Raw File
\title{Create Colour-Valued Pixel Image}
  Creates an object of
  class \code{"im"} representing a two-dimensional pixel image
  whose pixel values are colours.
  rgbim(R, G, B, A, maxColorValue=255, autoscale=FALSE)
  hsvim(H, S, V, A, autoscale=FALSE)
    Pixel images (objects of class \code{"im"}) or constants
    giving the red, green, and blue components of a colour, respectively.
    Optional. Pixel image or constant value
    giving the alpha (transparency) component of a colour.
    Maximum colour channel value for \code{R,G,B,A}.
    Pixel images (objects of class \code{"im"}) or constants
    giving the hue, saturation, and value components of
    a colour, respectively.
    Logical. If \code{TRUE}, input values are automatically rescaled
    to fit the permitted range. RGB values are scaled to lie between
    0 and \code{maxColorValue}. HSV values are scaled to lie between 0
    and 1.
  These functions take three pixel images, with real or integer pixel values,
  and create a single pixel image whose pixel values are colours
  recognisable to \R.

  Some of the arguments may be constant numeric values, but
  at least one of the arguments must be a pixel image.
  The image arguments should be compatible (in array dimension
  and in spatial position).

  \code{rgbim} calls \code{\link{rgb}} to compute the colours,
  while \code{hsvim} calls \code{\link{hsv}}. See the help for the relevant
  function for more information about the meaning of the colour

  See \code{\link[spatstat:colourtools]{colourtools}}
  for additional colour tools.
    op <- spatstat.options(npixel=32)
  # create three images with values in [0,1]
  X <- setcov(owin())
  X <- eval.im(pmin(1,X))
  M <- Window(X)
  Y <- as.im(function(x,y){(x+1)/2}, W=M)
  Z <- as.im(function(x,y){(y+1)/2}, W=M)
  RGB <- rgbim(X, Y, Z, maxColorValue=1)
  HSV <- hsvim(X, Y, Z)
  plot(RGB, valuesAreColours=TRUE)
  plot(HSV, valuesAreColours=TRUE)
  and \rolf
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