%Coordinated Cortical Thickness alterations Across Mental Disorders: A Transdiagnostic ENIGMA Project
% Script 1: Loads ENIGMA summary statistics (Cohen's d maps), computes
% cross-disorder similarity and derives transdiagnostic Gradients
%This script runs analyses presented in Figure 2 of the manuscript.
%Meike Hettwer 2021 - CNG Lab
%% add Toolboxes and data paths
%load data
load('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/midbrain_vertices_fsa5.mat');%load useful info for conversion between atlases (note: extra midbrain - parcels when mapping from fsa5 to Desikan-Killiany are: 1 5 40)
%set paths
DataPath = '/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Mac_generated_data/';
ScriptPath = '/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Scripts_Fun/';
%% 1. Load Summary statistics Data
%If data uploaded on Github is used:
%If data is loaded individually from the ENIGMA Toolbox
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('schizophrenia')
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls;
CT_d_sz = CT.d_icv;
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('bipolar');
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls_adult;
CT_d_bipo = CT.d_icv;
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('asd');
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls_meta_analysis;
CT_d_asd = CT.d_icv;
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('adhd');
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls_adult;
CT_d_adhd = CT.d_icv;
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('depression');
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls_adult;
CT_d_mdd = CT.d_icv;
sum_stats = load_summary_stats('ocd');
CT = sum_stats.CortThick_case_vs_controls_adult;
CT_d_ocd = CT.d_icv;
%% Disorders: BD, SZC, ADHD, ASD, MDD, OCD
disorders = [CT_d_bipo, CT_d_adhd, CT_d_asd, CT_d_mdd, CT_d_ocd, CT_d_sz];
disorder_names = {'Bipolar Disorder'; 'ADHD'; 'ASD'; 'Depression'; 'OCD'; 'Schizophrenia'};
%% Compute Transdiagnostic Gradients (Figure 2)
% 1) derive cross-disorder correlation matrix
corr_dis = corr(disorders');
% 2) build/load gradients
gm = GradientMaps('kernel','na','approach','dm'); %in GradientMaps Script, set "sparsity" to 80 (due to low number of DK parcels)
gm = gm.fit(corr_dis);
psych_grad = gm.gradients{1};
%Figure 2A
handles = scree_plot(gm.lambda{1});set(handles.axes,'FontName','Gill Sans MT','FontSize',12,'XTick',[1 7],'YTick',[0 0.4],'YTickLabel',{'0','0.4'});
CT_psych_gradient1 = psych_grad(:,1);
CT_psych_gradient2 = psych_grad(:,2);
%alternatively, load pre-computed gradients from GitHub
%plot gradients to surface (without midbrain values) (*Figure 2B*)
plot_G1_no_midbrain = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient1);
plot_G1_no_midbrain(midbrain_verticesfsa5) = (max(plot_G1_no_midbrain)+min(plot_G1_no_midbrain))/2;
plot_G2_no_midbrain = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient2);
plot_G2_no_midbrain(midbrain_verticesfsa5) = (max(plot_G2_no_midbrain)+min(plot_G2_no_midbrain))/2;
figure, plot_cortical(plot_G1_no_midbrain);
figure, plot_cortical(plot_G2_no_midbrain);
%% Compare Gradients to Valk 2020 (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abb3417) normative structural covariance gradient of cortical thickness
%Figure 2C
%re-parcel both normative CT covariance gradients to DK space (via fsa5 surface)
Valk_G1_fsa5 = parcel_to_surface(Valk2020_CT_structural_covariance_gradient(:,1),'schaefer_400_fsa5');
