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Tip revision: 6558a667945a2eb93983bb2ec0879af62e27f4d9 authored by J. O. Ramsay on 14 August 2017, 12:10:02 UTC
version 2.4.7
Tip revision: 6558a66
cca.fd <- function(fdobj1, fdobj2=fdobj1, ncan = 2,
                   ccafdPar1=fdPar(basisobj1, 2, 1e-10),
#  Carry out a functional CCA with regularization using two different
#    functional data samples.  These may have different bases, and
#    different penalty functionals.  It is assumed that both are
#    univariate.
#  Arguments:
#  FDOBJ1        ... Functional data object.
#  FDOBJ2        ... Functional data object.
#  NCAN          ... Number of pairs of canonical variates to be found
#  CCAFDPAROBJ1  ... A functional parameter object for the first set of
#                    canonical variables.
#  CCAFDPAROBJ2  ... A functional parameter object for the second set of
#                    canonical variables.
#  CENTERFNS     ... A logical variable indicating whether or not to
#                    center the functions before analysis.  Default is TRUE.
#  Returns:  An object of the CCA.FD class containing:
#  CCWTFD1       ... A functional data object for the first set of
#                    canonical variables
#  CCWTFD2       ... A functional data object for the second set of
#                    canonical variables
#  CANCORR       ... A vector of canonical correlations
#  CCAVAR1       ... A matrix of scores on the first canonical variable.
#  CCAVAR2       ... A matrix of scores on the second canonical variable.

# Last modified 28 December 2012

#  check functional data objects

if (!(inherits(fdobj1, "fd"))) stop(
		"Argument FDOBJ1 not a functional data object.")
if (!(inherits(fdobj2, "fd"))) stop(
		"Argument FDOBJ2 not a functional data object.")
if (centerfns) {
  #  center the data by subtracting the mean function
  fdobj1 <- center.fd(fdobj1)
  fdobj2 <- center.fd(fdobj2)

#  extract dimensions for both functional data objects
coef1  <- fdobj1$coefs
coefd1 <- dim(coef1)
ndim1  <- length(coefd1)
nrep1  <- coefd1[2]

coef2  <- fdobj2$coefs
coefd2 <- dim(coef2)
ndim2  <- length(coefd2)
nrep2  <- coefd2[2]

#  check that numbers of replications are equal and greater than 1
if (nrep1 != nrep2) stop("Numbers of replications are not equal.")
if (nrep1 < 2) stop("CCA not possible without replications.")

nrep <- nrep1

#  check that functional data objects are univariate
if (ndim1 > 2 || ndim2 > 2) stop(
		"One or both functions are not univariate.")

#  extract basis information for both objects

basisobj1  <- fdobj1$basis
nbasis1    <- basisobj1$nbasis
dropind1   <- basisobj1$dropind
type1      <- basisobj1$type

basisobj2  <- fdobj2$basis
nbasis2    <- basisobj2$nbasis
dropind2   <- basisobj2$dropind
type2      <- basisobj2$type

#   Set up cross product matrices

Jmat1 <- eval.penalty(basisobj1, 0)
Jmat2 <- eval.penalty(basisobj2, 0)
Jx    <- t(Jmat1 %*% coef1)
Jy    <- t(Jmat2 %*% coef2)
PVxx  <- crossprod(Jx)/nrep
PVyy  <- crossprod(Jy)/nrep
Vxy   <- crossprod(Jx,Jy)/nrep

#  check both fdPar objects

if (inherits(ccafdPar1, "fd") || inherits(ccafdPar1, "basisfd"))
      ccafdPar1 <- fdPar(ccafdPar1)
if (inherits(ccafdPar2, "fd") || inherits(ccafdPar2, "basisfd"))
      ccafdPar2 <- fdPar(ccafdPar2)

if (!inherits(ccafdPar1, "fdPar")) stop(
		"ccafdPar1 is not a fdPar object.")
if (!inherits(ccafdPar2, "fdPar")) stop(
		"ccafdPar2 is not a fdPar object.")

#  get linear differential operators and lambdas
Lfdobj1 <- ccafdPar1$Lfd
Lfdobj2 <- ccafdPar2$Lfd
lambda1 <- ccafdPar1$lambda
lambda2 <- ccafdPar2$lambda

#  add roughness penalties if lambdas are positive

if (lambda1 > 0) {
    Kmat1 <- eval.penalty(basisobj1, Lfdobj1)
    PVxx  <- PVxx + lambda1 * Kmat1
if (lambda2 > 0) {
    Kmat2 <- eval.penalty(basisobj2, Lfdobj2)
    PVyy  <- PVyy + lambda2 * Kmat2

#  do eigenanalysis matrix Vxy with respect to metrics PVxx and PVyy

result <- geigen(Vxy, PVxx, PVyy)

#  set up canonical correlations and coefficients for weight functions

canwtcoef1 <- result$Lmat[,1:ncan]
canwtcoef2 <- result$Mmat[,1:ncan]
corrs      <- result$values

#   Normalize the coefficients for weight functions

for (j in 1:ncan) {
    temp <- canwtcoef1[,j]
    temp <- temp/sqrt(sum(temp^2))
    canwtcoef1[,j] <- temp
    temp <- canwtcoef2[,j]
    temp <- temp/sqrt(sum(temp^2))
    canwtcoef2[,j] <- temp

#  set up the canonical weight functions

canwtfdnames      <- fdobj1$fdnames
canwtfdnames[[2]] <- "Canonical Variable"
names(canwtfdnames)[2] <- "Canonical functions"
names(canwtfdnames)[3] <-
            paste("CCA wt. fns. for",names(canwtfdnames)[3])
canwtfd1 <- fd(canwtcoef1, basisobj1, canwtfdnames)
canwtfd2 <- fd(canwtcoef2, basisobj2, canwtfdnames)
canwtfd1$fdnames <- fdobj1$fdnames
canwtfd2$fdnames <- fdobj2$fdnames

#  set up canonical variable values

canvarvalues1 <- Jx %*% canwtcoef1
canvarvalues2 <- Jy %*% canwtcoef2

#  set up return list

ccafd        <- list(canwtfd1, canwtfd2, corrs,
                       canvarvalues1, canvarvalues2)
names(ccafd) <- c("ccawtfd1", "ccawtfd2", "ccacorr",
                    "ccavar1",  "ccavar2")

class(ccafd) <- "cca.fd"

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