# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using DelimitedFiles, Random, Sockets mktempdir() do dir tasks = [] # Create test file filename = joinpath(dir, "file.txt") text = "C1,C2\n1,2\na,b\n" # List of IO producers l = Vector{Tuple{AbstractString,Function}}() # File io = (text) -> begin write(filename, text) Base.Filesystem.open(filename, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) end s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, Base.Filesystem.File) close(s) push!(l, ("File", io)) # IOStream io = (text) -> begin write(filename, text) open(filename) end s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, IOStream) close(s) push!(l, ("IOStream", io)) # IOBuffer io = (text)->IOBuffer(text) s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, IOBuffer) close(s) push!(l, ("IOBuffer", io)) function run_test_server(srv, text) push!(tasks, @async begin try sock = accept(srv) try write(sock, text) catch e if !(isa(e, Base.IOError) && e.code == Base.UV_EPIPE) if !(isa(e, Base.IOError) && e.code == Base.UV_ECONNRESET) rethrow() end end finally close(sock) end finally close(srv) end end) yield() end # TCPSocket io = (text) -> begin port, srv = listenany(rand(2000:4000)) run_test_server(srv, text) connect(port) end s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, TCPSocket) close(s) push!(l, ("TCPSocket", io)) # PipeEndpoint io = (text) -> begin a = "\\\\.\\pipe\\uv-test-$(randstring(6))" b = joinpath(dir, "socket-$(randstring(6))") socketname = Sys.iswindows() ? a : b srv = listen(socketname) run_test_server(srv, text) connect(socketname) end s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, Base.PipeEndpoint) close(s) push!(l, ("PipeEndpoint", io)) # Pipe (#14747) io = (text) -> begin write(filename, text) # we can skip using shell_escape_wincmd, since ", ^, and % aren't legal in # a filename, so unconditionally wrapping in " is sufficient (okay, that's # a lie, since ^ and % actually are legal, but DOS is broken) if Sys.iswindows() cmd = Cmd(["cmd.exe", "/c type \"$(replace(filename, '/' => '\\'))\""]) cmd = Cmd(cmd; windows_verbatim=true) cmd = pipeline(cmd, stderr=devnull) else cmd = `cat $filename` end open(cmd) end s = io(text) @test isa(s, IO) @test isa(s, Base.Process) close(s) push!(l, ("Process", io)) open_streams = [] function cleanup() for s_ in open_streams close(s_) end empty!(open_streams) for tsk in tasks wait(tsk) end empty!(tasks) end verbose = false for (name, f) in l local function io(text=text) local s = f(text) push!(open_streams, s) return s end verbose && println("$name readuntil...") for (t, s, m, kept) in [ ("a", "ab", "a", "a"), ("b", "ab", "b", "b"), ("α", "αγ", "α", "α"), ("ab", "abc", "ab", "ab"), ("bc", "abc", "bc", "bc"), ("αβ", "αβγ", "αβ", "αβ"), ("aaabc", "ab", "aa", "aaab"), ("aaabc", "ac", "aaabc", "aaabc"), ("aaabc", "aab", "a", "aaab"), ("aaabc", "aac", "aaabc", "aaabc"), ("αααβγ", "αβ", "αα", "αααβ"), ("αααβγ", "ααβ", "α", "αααβ"), ("αααβγ", "αγ", "αααβγ", "αααβγ"), ("barbarbarians", "barbarian", "bar", "barbarbarian"), ("abcaabcaabcxl", "abcaabcx", "abca", "abcaabcaabcx"), ("abbaabbaabbabbaax", "abbaabbabbaax", "abba", "abbaabbaabbabbaax"), ("abbaabbabbaabbaabbabbaax", "abbaabbabbaax", "abbaabbabba", "abbaabbabbaabbaabbabbaax"), ] local t, s, m, kept @test readuntil(io(t), s) == m @test readuntil(io(t), s, keep=true) == kept @test readuntil(io(t), SubString(s, firstindex(s))) == m @test readuntil(io(t), SubString(s, firstindex(s)), keep=true) == kept @test readuntil(io(t), GenericString(s)) == m @test readuntil(io(t), GenericString(s), keep=true) == kept @test readuntil(io(t), unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8},s)) == unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8},m) @test readuntil(io(t), unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8},s), keep=true) == unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8},kept) @test readuntil(io(t), collect(s)::Vector{Char}) == Vector{Char}(m) @test readuntil(io(t), collect(s)::Vector{Char}, keep=true) == Vector{Char}(kept) end cleanup() write(filename, text) verbose && println("$name read...") @test read(io(), UInt8) == read(IOBuffer(text), UInt8) @test read(io(), UInt8) == read(filename, UInt8) @test read(io(), Int) == read(IOBuffer(text), Int) @test read(io(), Int) == read(filename,Int) s1 = io() s2 = IOBuffer(text) @test read!