Valk_G2_fsa5 = parcel_to_surface(Valk2020_CT_structural_covariance_gradient(:,2),'schaefer_400_fsa5');
Valk_G1_DK = surface_to_parcel(Valk_G1_fsa5)';
Valk_G2_DK = surface_to_parcel(Valk_G2_fsa5)';
Valk_G1_DK(midbrain_parcels) = [];%remove midbrain parcels for spin test
Valk_G2_DK(midbrain_parcels) = [];
%test association with principal CT gradient via spin test
r_G1_CT = corr(Valk_G1_DK,CT_psych_gradient1);
r_G2_CT = corr(Valk_G1_DK,CT_psych_gradient2);
[p_spin_G1] = spin_test(Valk_G1_DK,CT_psych_gradient1, 'surface_name', 'fsa5', 'parcellation_name', 'aparc', 'n_rot', 1000, 'type', 'pearson');
[p_spin_G2] = spin_test(Valk_G1_DK,CT_psych_gradient2, 'surface_name', 'fsa5', 'parcellation_name', 'aparc', 'n_rot', 1000, 'type', 'pearson');
%test association with second CT gradient via spin test
r_G1_CT2 = corr(Valk_G2_DK,CT_psych_gradient1);
r_G2_CT2 = corr(Valk_G2_DK,CT_psych_gradient2);
[p_spin_G1_2] = spin_test(Valk_G2_DK,CT_psych_gradient1, 'surface_name', 'fsa5', 'parcellation_name', 'aparc', 'n_rot', 1000, 'type', 'pearson');
[p_spin_G2_2] = spin_test(Valk_G2_DK,CT_psych_gradient2, 'surface_name', 'fsa5', 'parcellation_name', 'aparc', 'n_rot', 1000, 'type', 'pearson');
%for visualization, color in midbrain with intermediate color (white)
Valk_plot_G1_no_midbrain = parcel_to_surface(Valk_G1_DK);
figure; plot_cortical(Valk_plot_G1_no_midbrain)
%plot correlation between G1/G2 and CT gradient (*Figure 2C*)
Trans_Gradients = [CT_psych_gradient1 CT_psych_gradient2];
col = [0 0 0];
for j = 1:2
axs = subplot(1, 2, j); hold on
s = scatter(Valk_G1_DK, Trans_Gradients(:,j), 38, col, 'filled');
P1 = polyfit(Valk_G1_DK, Trans_Gradients(:,j), 1);
yfit_1 = P1(1) * Valk_G1_DK + P1(2);
hold on
col_line = [0.66 0.13 0.11];%[53.3/255 0 0]
plot(Valk_G1_DK, yfit_1, 'color',col_line, 'LineWidth', 3);
ylim([min(Trans_Gradients(:,j))-0.01 max(Trans_Gradients(:,j))+0.01]);
xlim([min(Valk_G1_DK)-0.01 max(Valk_G1_DK)+0.01]);
axis square
%% Contextualize Gradients with cytoarchitectonic classes (von Economo Koskinas; see https://www.karger.com/Article/Abstract/103258 or https://enigma-toolbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/11.02.voneconomo/index.html)
%Figure 2D
%stratify gradients according to cytoarchitectonic classes
ve = dlmread('economo_koskinas_fsa5.csv'); %original order: {'Agranular', 'Frontal', 'Parietal', 'Polar', 'Granular'}
ve_class = zeros(5, 1);
surf_G1 = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient1);
surf_G2 = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient2);
class_meanG1 = nan(1,5);
class_meanG2 = nan(1,5);
for ii = 1:5
id = find(ve == ii);
class_meanG1(ii) = mode(surf_G1(id));
class_meanG2(ii) = mode(surf_G2(id));
classes_spider = [class_meanG1; class_meanG2];
%Reorder for better visualization
classes_spider_reordered(:,1:4) = classes_spider(:,2:5);
classes_spider_reordered(:,5) = classes_spider(:,1);
vek_reordered = {'Frontal','Parietal', 'Polar', 'Granular','Agranular'};
AxesLim = [- 0.1 -0.1; 0.15 0.15];
spider_plot(classes_spider_reordered, 'AxesLabels', vek_reordered,'AxesLabelsEdge', 'none','AxesLimits', [-0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26 -0.26; 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26],'AxesPrecision',2,...
'AxesDisplay','one','AxesInterval',5, 'Color', [124, 30, 43;107 142 35; 1 0 1 ]/255,...
'AxesFont', 'Gill Sans MT','LabelFont', 'Gill Sans MT','AxesFontSize', 12, 'LabelFontSize', 15);
legend_str = {'G1', 'G2'};legend(legend_str, 'Location', 'northeast'); legend boxoff
%% Identify genes whose expression pattern follows G1 / G2.
