict__
# run prepifg
# copy IFGs to temp folder
# read radar azimuth, range and dem tif files
geom_files = Configuration.geometry_files(cls.params)
rdc_az_file = geom_files['rdc_azimuth']
geom_az = Geometry(rdc_az_file) =
rdc_rg_file = geom_files['rdc_range']
geom_rg = Geometry(rdc_rg_file)
cls.rg =
dem_file = join(cls.params[C.GEOMETRY_DIR], 'dem.tif')
dem_data = DEM(dem_file)
cls.dem =
# calc bperp using pyrate funcs
cls.pbperp = cls.pyrate_bperp()
def gamma_bperp(self, x, y):
Calculate Bperp for specified pixel from GAMMA out files (interpolation required)
x0, y0 is the interpolation location in azimuth and range
# round azimuth and range coordinates to closest step (500 for az, 200 for rg)
azstep = 500
rgstep = 200
az =[x, y]
rg = self.rg[x, y]
az1 = azstep * math.floor(az / azstep)
rg1 = rgstep * math.floor(rg / rgstep)
az2 = azstep * math.ceil(az / azstep)
rg2 = rgstep * math.ceil(rg / rgstep)
# four coordinates for bi-linear interpolation
teststr1 = str(az1).rjust(6, ' ') + str(rg1).rjust(7, ' ')
teststr2 = str(az1).rjust(6, ' ') + str(rg2).rjust(7, ' ')
teststr3 = str(az2).rjust(6, ' ') + str(rg1).rjust(7, ' ')
teststr4 = str(az2).rjust(6, ' ') + str(rg2).rjust(7, ' ')
# loop through all corresponding bperp.par files in base.par list
bperp_files = sorted(list(glob.glob(os.path.join(geometry_path, '*_bperp.par'))))
bperp_int = np.empty(shape=(len(bperp_files)))
for i, bperp_file in enumerate(bperp_files):
# read Mexico city bperp file
with open(bperp_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
if teststr1 in line:
bperp1 = line.split()[7]
if teststr2 in line:
bperp2 = line.split()[7]
if teststr3 in line:
bperp3 = line.split()[7]
if teststr4 in line:
bperp4 = line.split()[7]
# setup numpy array for bi-linear interpolation
n = np.array([(az1, rg1, bperp1),
(az1, rg2, bperp2),
(az2, rg1, bperp3),
(az2, rg2, bperp4)])
# interpolate using scipy function "griddata"
bperp_int[i] = griddata(n[:, 0:2], n[:, 2], [(az, rg)], method='linear')
return bperp_int
def pyrate_bperp(cls):
Calculate Bperp image for each ifg using PyRate functions
multi_paths = cls.params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]
tmp_paths = [ifg_path.tmp_sampled_path for ifg_path in multi_paths]
# keep only ifg files in path list (i.e. remove coherence and dem files)
ifg_paths = [item for item in tmp_paths if 'ifg.tif' in item]
# read and open the first IFG in list
ifg0_path = ifg_paths[0]
ifg0 = Ifg(ifg0_path)
# size of ifg dataset
# calculate per-pixel lon/lat
lon, lat = get_lonlat_coords(ifg0)
bperp = _calculate_bperp_wrapper(ifg_paths,, cls.rg,,, cls.dem)[0]
return np.moveaxis(bperp, (0, 1, 2), (2, 0, 1))
def teardown_class(cls):
shutil.rmtree(cls.params[C.OUT_DIR], ignore_errors=True)
def test_pyrate_bperp_matches_gamma_bperp(self, point):
x, y = point
az =[x, y]
rg = self.rg[x, y]
if az < 0 or rg < 0:
pytest.skip('skipped due to -ve az or rg')
res = self.pbperp[x, y, :]
exp = self.gamma_bperp(*point)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(exp, res, 2) # max difference < 1cm
def test_avg_bperp_calculation(self):
# TODO - improve this test by reading bperp *.npy files
res = np.mean(self.pbperp, axis=(0, 1), dtype=np.float64)
# assuming array centre is a good proxy for average value
# TODO - use interpolation to calculate actual Gamma array average
exp = self.gamma_bperp(30, 50)
np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(exp, res, 2)
class TestDEMErrorFilesReusedFromDisc:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.conf = common.MEXICO_CROPA_CONF
