Raw File
*** Sandbox
- duplicate all core contracts to get rid of the inSandbox flag

*** Contracts
- Dependent Method Contract, see "this" in the pre and postcondition
- This-reference in Dependent Contract

*** Logger & Statistics
- On Callbacks
- Change Statistic flags

*** New Implicit Contract Conversion

*** Contracts
- Polymorphic
- Reflection (get/ set/ ..)
- ForAll
- Temporal Contract
- Disjunction/ Negation

*** Sandbox
- Integrate Pure.js, allow access to all pure elements, including calls of pure getter functions. 


- Make inference and run with transparent proxies.
- Measure performance:
  i) normal
  ii) no-baseline
  iii) no-ion

- Blank run with no-op Poxy

New Features

- Abstraction Contract
  - Constructor applied to a value

- Temporal Contract

* Use proxies to build nice constructors that can be applied directly.
  e.g.: Between(1,2); InstanceOf(Array);

# _                 
#| |__ _  _ __ _ ___
#| '_ \ || / _` (_-<
#|_.__/\_,_\__, /__/
#          |___/    

*** BUG in Spidermonkey Shell

- treat.decompile.js:77:21 TypeError: Function.prototype.toString called on incompatible object
- Function.prototype.toString can not be called on a function proxy
- Quick Fix works in LAX mode

*** Forall works only on Functions

*** Forall-contracts

* Implement lax/picky/indy semantics for forall-contracts
* Unpack contracted values 

*** Exclude predefined contracts

isNaN overrides a global function in typedoctane
use an export function that exports all predefined contracts in
a special object (eg. contract(s) oder con)

## Features ##

* Object Contracts as Data Type Invariants
** Only testing lemmas
** Or If lemma than do

* Examples and security Properties
** Access one (A or B)/ Argument of a function

# __  __       _           _____        _       
#|  \/  |__ _ (_)___ _ _  |_   _|_ _ __| |__ ___
#| |\/| / _` || / _ \ '_|   | |/ _` (_-< / /(_-<
#|_|  |_\__,_|/ \___/_|     |_|\__,_/__/_\_\/__/
#           |__/                                

* Definition of Not/ Negation

- Previous version implemented for Not

# __  __ _                _____        _       
#|  \/  (_)_ _  ___ _ _  |_   _|_ _ __| |__ ___
#| |\/| | | ' \/ _ \ '_|   | |/ _` (_-< / /(_-<
#|_|  |_|_|_||_\___/_|     |_|\__,_/__/_\_\/__/

*** White Listing for Sandboxes
- by an object

*** Summary of test cases

- merge test cases and use negative tests

*** Discuss the use cases of a Sandbox Constructor/ Sandbox Forall

- to produce \x.\y.C

*** Documentation and Webpage

*** replace all unnecessary checks by an debug check

*** make convenience contracts for all contracts using a constructor

# _____       _      
#|_   _|__ __| |_ ___
#  | |/ -_|_-<  _(_-<
#  |_|\___/__/\__/__/
*** Combination of Forall and Function Contracts

- Forall x.X->x *and* (Num->Num) ->  (Num->Num)

*** Test run time difference of new version

- Flag for predicate evaluation

*** Deactivate contracts

- for example: \x.e @ C->C -> deactivate 
- after return, all contracts on the input should be deactivated
- example from Lu; is there a use case

# ___         _                  ___     _               _             
#| __|__ __ _| |_ _  _ _ _ ___  | __|_ _| |_ ___ _ _  __(_)___ _ _  ___
#| _/ -_) _` |  _| || | '_/ -_) | _|\ \ /  _/ -_) ' \(_-< / _ \ ' \(_-<
#|_|\___\__,_|\__|\_,_|_| \___| |___/_\_\\__\___|_||_/__/_\___/_||_/__/
*** Lemma

- (cf. Haskell contracts)
- instead of asserting contracts to variables, defining a lemma with conditions.

*** Cast

- define a cast operator (C-D) v, that corresponds to ( \x.x @ C-D ) v
- is there a use case?

*** Subset Semantics

- define a relation C < D for contracts

*** Access Permission Contracts

- Include Access Contracts from JSConTest2

*** Temporal Contracts

- Specify the behavior of modules/functions in terms of temporal properties
- e.g. as a sequence of events,

- e.g. Access only allowed to property 'a' or property 'b', but not both at the same time
- e.g. A function is not allowed to be called again before it returns the from the first call

- e.g. access o.x; access o.y, return
- use temporal logic/ LTL
- use capabilities that allow to call a function
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