% Identified genes were then fed into the CSEA tool for developmental enrichment analyses (http://genetics.wustl.edu/jdlab/csea-tool-2/)
% Fetch gene expression data
genes = fetch_ahba();
% Obtain region labels
reglabels = genes.label;
% Obtain gene labels
genelabels = genes.Properties.VariableNames(2:end);
%test association and correct via FDR correction
[r p] = corr(CT_psych_gradient1,table2array(genes(1:68,2:end)),'rows','complete'); %1:68 = only cortical parcellations (69:82 = subcortical); 2:end = all genes
% [r p] = corr(CT_psych_gradient2,table2array(genes(1:68,2:end)),'rows','complete'); %1:68 only cortical parcellations (69:82 = subcortical); 2:end = all genes
h = fdr_bh(p(1,:),0.001);
genes_grad= genelabels(find(h==1))' %find genes that survive fdr correction (H=1)
genes_r = r(find(h==1))';
genes_p = p(find(h==1))';
%store all correlating genes in one table
genes_table = array2table(genes_grad);genes_table(:,2) = array2table(genes_r);genes_table(:,3) =array2table(genes_p);
genes_table.Properties.VariableNames = {'label', 'r', 'p'};
% check genes separately for positively vs negatively correlating
%genes. Positive correlation = overexpressed in prefrontal region.
%Negative = overexpressed in temporal regions.
genes_grad_pos= genelabels(intersect(find(h==1),find(r(1,:)>0)))' %find genes that survive fdr correction (H=1), only for positive correlations r>0
genes_grad_neg = genelabels(intersect(find(h==1),find(r(1,:)<0)))'
%% Neurosynth functional decoding (Figure 2E)
%Functional Neurosynth decoding
cd /Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/neurosynth_z_values;
BH = {'action_association-test_z_lh.shape.gii'
LH_ind = find(endsWith(BH, 'lh.shape.gii'));
LH = BH(LH_ind);
RH_ind = find(endsWith(BH, 'rh.shape.gii'));
RH = BH(RH_ind);
%%reparcel gradients and neurosynth data to same space (71 parcels), since
%%our Conte69 to DK converision csv file describes the 71 (instead of the
%%68) parcel version
Grad1_surf = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient1,'aparc_conte69');
Grad1 = surface_to_parcel(Grad1_surf, 'aparc_conte69');
Grad_surf2 = parcel_to_surface(CT_psych_gradient2,'aparc_conte69');
Grad2 = surface_to_parcel(Grad_surf2, 'aparc_conte69');
surf =load_conte69('surfaces');
%% bin neurosynth data
tmp = nan(24,20);
for j = 1:24
L = gifti(strcat('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/neurosynth_z_values/', LH{j}));
R = gifti(strcat('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/neurosynth_z_values/', RH{j}));
funcmap= [L.cdata;R.cdata];
%bins1 = [];
bins1 = quantileranks(Grad1,20); %Grad1 binned into 1:20 bins and allocated to 71 DK parcels
grad_fc = zeros(1,64984);
for i = 1:71
a = i-1; %because parcels are numbered from 0 to 70 and not 1 to 71 (due to previous Python indexing); bins from 1:20
grad_fc(:,aparc_conte69==a) = bins1(i);
for i = 1:20
tmp(j,i) = mean(funcmap(grad_fc==i)); %size: 24 x 20
%zscore binned functional map
Grad1_binned = nan(1,20);
for i = 1:20
Grad1_binned(i) = mean(Grad1(bins1==i));
tmpz2= zscore(tmp,[],2);
tmpz22 = tmpz2;
tmpz2(tmpz2<0.5) = nan;
