# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: http://julialang.org/license # Support for @fastmath # This module provides versions of math functions that may violate # strict IEEE semantics. # This allows the following transformations: # nnan: No NaNs - Allow optimizations to assume the arguments and # result are not NaN. Such optimizations are required to retain # defined behavior over NaNs, but the value of the result is # undefined. # ninf: No Infs - Allow optimizations to assume the arguments and # result are not +/-Inf. Such optimizations are required to # retain defined behavior over +/-Inf, but the value of the # result is undefined. # nsz: No Signed Zeros - Allow optimizations to treat the sign of a # zero argument or result as insignificant. # arcp: Allow Reciprocal - Allow optimizations to use the reciprocal # of an argument rather than perform division. module FastMath export @fastmath import Core.Intrinsics: box, unbox, powi_llvm, sqrt_llvm_fast const fast_op = Dict(# basic arithmetic :+ => :add_fast, :- => :sub_fast, :* => :mul_fast, :/ => :div_fast, :(==) => :eq_fast, :!= => :ne_fast, :< => :lt_fast, :<= => :le_fast, :abs => :abs_fast, :abs2 => :abs2_fast, :cmp => :cmp_fast, :conj => :conj_fast, :inv => :inv_fast, :mod => :mod_fast, :rem => :rem_fast, :sign => :sign_fast, :isfinite => :isfinite_fast, :isinf => :isinf_fast, :isnan => :isnan_fast, :issubnormal => :issubnormal_fast, # math functions :^ => :pow_fast, :acos => :acos_fast, :acosh => :acosh_fast, :angle => :angle_fast, :asin => :asin_fast, :asinh => :asinh_fast, :atan => :atan_fast, :atan2 => :atan2_fast, :atanh => :atanh_fast, :cbrt => :cbrt_fast, :cis => :cis_fast, :cos => :cos_fast, :cosh => :cosh_fast, :exp10 => :exp10_fast, :exp2 => :exp2_fast, :exp => :exp_fast, :expm1 => :expm1_fast, :hypot => :hypot_fast, :lgamma => :lgamma_fast, :log10 => :log10_fast, :log1p => :log1p_fast, :log2 => :log2_fast, :log => :log_fast, :max => :max_fast, :min => :min_fast, :minmax => :minmax_fast, :sin => :sin_fast, :sinh => :sinh_fast, :sqrt => :sqrt_fast, :tan => :tan_fast, :tanh => :tanh_fast) const rewrite_op = Dict(:+= => :+, :-= => :-, :*= => :*, :/= => :/, :^= => :^) function make_fastmath(expr::Expr) if expr.head === :quote return expr end op = get(rewrite_op, expr.head, :nothing) if op !== :nothing var = expr.args[1] rhs = expr.args[2] if isa(var, Symbol) # simple assignment expr = :($var = $op($var, $rhs)) elseif isa(var, Expr) && var.head === :ref # array reference arr = var.args[1] inds = tuple(var.args[2:end]...) arrvar = gensym() indvars = tuple([gensym() for i in inds]...) expr = quote $(Expr(:(=), arrvar, arr)) $(Expr(:(=), Expr(:tuple, indvars...), Expr(:tuple, inds...))) $arrvar[$(indvars...)] = $op($arrvar[$(indvars...)], $rhs) end end end Expr(make_fastmath(expr.head), map(make_fastmath, expr.args)...) end function make_fastmath(symb::Symbol) fast_symb = get(fast_op, symb, :nothing) if fast_symb === :nothing return symb end :(Base.FastMath.$fast_symb) end make_fastmath(expr) = expr macro fastmath(expr) make_fastmath(esc(expr)) end # Basic arithmetic FloatTypes = Union{Float32, Float64} sub_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T) = box(T,Base.neg_float_fast(unbox(T,x))) add_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = box(T,Base.add_float_fast(unbox(T,x), unbox(T,y))) sub_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = box(T,Base.sub_float_fast(unbox(T,x), unbox(T,y))) mul_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = box(T,Base.mul_float_fast(unbox(T,x), unbox(T,y))) div_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = box(T,Base.div_float_fast(unbox(T,x), unbox(T,y))) rem_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = box(T,Base.rem_float_fast(unbox(T,x), unbox(T,y))) add_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T, zs::T...) = add_fast(add_fast(x, y), zs...) mul_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T, zs::T...) = mul_fast(mul_fast(x, y), zs...) @fastmath begin cmp_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = ifelse(x==y, 0, ifelse(x 0) $ (y > 0), r+y, r) end end eq_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = Base.eq_float_fast(unbox(T,x),unbox(T,y)) ne_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = Base.ne_float_fast(unbox(T,x),unbox(T,y)) lt_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = Base.lt_float_fast(unbox(T,x),unbox(T,y)) le_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = Base.le_float_fast(unbox(T,x),unbox(T,y)) isinf_fast(x) = false isfinite_fast(x) = true isnan_fast(x) = false issubnormal_fast(x) = false # complex numbers ComplexTypes = Union{Complex64, Complex128} @fastmath begin abs_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = hypot(real(x), imag(x)) abs2_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = real(x)*real(x) + imag(x)*imag(x) conj_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = T(real(x), -imag(x)) inv_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = conj(x) / abs2(x) sign_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = x == 0 ? float(zero(x)) : x/abs(x) add_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = T(real(x)+real(y), imag(x)+imag(y)) add_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, b::T) = Complex{T}(real(x)+b, imag(x)) add_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(a::T, y::Complex{T}) = Complex{T}(a+real(y), imag(y)) sub_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = T(real(x)-real(y), imag(x)-imag(y)) sub_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, b::T) = Complex{T}(real(x)-b, imag(x)) sub_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(a::T, y::Complex{T}) = Complex{T}(a-real(y), -imag(y)) mul_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = T(real(x)*real(y) - imag(x)*imag(y), real(x)*imag(y) + imag(x)*real(y)) mul_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, b::T) = Complex{T}(real(x)*b, imag(x)*b) mul_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(a::T, y::Complex{T}) = Complex{T}(a*real(y), a*imag(y)) div_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = T(real(x)*real(y) + imag(x)*imag(y), imag(x)*real(y) - real(x)*imag(y)) / abs2(y) div_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, b::T) = Complex{T}(real(x)/b, imag(x)/b) div_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(a::T, y::Complex{T}) = Complex{T}(a*real(y), -a*imag(y)) / abs2(y) eq_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = (real(x)==real(y)) & (imag(x)==imag(y)) eq_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, b::T) = (real(x)==b) & (imag(x)==T(0)) eq_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(a::T, y::Complex{T}) = (a==real(y)) & (T(0)==imag(y)) ne_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = !(x==y) end # fall-back implementations and type promotion for op in (:abs, :abs2, :conj, :inv, :sign) op_fast = fast_op[op] @eval begin # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types $op_fast(xs...) = $op(xs...) end end for op in (:+, :-, :*, :/, :(==), :!=, :<, :<=, :cmp, :mod, :rem) op_fast = fast_op[op] @eval begin # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types $op_fast(xs...) = $op(xs...) # type promotion $op_fast(x::Number, y::Number, zs::Number...) = $op_fast(promote(x,y,zs...)...) # fall-back implementation that applies after promotion $op_fast{T<:Number}(x::T,ys::T...) = $op(x,ys...) end end # Math functions # builtins pow_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::Integer) = pow_fast(x, Int32(y)) pow_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::Int32) = box(T, Base.powi_llvm(unbox(T,x), unbox(Int32,y))) # TODO: Change sqrt_llvm intrinsic to avoid nan checking; add nan # checking to sqrt in math.jl; remove sqrt_llvm_fast intrinsic sqrt_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T) = box(T, Base.sqrt_llvm_fast(unbox(T,x))) # libm const libm = Base.libm_name for f in (:acos, :acosh, :asin, :asinh, :atan, :atanh, :cbrt, :cos, :cosh, :exp2, :exp, :expm1, :lgamma, :log10, :log1p, :log2, :log, :sin, :sinh, :tan, :tanh) f_fast = fast_op[f] @eval begin $f_fast(x::Float32) = ccall(($(string(f,"f")),libm), Float32, (Float32,), x) $f_fast(x::Float64) = ccall(($(string(f)),libm), Float64, (Float64,), x) end end pow_fast(x::Float32, y::Float32) = ccall(("powf",libm), Float32, (Float32,Float32), x, y) pow_fast(x::Float64, y::Float64) = ccall(("pow",libm), Float64, (Float64,Float64), x, y) atan2_fast(x::Float32, y::Float32) = ccall(("atan2f",libm), Float32, (Float32,Float32), x, y) atan2_fast(x::Float64, y::Float64) = ccall(("atan2",libm), Float64, (Float64,Float64), x, y) # explicit implementations @fastmath begin exp10_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T) = exp2(log2(T(10))*x) exp10_fast(x::Integer) = exp10(float(x)) hypot_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = sqrt(x*x + y*y) # Note: we use the same comparison for min, max, and minmax, so # that the compiler can convert between them max_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = ifelse(y > x, y, x) min_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = ifelse(y > x, x, y) minmax_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::T) = ifelse(y > x, (x,y), (y,x)) # complex numbers cis_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T) = Complex{T}(cos(x), sin(x)) # See pow_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T, y::T) = exp(y*log(x)) pow_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::T, y::Complex{T}) = exp(y*log(x)) pow_fast{T<:FloatTypes}(x::Complex{T}, y::T) = exp(y*log(x)) acos_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = convert(T,π)/2 + im*log(im*x + sqrt(1-x*x)) acosh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = log(x + sqrt(x+1) * sqrt(x-1)) angle_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = atan2(imag(x), real(x)) asin_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = -im*asinh(im*x) asinh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = log(x + sqrt(1+x*x)) atan_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = -im*atanh(im*x) atanh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = convert(T,1)/2*(log(1+x) - log(1-x)) cis_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = exp(-imag(x)) * cis(real(x)) cos_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = cosh(im*x) cosh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = convert(T,1)/2*(exp(x) + exp(-x)) exp10_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = exp10(real(x)) * cis(imag(x)*log(convert(T,10))) exp2_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = exp2(real(x)) * cis(imag(x)*log(convert(T,2))) exp_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = exp(real(x)) * cis(imag(x)) expm1_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = exp(x)-1 log10_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = log(x) / log(convert(T,10)) log1p_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = log(1+x) log2_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = log(x) / log(convert(T,2)) log_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = T(log(abs2(x))/2, angle(x)) sin_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = -im*sinh(im*x) sinh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = convert(T,1)/2*(exp(x) - exp(-x)) sqrt_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = sqrt(abs(x)) * cis(angle(x)/2) tan_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = -im*tanh(im*x) tanh_fast{T<:ComplexTypes}(x::T) = (a=exp(x); b=exp(-x); (a-b)/(a+b)) end # fall-back implementations and type promotion for f in (:acos, :acosh, :angle, :asin, :asinh, :atan, :atanh, :cbrt, :cis, :cos, :cosh, :exp10, :exp2, :exp, :expm1, :lgamma, :log10, :log1p, :log2, :log, :sin, :sinh, :sqrt, :tan, :tanh) f_fast = fast_op[f] @eval begin $f_fast(x) = $f(x) @vectorize_1arg Number $f_fast end end for f in (:^, :atan2, :hypot, :max, :min, :minmax) f_fast = fast_op[f] @eval begin # fall-back implementation for non-numeric types $f_fast(x, y) = $f(x, y) # type promotion $f_fast(x::Number, y::Number) = $f_fast(promote(x, y)...) # fall-back implementation that applies after promotion $f_fast{T<:Number}(x::T, y::T) = $f(x, y) @vectorize_2arg Number $f_fast end end end