(s1, Vector{UInt32}(undef, 2)) == read!(s2, Vector{UInt32}(undef, 2)) @test !eof(s1) @test read!(s1, Vector{UInt8}(undef, 5)) == read!(s2, Vector{UInt8}(undef, 5)) @test !eof(s1) @test read!(s1, Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1)) == read!(s2, Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1)) @test eof(s1) @test_throws EOFError read(s1, UInt8) @test eof(s1) close(s1) close(s2) verbose && println("$name eof...") n = length(text) - 1 @test read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) == read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) @test (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)); !eof(s)) n = length(text) @test read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) == read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) @test (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)); eof(s)) n = length(text) + 1 @test_throws EOFError read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) @test_throws EOFError read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) old_text = text cleanup() for text_ in [ old_text, String(Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:(div(Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO,2))]), String(Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO -1)]), String(Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO )]), String(Char['A' + i % 52 for i in 1:( Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO +1)]) ] text = text_ write(filename, text) verbose && println("$name read(io, String)...") @test read(io(), String) == text @test read(io(), String) == read(filename, String) verbose && println("$name read...") @test read(io()) == unsafe_wrap(Vector{UInt8},text) @test read(io()) == read(filename) cleanup() verbose && println("$name readbytes!...") l = length(text) for n = [1, 2, l-2, l-1, l, l+1, l+2] a1 = Vector{UInt8}(undef, n) a2 = Vector{UInt8}(undef, n) s1 = io() s2 = IOBuffer(text) n1 = readbytes!(s1, a1) n2 = readbytes!(s2, a2) @test n1 == n2 @test length(a1) == length(a2) @test a1[1:n1] == a2[1:n2] @test n <= length(text) || eof(s1) @test n <= length(text) || eof(s2) cleanup() end verbose && println("$name read!...") l = length(text) for n = [1, 2, l-2, l-1, l] @test read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) == read!(IOBuffer(text), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) @test read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) == read!(filename, Vector{UInt8}(undef, n)) cleanup() end @test_throws EOFError read!(io(), Vector{UInt8}(undef, length(text)+1)) verbose && println("$name readuntil...") for keep in [false, true] @test readuntil(io(), '\n', keep=keep) == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),'\n', keep=keep) @test readuntil(io(), '\n', keep=keep) == readuntil(filename,'\n', keep=keep) @test readuntil(io(), "\n", keep=keep) == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),"\n", keep=keep) @test readuntil(io(), "\n", keep=keep) == readuntil(filename,"\n", keep=keep) @test readuntil(io(), ',', keep=keep) == readuntil(IOBuffer(text),',', keep=keep) @test readuntil(io(), ',', keep=keep) == readuntil(filename,',', keep=keep) end cleanup() verbose && println("$name readline...") @test