# CODEOWNERS # This file declares which users are qualified to review and approve changes to # specific files or paths in this repository. It helps contributors to identify # whom to consult for assistance on merge requests. # To understand the syntax and semantics of this file, see: # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/code_owners.html # # Note that rules defined later in the file take precedence over the rules # defined earlier. # ************************************ # Insert code owner declarations here! # ************************************ /docs @NicVolanschi @raphael-proust @Saroupille @astefano @eugenz @arvidnl @yrg @dannywillems @hai-nguyen-van @lthms @rafoo_ /src/bin_codec @raphael-proust /src/bin_node @romain.nl /src/bin_proxy_server @smelc /src/bin_snoop @lrand /src/lib_base @raphael-proust /src/lib_benchmark @lrand /src/lib_context @smelc /src/lib_error_monad @raphael-proust /src/lib_mockup @richard.bonichon @smelc /src/lib_mockup_proxy @richard.bonichon @smelc /src/lib_p2p* @julien.t @vivienpe /src/lib_protocol_environment @raphael-proust /src/lib_proxy @richard.bonichon @smelc /src/lib_proxy_server_config @smelc /src/lib_rpc* @smelc @raphael-proust /src/lib_shell_benchmarks @lrand /src/lib_stdlib* @raphael-proust /src/lib_version @romain.nl /src/lib_event_logging @romain.nl /src/openapi @romain.nl /src/proto_*/lib_benchmark @lrand /src/proto_*/lib_benchmarks_proto @lrand /scripts @romain.nl /scripts/pre_commit @smelc /tests_python @smelc /tezt @romain.nl @smelc /.gitlab @romain.nl @raphael-proust # Octez Merge Team # # These users are, as members of the Octez Merge Team, permitted to act as authorities on any code. # # @arvidnl = Arvid Jakobsson # @camlspotter = Jun Furuse # @eugenz = Eugen Zalinescu # @hhugo1 = Hugo Heuzard # @igarnier = Ilias Garnier # @jobjo = Joel Bjornson # @klakplok = Benjamin Canou # @lthms = Thomas Letan # @mbouaziz = Mehdi Bouaziz # @murbard = Arthur B. # @naih = Nicolas Ayache # @NicVolanschi = Nic Volanschi # @paracetamolo = Marco Stronati # @pirbo = Pierre Boutillier # @rafoo_ = Raphaël Cauderlier # @raphael-proust = Raphaël Proust # @richard.bonichon = Richard Bonichon # @romain.nl = Romain # @Saroupille = François Thiré # @smelc = Clément Hurlin # @smondet = Seb Mondet # @sribaroud = Sylvain R. # @sventimir = Sventimir # @tomjack = Tom Jack # @vbotbol = vbot # @vch9 = Valentin Chaboche # @vect0r = Victor Allombert # @yrg = Yann Regis-Gianas # * @arvidnl @camlspotter @eugenz @hhugo1 @igarnier @jobjo @klakplok @lthms @mbouaziz @murbard @naih @NicVolanschi @paracetamolo @pirbo @rafoo_ @raphael-proust @richard.bonichon @romain.nl @Saroupille @smelc @smondet @sribaroud @sventimir @tomjack @vbotbol @vch9 @vect0r @yrg # CODEOWNERS Owners # # These users are authorized to change authorizations. # # Note that this stanza MUST appear LAST so that it takes precedence over prior rules. # /CODEOWNERS @murbard @pirbo @smondet @klakplok @vbotbol @romain.nl /docs/CODEOWNERS @murbard @pirbo @smondet @klakplok @vbotbol @romain.nl /.gitlab/CODEOWNERS @murbard @pirbo @smondet @klakplok @vbotbol @romain.nl