\title{Evaluate a Spline Basis}
Evaluate a predefined spline basis at given values.
\method{predict}{nsx}(object, newx, \dots)
\item{object}{the result of a call to \code{\link{nsx}} having attributes describing \code{knots},
\code{degree}, etc.}
\item{newx}{the \code{x} values at which evaluations are required.}
\item{\dots}{Optional additional arguments. At present no additional
arguments are used.}
An object just like \code{object}, except evaluated at the new values
of \code{x}.
These are methods for the generic function \code{\link{predict}} for
objects inheriting from classes \code{"nsx"}. See
\code{\link{predict}} for the general behavior of this function.
basis <- nsx(women$height, df = 5)
newX <- seq(58, 72, length.out = 51)
# evaluate the basis at the new data
predict(basis, newX)