readline(io(), keep=true) == readline(IOBuffer(text), keep=true) @test readline(io(), keep=true) == readline(filename, keep=true) verbose && println("$name readlines...") @test readlines(io(), keep=true) == readlines(IOBuffer(text), keep=true) @test readlines(io(), keep=true) == readlines(filename, keep=true) @test readlines(io()) == readlines(IOBuffer(text)) @test readlines(io()) == readlines(filename) @test collect(eachline(io(), keep=true)) == collect(eachline(IOBuffer(text), keep=true)) @test collect(eachline(io(), keep=true)) == collect(eachline(filename, keep=true)) @test collect(eachline(io())) == collect(eachline(IOBuffer(text))) @test collect(@inferred(eachline(io()))) == collect(@inferred(eachline(filename))) #20351 if try; seekend(io()); true; catch; false; end # reverse iteration only supports seekable streams for keep in (true, false) lines = readlines(io(); keep) @test last(lines) == last(eachline(io(); keep)) @test last(lines,2) == last(eachline(io(); keep),2) @test reverse!(lines) == collect(Iterators.reverse(eachline(io(); keep))) == collect(Iterators.reverse(eachline(IOBuffer(text); keep))) end end cleanup() verbose && println("$name readeach...") @test collect(readeach(io(), Char)) == Vector{Char}(text) @test collect(readeach(io(), UInt8)) == Vector{UInt8}(text) cleanup() verbose && println("$name countlines...") @test countlines(io()) == countlines(IOBuffer(text)) verbose && println("$name readdlm...") @test readdlm(io(), ',') == readdlm(IOBuffer(text), ',') @test readdlm(io(), ',') == readdlm(filename, ',') cleanup() end text = old_text write(filename, text) if !isa(io(), Union{Base.PipeEndpoint, Base.AbstractPipe, TCPSocket}) verbose && println("$name position...") @test (s = io(); read!(s, Vector{UInt8}(undef, 4)); position(s)) == 4 verbose && println("$name seek...") for n = 0:length(text)-1 @test readlines(seek(io(), n)) == readlines(seek(IOBuffer(text), n)) cleanup() end verbose && println("$name skip...") for n = 0:length(text)-1 @test readlines(seek(io(), n)) == readlines(seek(IOBuffer(text), n)) @test readlines(skip(io(), n)) == readlines(skip(IOBuffer(text), n)) cleanup() end verbose && println("$name seekend...") @test read(seekend(io()), String) == "" end verbose && println("$name write(::IOStream, ...)") to = open("$filename.to", "w") write(to, io()) close(to) @test read("$filename.to", String) == text verbose && println("$name write(filename, ...)") write("$filename.to", io()) @test read("$filename.to", String) == text verbose && println("$name write(::IOBuffer, ...)") to = IOBuffer(Vector{UInt8}(codeunits(text)), read=false, write=true) write(to, io()) @test String(take!(to)) == text cleanup() end function test_read_nbyte() fn = tempname() # Write one byte. One byte read should work once # but 2-byte read should throw EOFError. open(fn, "w+") do f write(f, 0x55) flush(f) seek(f, 0) @test read(f, UInt8) == 0x55 @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt8) seek(f, 0) @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt16) end # Write 2 more bytes. Now 2-byte read should work once # but 4-byte read should fail with EOFError. open(fn, "a+") do f write(f, 0x4444) flush(f) seek(f, 0) @test read(f, UInt16) == 0x4455 @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt16) seek(f, 0) @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt32) end # Write 4 more bytes. Now 4-byte read should work once # but 8-byte read should fail with EOFError. open(fn, "a+") do f write(f, 0x33333333) flush(f) seek(f, 0) @test read(f, UInt32) == 0x33444455 @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt32) seek(f, 0) @test_throws EOFError read(f, UInt64) end # Writing one more byte should allow an 8-byte # read to proceed. open(fn, "a+") do f write(f, 0x22) flush(f) seek(f, 0) @test read(f, UInt64) == 0x2233333333444455 end rm(fn) end test_read_nbyte() # devnull @test !isreadable(devnull) @test iswritable(devnull) @test isopen(devnull) @test write(devnull, 0xff) === 1 @test write(devnull, Int32(1234)) === 4 @test_throws EOFError read(devnull, UInt8) @test close(devnull) === nothing @test flush(devnull) === nothing @test eof(devnull) @test print(devnull, "go to /dev/null") === nothing let s = "qwerty" @test read(IOBuffer(s)) == codeunits(s) @test read(IOBuffer(s), 10) == codeunits(s) @test read(IOBuffer(s), 1) == codeunits(s)[1:1] # Test growing output array x = UInt8[] n = readbytes!