import numpy from ..src._helper import helper#, helper1 def _init__cpu(self): """ Constructor. :param None: :type None: Python NoneType :return: NUFFT: the pynufft_hsa.NUFFT instance :rtype: NUFFT: the pynufft_hsa.NUFFT class :Example: >>> from pynufft import NUFFT >>> NufftObj = NUFFT() """ self.dtype = numpy.complex64 # : initial value: numpy.complex64 self.debug = 0 #: initial value: 0 self.Nd = () # : initial value: () self.Kd = () # : initial value: () self.Jd = () #: initial value: () self.ndims = 0 # : initial value: 0 self.ft_axes = () # : initial value: () self.batch = None # : initial value: None pass def _plan_cpu(self, om, Nd, Kd, Jd, ft_axes=None): """ Plan the NUFFT object with the geometry provided. :param om: The M off-grid locates in the frequency domain, which is normalized between [-pi, pi] :param Nd: The matrix size of the equispaced image. Example: Nd=(256,256) for a 2D image; Nd = (128,128,128) for a 3D image :param Kd: The matrix size of the oversampled frequency grid. Example: Kd=(512,512) for 2D image; Kd = (256,256,256) for a 3D image :param Jd: The interpolator size. Example: Jd=(6,6) for 2D image; Jd = (6,6,6) for a 3D image :param ft_axes: (Optional) The axes for Fourier transform. The default is all axes if 'None' is given. :param batch: (Optional) Batch mode. If the batch is provided, the last appended axis is the number of identical NUFFT to be transformed. The default is 'None'. :type om: numpy.float array, matrix size = M * ndims :type Nd: tuple, ndims integer elements. :type Kd: tuple, ndims integer elements. :type Jd: tuple, ndims integer elements. :type ft_axes: None, or tuple with optional integer elements. :returns: 0 :rtype: int, float :ivar Nd: initial value: Nd :ivar Kd: initial value: Kd :ivar Jd: initial value: Jd :ivar ft_axes: initial value: None :Example: >>> from pynufft import NUFFT >>> NufftObj = NUFFT() >>> NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd) or >>> NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd, ft_axes) """ self.ndims = len(Nd) # : initial value: len(Nd) if ft_axes is None: ft_axes = range(0, self.ndims) self.ft_axes = ft_axes # default: all axes (range(0, self.ndims) = helper.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd, ft_axes=ft_axes, format='CSR') self.Nd =['Nd'] # backup self.Kd =['Kd'] # backup = numpy.asarray(['sn'].astype(self.dtype), order='C') # if batch is None: # single-coil self.parallel_flag = 0 self.batch = 1 # else: # multi-coil # self.parallel_flag = 1 # self.batch = batch # if self.parallel_flag is 1: # self.multi_Nd = self.Nd + (self.batch, ) # self.uni_Nd = self.Nd + (1, ) # self.multi_Kd = self.Kd + (self.batch, ) # self.multi_M = (['M'], ) + (self.batch, ) # self.multi_prodKd = (, self.batch) # = numpy.reshape(, self.Nd + (1,)) # elif self.parallel_flag is 0: self.Nd = self.Nd # + (self.Reps, ) self.Nd = self.Nd self.Kd = self.Kd # + (self.Reps, ) self.M = (['M'], ) self.prodKd = (, ) # Calculate the density compensation function self.sp =['p'].copy().tocsr() self.spH = (['p'].getH().copy()).tocsr() self.Kdprod = numpy.int32(['Kd'])) self.Jdprod = numpy.int32(['Jd'])) del['p'],['sn'] self.NdCPUorder, self.KdCPUorder, self.nelem = helper.preindex_copy(['Nd'],['Kd']) # self.volume = {} # self.volume['cpu_coil_profile'] = numpy.ones(self.multi_Nd) return 0 def _precompute_sp_cpu(self): """ Private: Precompute adjoint (gridding) and Toepitz interpolation matrix. :param None: :type None: Python Nonetype :return: self: instance """ try: W0 = numpy.ones((['M'],), dtype=numpy.complex64) W = self.xx2k(self.adjoint(W0)) self.W = (W*W.conj())**0.5 del W0 del W except: print("errors occur in self.precompute_sp()") raise def _solve_cpu(self, y, solver=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Solve NUFFT. :param y: data, numpy.complex64. The shape = (M,) or (M, batch) :param solver: 'cg', 'L1TVOLS', 'lsmr', 'lsqr', 'dc', 'bicg', 'bicgstab', 'cg', 'gmres','lgmres' :param maxiter: the number of iterations :type y: numpy array, dtype = numpy.complex64 :type solver: string :type maxiter: int :return: numpy array with size. The shape = Nd ('L1TVOLS') or Nd ('lsmr', 'lsqr', 'dc','bicg','bicgstab','cg', 'gmres','lgmres') """ from ..linalg.solve_cpu import solve x2 = solve(self, y, solver, *args, **kwargs) return x2 # solve(self, y, solver, *args, **kwargs) def _forward_cpu(self, x): """ Forward NUFFT on CPU :param x: The input numpy array, with the size of Nd :type: numpy array with the dtype of numpy.complex64 :return: y: The output numpy array, with the size of (M,) :rtype: numpy array with the dtype of numpy.complex64 """ y = self._k2y_cpu(self._xx2k_cpu(self._x2xx_cpu(x))) return y def _adjoint_cpu(self, y): """ Adjoint NUFFT on CPU :param y: The input numpy array, with the size of (M,) :type: numpy array with the dtype of numpy.complex64 :return: x: The output numpy array, with the size of Nd or Nd :rtype: numpy array with the dtype of numpy.complex64 """ x = self._xx2x_cpu(self._k2xx_cpu(self._y2k_cpu(y))) return x def _selfadjoint_one2many2one_cpu_deprecated(self, x): y2 = self._forward_one2many_cpu(x) x2 = self._adjoint_many2one_cpu(y2) del y2 return x2 def _selfadjoint_cpu(self, x): """ selfadjoint NUFFT on CPU :param x: The input numpy array, with size=Nd :type: numpy array with dtype =numpy.complex64 :return: x: The output numpy array, with size=Nd :rtype: numpy array with dtype =numpy.complex64 """ # x2 = self.adjoint(self.forward(x)) x2 = self._xx2x_cpu(self._k2xx_cpu(self._k2y2k_cpu(self._xx2k_cpu(self._x2xx_cpu(x))))) return x2 def _selfadjoint2_cpu(self, x): try: x2 = self._k2xx_cpu(self.W * self._xx2k_cpu(x)) except: self._precompute_sp_cpu() x2 = self._k2xx_cpu(self.W * self._xx2k_cpu(x)) return x2 def _x2xx_cpu(self, x): """ Private: Scaling on CPU Inplace multiplication of self.x_Nd by the scaling factor """ xx = x * return xx def _xx2k_cpu(self, xx): """ Private: oversampled FFT on CPU Firstly, zeroing the self.k_Kd array Second, copy self.x_Nd array to self.k_Kd array by cSelect Third, inplace FFT """ output_x = numpy.zeros(self.Kd, dtype=self.dtype, order='C') for bat in range(0, self.batch): output_x.ravel()[self.KdCPUorder * self.batch + bat] = xx.ravel()[ self.NdCPUorder * self.batch + bat] k = numpy.fft.fftn(output_x, axes=self.ft_axes) return k def _xx2k_one2one_cpu(self, xx): """ Private: oversampled FFT on CPU First, zeroing the self.k_Kd array Second, copy self.x_Nd array to self.k_Kd array by cSelect Third, inplace FFT """ output_x = numpy.zeros(['Kd'], dtype=self.dtype, order='C') # for bat in range(0, self.batch): output_x.ravel()[self.KdCPUorder] = xx.ravel()[self.NdCPUorder] k = numpy.fft.fftn(output_x, axes=self.ft_axes) return k def _k2vec_cpu(self, k): k_vec = numpy.reshape(k, self.prodKd, order='C') return k_vec def _vec2y_cpu(self, k_vec): ''' gridding: ''' y = # y =['ell'].spmv(k_vec) return y def _k2y_cpu(self, k): """ Private: interpolation by the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication """ y = self._vec2y_cpu(self._k2vec_cpu(k)) # numpy.reshape(['p'].dot(Xk), (['M'], ), order='F') return y def _y2vec_cpu(self, y): ''' regridding non-uniform data (unsorted vector) ''' # k_vec =['p'].getH().dot(y) k_vec = # k_vec =['ell'].spmvH(y) return k_vec def _vec2k_cpu(self, k_vec): ''' Sorting the vector to k-spectrum Kd array ''' k = numpy.reshape(k_vec, self.Kd, order='C') return k def _y2k_cpu(self, y): """ Private: gridding by the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication """ k_vec = self._y2vec_cpu(y) k = self._vec2k_cpu(k_vec) return k def _k2xx_cpu(self, k): """ Private: the inverse FFT and image cropping (which is the reverse of _xx2k() method) """ # dd = numpy.size(self.Kd) k = numpy.fft.ifftn(k, axes=self.ft_axes) xx = numpy.zeros(self.Nd, dtype=self.dtype, order='C') for bat in range(0, self.batch): xx.ravel()[self.NdCPUorder * self.batch + bat] = k.ravel()[ self.KdCPUorder * self.batch + bat] # xx = xx[crop_slice_ind(self.Nd)] return xx def _k2xx_one2one_cpu(self, k): """ Private: the inverse FFT and image cropping (which is the reverse of _xx2k() method) """ # dd = numpy.size(self.Kd) k = numpy.fft.ifftn(k, axes=self.ft_axes) xx = numpy.zeros(['Nd'], dtype=self.dtype, order='C') # for bat in range(0, self.batch): xx.ravel()[self.NdCPUorder] = k.ravel()[self.KdCPUorder] # xx = xx[crop_slice_ind(self.Nd)] return xx def _xx2x_cpu(self, xx): """ Private: rescaling, which is identical to the _x2xx() method """ x = self._x2xx_cpu(xx) return x def _k2y2k_cpu(self, k): """ Private: the integrated interpolation-gridding by the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication """ Xk = self._k2vec_cpu(k) k = self._y2vec_cpu(self._vec2y_cpu(Xk)) k = self._vec2k_cpu(k) return k ## host code def _forward_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) y = self._forward_device(gx).get() return y def _forward_legacy_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) y = self._forward_legacy(gx).get() return y def _adjoint_host(self, y): gy = self.to_device(y) gx = self._adjoint_device(gy) return gx.get() def _adjoint_legacy_host(self, y): gy = self.to_device(y) gx = self._adjoint_legacy(gy) return gx.get() def _selfadjoint_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) gx2 = self._selfadjoint_device(gx) return gx2.get() def _selfadjoint_legacy_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) gx2 = self._selfadjoint_legacy(gx) return gx2.get() def _solve_host(self, y, *args, **kwargs): gy = self.to_device(y) x = self._solve_device(gy, *args, **kwargs) return x.get() def _solve_legacy_host(self, y, *args, **kwargs): gy = self.to_device(y) x = self._solve_legacy(gy, *args, **kwargs) return x.get() def _xx2k_host(self, xx): gxx = self.to_device(xx) gk = self._xx2k_device(gxx) return gk.get() def _k2xx_host(self, k): gk = self.to_device(k) gxx = self._k2xx_device(gk) return gxx.get() def _x2xx_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) gxx = self._x2xx_device(gx) return gxx.get() def _xx2x_host(self, x): gx = self.to_device(x) gxx = self._xx2x_device(gx) return gxx.get() def _k2y_host(self, k): gk = self.to_device(k) gy = self._k2y_device(gk) return gy.get() def _y2k_host(self, y): gy = self.to_device(y) gk = self._y2k_device(gy) return gk.get() def _k2y_legacy_host(self, k): gk = self.to_device(k) gy = self._k2y_legacy(gk) return gy.get() def _y2k_legacy_host(self, y): gy = self.to_device(y) gk = self._y2k_legacy(gy) return gk.get()