# Expression Atlas Heatmap Visualization of baseline, proteomics baseline and differential gene expression experiments for [Expression Atlas](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa). It has four basic visualizations: * Multiexperiment: collapses several baseline tissue experiments into a single table * Baseline: displays a single RNA-seq baseline expression experiment * Proteomics baseline: displays a single proteomics baseline expression experiment * Differential: displays a single differential expression experiment Visualizations optionally include, where available, an anatomogram to the left of the table. ## Atlas Widget The heatmap can be included as a widget in your website. [Demo](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/resources/test/widget/showcase/index.html) ### What you need You must add the following to your environment: ``` ``` If you already use your own flavour of Bootstrap, then you can remove the styles link tags and the widget will integrate smoothly in your environment. Are you targetting ES5, IE11 or Safari? Include these polyfills for babel-polyfill and whatwg-fetch: ``` ``` Then include our widget and the vendor bundle: ``` ``` ### Invoking the widget You need to call the render method on the exposed global variable: ``` expressionAtlasHeatmapHighcharts.render({ query: { gene: "ASPM" }, isMultiExperiment: true, target: "heatmapContainer" }); ``` [Lots of examples](https://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/resources/test/widget/showcase/index.html) Tell us about any problems by raising an issue in this repository. ## Building from source ``` npm install expression-atlas-heatmap-highcharts --save ``` You can use it as a React component: ``` import ExpressionAtlasHeatmap from 'expression-atlas-heatmap-highcharts' ... ReactDom.render(, 'id-of-dom-element') ``` Or mount it on a DOM node if you’re not using the React framework: ``` import {render as expressionAtlasHeatmapRender} from 'expression-atlas-heatmap-highcharts' ... expressionAtlasHeatmapRender({...}) ``` For all the options available visit the [examples showcase](http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/resources/test/widget/showcase/index.html). ##### Notes for developers `imports-loader`, although not strictly needed, is necessary to build the `anatomogram` package and therefore it is included in `devDependencies`. The authoritative docs are the code itself, here is the main function: [here](https://github.com/gxa/atlas-heatmap/blob/master/src/Main.js) #### Licence Apache 2.0. When including the widget on your website, please keep the attribution footer linking to the results in Expression Atlas.