--- title: "5 SoupX output figures for supplemental" author: "Yifang Liu" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmdformats::html_clean: code_folding: hide fig_width: 10 fig_height: 10 highlight: kate thumbnails: false lightbox: true gallery: true --- ```{r knitr_init, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE} library(knitr) library(rmdformats) options(max.print = 200) opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, cache = FALSE, prompt = FALSE, tidy = TRUE, comment = NA, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, dev = c('png', 'pdf'), fig.width = 10, fig.height = 10, fig.align = "center", fig.path = '5_PDF_2020-02-05_SoupX_output_figures/', dpi = 72) opts_knit$set(width = 75) ``` ```{r setup} set.seed(123) npc <- 20 # theta1 <- 2 # theta2 <- 5 # theta <- c(theta1, theta2) resolution <- 0.1 selected_res <- paste0("RNA_snn_res.", resolution) pt_size <- 1 # alpha <- 0.8 # Suppress loading messages suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(Matrix) library(dplyr) library(tidyverse) library(Seurat) library(cowplot) library(Rcpp) library(harmony) library(SoupX) }) ``` # SoupX ```{r} fixed <- 0.45 topN <- 20 # dir.create("TSC1_EGFP_SoupX_fixed_0.45_191028") ``` # G0 ## G0: Picking soup specific genes ```{r G0_tstGenes} dataDirs <- c("/Users/yifang/Projects/With/Arpan/SoupX/TSC1_EGFP_191028/AUG27_POOL_ACG-G_SI-GA-A1") scl <- load10X(dataDirs) plotMarkerDistribution(scl) ``` # G1 ## G1: Picking soup specific genes ```{r G1_tstGenes} dataDirs <- c("/Users/yifang/Projects/With/Arpan/SoupX/TSC1_EGFP_191028/AUG27_POOL_ACG-G1_SI-GA-A3") scl <- load10X(dataDirs) plotMarkerDistribution(scl) ``` # Notes 2020-02-05: * SoupX output figures for supplemental. Tue Oct 29, 2019: * Use SoupX fixed 0.45 to remove ambient RNA. Mon Oct 7, 2019: * Add more sequence depth. Mon, Sep 30, 2019: * remove genes: EGFP, Tsc1, gig. Then perform integrate analysis of EGFP, TSC1. Fri, Sep 20, 2019: * First version for integrate analysis of EGFP, TSC1. # Session Info ```{r sessioninfo, message=TRUE} sessionInfo() ```