weighted_mean = nanmean(tmpz2.*(Grad1_binned),2);
[~,b,c] = unique(weighted_mean);
tmp2 = nan(24,20);
grd_binned = nan(1,20);
for j = 1:24
L = gifti(strcat('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/neurosynth_z_values/', LH{j}));
R = gifti(strcat('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/ENIGMA_Cross_Disorder_Gradients/Data/neurosynth_z_values/', RH{j}));
funcmap= [L.cdata;R.cdata];
% bins1 = [];
bins1 = quantileranks(Grad2,20);
grad_fc = zeros(1,64984);
for i = 1:71
a = i-1;
grad_fc(:,find(aparc_conte69==a)) = bins1(i);
for i = 1:20
tmp2(j,i) = mean(funcmap(find(grad_fc==i)));
for i = 1:20
grd_binned(i) = mean(Grad2(bins1==i));
tmpz= zscore(tmp2,[],2);
tmpzz = tmpz;
tmpz(tmpz<0.5) = nan;
weighted_mean = nanmean(tmpz.*(grd_binned),2);
[~,d,e] = unique(weighted_mean);
for i = 1:24
words{j} = LH{j};
worrs3{j} = words{j}(1:end-32);
words_final{j} = strrep(worrs3{j},'_',' ');
wrd{j} = num2str(j);
eucd= sqrt(c.^2+d.^2);
%% color coding
% col = [0 0 0];
BBgrad1 = CT_psych_gradient1;
BBgrad2 = CT_psych_gradient2;
g = load('/Users/m.hettwer/Documents/MATLAB/Toolbox/cbrewer/cbrewer/cbrewer/colorbrewer.mat');
colorbrewer = g.colorbrewer;
G1peak = max(BBgrad1);
G2min = min(BBgrad2);
G2max = max(BBgrad2);
colourness = nan(68,3);
for ii = 1:length(BBgrad1)
if BBgrad1(ii) > 0
colourness(ii,2) = 1 - (G1peak - BBgrad1(ii));
colourness(ii,2) = 1 - (G1peak + abs(BBgrad1(ii)));
if BBgrad2(ii) > 0
colourness(ii,1) = 1 - (G2max- BBgrad2(ii));
colourness(ii,3) = 1 - (abs(G2min) + BBgrad2(ii));
colourness(ii,1) = 1 - (G2max + abs(BBgrad2(ii)));
colourness(ii,3) = 1 - (abs(G2min) - abs(BBgrad2(ii)));
% rescale colorbar
colourness_rescale = nan(68,3);
colourness_vertices = nan(64984,3);
for col = 1:3
colourness_rescale(:,col) = rescale(colourness(:,col), 0, 1);
%compute densities for density plot next to scatters
[x, y] = ksdensity(BBgrad1);
y2(1,:) = x; x2(1,:) = y;
[y2(2,:), x2(2,:)] = ksdensity(BBgrad2);
%% scatter (Figure 2F)
colourness_rescale_green = colourness_rescale;
colourness_rescale_green(:,2) = colourness_rescale_green(:,2)-min(colourness_rescale(:,2));
f= figure;
a(1) = axes('position', [0.1 0.1 0.4 0.4]); %plot colored parcels along gradients
scatter(BBgrad2, BBgrad1, 60, colourness_rescale_green,'filled');
axis([min(BBgrad2)-0.01 max(BBgrad2)+0.01 min(BBgrad1)-0.01 max(BBgrad1)+0.01])
a(2) = axes('position', [0.5 0.1 0.07 0.4]); %add densities
patch(y2(1,:),x2(1,:), ones(1,length(y2(1,:)))); axis off;
colormap(a(2), [190, 190, 190]/250)%[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
ylim([min(BBgrad1) max(BBgrad1)])
a(3) = axes('position', [0.1 0.5 0.4 0.07]);
patch(x2(2,:), y2(2,:), ones(1,length(y2(2,:)))); axis off;
colormap(a(3), [190, 190, 190]/250)
xlim([min(BBgrad2) max(BBgrad2)])
hold on
a(4) = axes('position', [0.1 0.1 0.4 0.4]); col = [0,0,0]; %add cognitive function terms
x = e; y = c; scatter(x,y,60,col,'filled');%flipped, so G1 is on y axis
txty = words_final;
dx = 0.85;
dy = 0.2; % displacement so the text does not overlay the data points
text(x+dx, y+dy, txty,'FontSize',13, 'FontName', 'Gill Sans MT');
hold off