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
multi_paths = cls.params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]
cls.ifg_paths = [p.tmp_sampled_path for p in multi_paths]
def teardown_class(cls):
def test_dem_error_used_from_disc_on_rerun(self):
times_written = self.__run_once()
assert len(times_written) == len(self.ifg_paths)
times_written_1 = self.__run_once()
np.testing.assert_array_equal(times_written_1, times_written)
def __run_once(self):
dem_files = [MultiplePaths.dem_error_path(i, self.params) for i in self.ifg_paths]
save_numpy_phase(self.ifg_paths, self.params)
assert all(m.exists() for m in dem_files)
return [os.stat(o).st_mtime for o in dem_files]
class TestDEMErrorResults:
def setup_class(cls):
cls.conf = common.MEXICO_CROPA_CONF
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
cls.params = Configuration(cls.conf).__dict__
multi_paths = cls.params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES]
cls.ifg_paths = [p.tmp_sampled_path for p in multi_paths]
cls.params[C.REFX_FOUND] = 8 # this is the pixel of the location given in the pyrate_mexico_cropa.conf file
cls.params[C.REFY_FOUND] = 33 # however, the median of the whole interferogram is used for this validation
def teardown_class(cls):
def test_calc_dem_errors(self):
# validate output of current version of the code with saved files from an independent test run
# only the reference phase and dem_error are used in this test
# saved dem_error.tif (expected)
dem_error_tif_exp = join(dem_error_path, 'dem_error.tif')
dem = DEM(dem_error_tif_exp)
dem_error_exp =
# run relevant parts of the 'correct' step
save_numpy_phase(self.ifg_paths, self.params)
# subtract the reference phase to enable comparison with a 'normal' pyrate run
# dem_error.tif from this run (result)
dem_error_tif_res = join(self.params[C.OUT_DIR], 'dem_error.tif')
dem = DEM(dem_error_tif_res)
dem_error_res =
# check equality
np.testing.assert_allclose(dem_error_exp, dem_error_res)
# ifg correction files in subdirectory out/dem_error/
# three different ifgs:
# ifg1 -> short_baseline_ifg: 20180106-20180319 (ca. 3 m)
# ifg2 -> long_baseline_ifg: 20180130-20180412(ca. 108 m)
# ifg3 -> medium_baseline_ifg: 20180412-20180518 (ca. 48 m)
# load saved files
dem_error_ifg1_path = join(dem_error_path, '20180106-20180319_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg1_exp = np.load(dem_error_ifg1_path)
dem_error_ifg2_path = join(dem_error_path, '20180130-20180412_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg2_exp = np.load(dem_error_ifg2_path)
dem_error_ifg3_path = join(dem_error_path, '20180412-20180518_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg3_exp = np.load(dem_error_ifg3_path)
# load correction values saved from this run (result)
dem_error_ifg1_path = Path(self.params[C.DEM_ERROR_DIR]).joinpath('20180106-20180319_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg1_res = np.load(dem_error_ifg1_path)
dem_error_ifg2_path = Path(self.params[C.DEM_ERROR_DIR]).joinpath('20180130-20180412_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg2_res = np.load(dem_error_ifg2_path)
dem_error_ifg3_path = Path(self.params[C.DEM_ERROR_DIR]).joinpath('20180412-20180518_ifg_20_dem_error.npy')
dem_error_ifg3_res = np.load(dem_error_ifg3_path)
# check equality
np.testing.assert_allclose(dem_error_ifg1_exp, dem_error_ifg1_res)
np.testing.assert_allclose(dem_error_ifg2_exp, dem_error_ifg2_res)
np.testing.assert_allclose(dem_error_ifg3_exp, dem_error_ifg3_res)