# source("RFtest.Cond.Simu.R") if (file.exists("source.R")) source("source.R") ## normal checking #nn <- c(10,1); step <- 1; #graphics.off(); X11(); X11(); ## light; for automatic checking nn <- c(1,3); step <- 1 p <- 1:7 ## step, p, x must be chosen such that all the x <- seq(0,7,step) ## point given by p are in x !! dims <- c(2:1) ## for 3d: ## dims <- 3; p <- (0:3)*2+1; zlim <- c(-2.6,2.6) colour <- rainbow(100) param <- c(0,1,0,1) model <- "exponential" RFparameters(PracticalRange=FALSE) total <- 0; ## total error add.given <- list(NULL,rbind(c(1.1,3.1,3.7),c(2.7,2.9,2.5))) ## null: grid, ## arbitrary otherwise add <- list(NULL,rbind(c(2.1,2.1,5.3),c(3.7,4.9,4.1))) ## null: grid krige.meth <- c("O", "S") debug <- FALSE #debug <- TRUE if (debug) { ## not for the public add.given <- list(rbind(c(1.1,3.1,3.7),c(2.7,2.9,2.5)))#NULL) add <- list(rbind(c(2.1,2.1,5.3),c(3.7,4.9,4.1))) nn <- 10 dims <- 1 meth <- "O" } for (krige.method in krige.meth) { for (dimension in dims) { for (n in nn) { for (add.points in add) { for (add.given.points in add.given) { cat("given=",length(add.given.points), " add=",length(add.points), " n=",n, " dim=",dimension, " krige.method=",krige.method ) nugget <- max(0,runif(1,-1,1)) switch(dimension, { # 1 dim points <- c(p,add.given.points[,1]) xp <- c(x,add.points[,1]) index <- apply(as.matrix(p), 1, function(k) (1:length(x))[abs(k-x)<0.0001]) },{ #2 d pp <- as.matrix(expand.grid(p,p)) points <- rbind(pp, add.given.points[,c(1,2)]) xx <- rbind(as.matrix(expand.grid(x,x)), add.points[,c(1,2)]) if (is.null(add.points)) { xp <- cbind(x,x) } else { xp <- xx } index <- apply(pp, 1, function(k) (1:nrow(xx))[apply(abs(k-t(xx)),2, sum)<0.0001]) },{ # 3 d pp <- as.matrix(expand.grid(p,p,p)) points <- rbind(pp, add.given.points) xx <- rbind(as.matrix(expand.grid(x,x,x)), add.points) if (is.null(add.points)) { xp <- cbind(x,x,x) } else { xp <- xx } index <- apply(pp, 1, function(k) (1:nrow(xx))[apply(abs(k-t(xx)),2, sum)<0.0001]) } ) # switch ## cat(" generate and visualise spatial data\n") data <- GaussRF(points, grid=FALSE, model=model, param=param) ## conditional simulation cz <- CondSimu(krige.method=krige.method, x=xp, grid=is.null(add.points), model=model, param=c(0,1,0,1), given=points, data=data,n=n, err.model="nugget", err.param=c(0,0,nugget,0)) dev.set(2) indexsum <- 0; switch(dimension, { # 1d plot(p, data[1:length(p)], xlim=range(x), ylim=zlim) dev.set(3) for (i in 1:n) { if (n==1) y <- cz else y <- cz[,i] indexsum <- indexsum + sum(abs(y[index]-data[1:length(p)])) plot(xp, y, xlim=range(x), ylim=zlim) } }, { #2d image(p, p, xlim=range(x), ylim=range(x), matrix(data[1:(length(p)^2)],ncol=length(p)), col=colour,zlim=zlim) dev.set(3) for (i in 1:n) { if (n==1) zz <- matrix(cz[1:(length(x)^2)],ncol=length(x)) else if (is.null(add.points)) { zz <- cz[,,i] } else { zz <- matrix((cz[,i])[1:(length(x)^2)],ncol=length(x)) } indexsum <- indexsum + sum(abs(zz[index]-data[1:(length(p)^2)])) image(x,x,zz,col=colour,zlim=c(-2.6,2.6)) } }, { #3d for (i in 1:n) { if (n==1) zz <- cz[1:(length(x)^3)] else if (is.null(add.points)) { zz <- cz[,,,i] } else { zz <- (cz[,i])[1:(length(x)^3)] } indexsum <- indexsum + sum(abs(zz[index]-data[1:(length(p)^3)])) } }) cat(" li=",sum(is.finite(index))," error=",indexsum,"\n") if (nugget==0) total <- total + indexsum } } } } } cat("total error=",total,"\n")