(IOBuffer(s), x, 10) @test x == codeunits(s) @test n == length(x) end # Filesystem.File f = joinpath(dir, "test.txt") open(io->write(io, "123"), f, "w") f1 = open(f) f2 = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) @test read(f1, UInt8) == read(f2, UInt8) == UInt8('1') @test read(f1, UInt8) == read(f2, UInt8) == UInt8('2') @test read(f1, UInt8) == read(f2, UInt8) == UInt8('3') @test_throws EOFError read(f1, UInt8) @test_throws EOFError read(f2, UInt8) close(f1) close(f2) a = UInt8[0,0,0] f1 = open(f) f2 = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) @test read!(f1, a) == read!(f2, a) == UInt8['1','2','3'] @test_throws EOFError read!(f1, a) @test_throws EOFError read!(f2, a) close(f1) close(f2) a = UInt8[0,0,0,0] f1 = open(f) f2 = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) @test_throws EOFError read!(f1, a) @test_throws EOFError read!(f2, a) close(f1) close(f2) rm(f) io = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_WRONLY | Base.Filesystem.JL_O_CREAT | Base.Filesystem.JL_O_EXCL, 0o000) @test write(io, "abc") == 3 close(io) if !Sys.iswindows() && Libc.geteuid() != 0 # root user # msvcrt _wchmod documentation states that all files are readable, # so we don't test that it correctly set the umask on windows @test_throws SystemError open(f) @test_throws Base.IOError Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) else Sys.iswindows() || @warn "File permissions tests skipped due to running tests as root (not recommended)" close(open(f)) end chmod(f, 0o400) f1 = open(f) f2 = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDONLY) for i = 1:2 @test !eof(f1) @test !eof(f2) @test position(f1) == 0 @test position(f2) == 0 @test read(f1, String) == read(f2, String) == "abc" @test read(f1, String) == read(f2, String) == "" @test position(f1) == 3 @test position(f2) == 3 @test eof(f1) @test eof(f2) @test seekstart(f1) == f1 @test seekstart(f2) == f2 end @test seekend(f1) == f1 @test seekend(f2) == f2 @test eof(f1) @test eof(f2) @test skip(f1, -2) == f1 @test skip(f2, -2) == f2 @test position(f1) == 1 @test position(f2) == 1 @test_throws SystemError skip(f1, -2) @test_throws SystemError skip(f2, -2) @test position(f1) == 1 @test position(f2) == 1 @test skip(f1, 300) == f1 @test skip(f2, 300) == f2 @test position(f1) == 301 @test position(f2) == 301 @test eof(f1) @test eof(f2) @test_throws ArgumentError write(f1, '*') @test_throws Base.IOError write(f2, '*') close(f1) close(f2) @test eof(f1) @test_throws Base.IOError eof(f2) if Libc.geteuid() != 0 # root user @test_throws SystemError open(f, "r+") @test_throws Base.IOError Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDWR) else @warn "File permissions tests skipped due to running tests as root (not recommended)" end chmod(f, 0o600) f1 = open(f, "r+") f2 = Base.Filesystem.open(f, Base.Filesystem.JL_O_RDWR) @test skip(f1, 10) == f1 @test skip(f2, 10) == f2 @test eof(f1) @test eof(f2) @test write(f1, '*') == 1 @test flush(f1) === nothing @test !eof(f2) @test skip(f2, 1) == f2 @test write(f2, '*') == 1 @test !eof(f1) @test seekstart(f1) == f1 @test seekstart(f2) == f2 @test read(f1, String) == read(f2, String) == "abc\0\0\0\0\0\0\0**" close(f1) close(f2) rm(f) end # mktempdir() do dir @testset "countlines" begin @test countlines(IOBuffer("")) == 0 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\n")) == 1 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\n"), eol = '\r') == 1 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\r\r\n\r"), eol = '\r') == 3 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n")) == 10 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n")) == 10 @test countlines(IOBuffer("\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n")) == 5 @test countlines(IOBuffer("foo\nbar")) == length(readlines(IOBuffer("foo\nbar"))) == 2 file = tempname() write(file,"Spiffy header\nspectacular first row\neven better 2nd row\nalmost done\n") @test countlines(file) == 4 @test countlines(file, eol = '\r') == 1 @test countlines(file, eol = '\n') == 4 rm(file) end let p = Pipe() Base.link_pipe!(p, reader_supports_async=true, writer_supports_async=true) t = @async read(p) @sync begin @async write(p, zeros(UInt16, 660_000)) yield() # TODO: need to add an Event to the previous line order::UInt16 = 0 for i = 1:typemax(UInt16) @async (order += 1; write(p, order); nothing) end yield() # TODO: need to add an Event to the previous line @async close(p.in) end s = reinterpret(UInt16, fetch(t)) @test length(s) == 660_000 + typemax(UInt16) @test s[(end - typemax(UInt16)):end] == UInt16.(0:typemax(UInt16)) end # issue #26419 @test Base.return_types(read, (String, Type{String})) == Any[String] @testset "read! to view" begin x = rand(4, 4) y = rand(10) z = 1:10 v = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0] io = IOBuffer() write(io, v) flush(io) seekstart(io) read!(io, @view x[:, 3]) @test x[:, 3] == v x = rand(3, 3) seekstart(io) read!(io, @view x[1:2, 2:3]) @test x[1:2, 2:3][:] == v[:] seekstart(io) read!(io, @view y[4:7]) @test y[4:7] == v seekstart(io) @test_throws ErrorException read!(io, @view z[4:6]) end # Bulk read from pipe let p = Pipe() data = rand(UInt8, Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO + 100) Base.link_pipe!(p, reader_supports_async=true, writer_supports_async=true) t = @async write(p.in, data) @test read(p.out, UInt8) == data[1] data_read = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 10*Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO) nread = readbytes!(p.out, data_read, Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO + 50) @test nread == Base.SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO + 50 @test data_read[1:nread] == data[2:nread+1] @test read(p.out, 49) == data[end-48:end] wait(t) close(p) end @testset "issue #27412" for itr in [eachline(IOBuffer("a")), readeach(IOBuffer("a"), Char)] @test !isempty(itr) # check that the earlier isempty did not consume the iterator @test !isempty(itr) first(itr) # consume the iterator @test isempty(itr) # now it is empty end # more tests for reverse(eachline) @testset "reverse(eachline)" begin lines = vcat(repr.(1:4), ' '^50000 .* repr.(5:10), repr.(11:10^5)) for lines in (lines, reverse(lines)), finalnewline in (true, false), eol in ("\n", "\r\n") buf = IOBuffer(join(lines, eol) * (finalnewline ? eol : "")) @test reverse!(collect(Iterators.reverse(eachline(seekstart(buf))))) == lines @test last(eachline(seekstart(buf))) == last(lines) @test last(eachline(seekstart(buf)),10^4) == last(lines,10^4) @test last(eachline(seekstart(buf)),length(lines)*2) == lines @test reverse!(collect(Iterators.reverse(eachline(seek(buf, sum(sizeof, lines[1:100]) + 100*sizeof(eol)))))) == lines[101:end] @test isempty(Iterators.reverse(eachline(buf))) end let rempty = Iterators.reverse(eachline(IOBuffer())) @test isempty(rempty) @test isempty(collect(rempty)) end let buf = IOBuffer("foo\nbar") @test readline(buf) == "foo" r = Iterators.reverse(eachline(buf)) line, state = iterate(r) @test line == "bar" @test Base.isdone(r, state) @test Base.isdone(r) @test isempty(r) && isempty(collect(r)) end end