Dear Emacs, please make this -*-Text-*- mode! ************************************************** * * * 2.1 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.1.4 UPDATES o Changed use of S4 classes to avoid deprecated and discouraged elements. o Added a new vignette describing the potential application to feature selection. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.1.0 ADMINISTRATIVE o Changed LICENSE to Apache 2.0 CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.0.1 BUG FIXES o Made compatible with new R check steps that verify DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE dependencies. CHANGES IN R VERSION 2.0.0 REFACTOR o Removed depence on PreProcess. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.3 RENAME! o Changed package name from GenAlg to GenAlgo to avoid a conflict with an existing CRAN package. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.2 BUG FIXES o Lots of documentation updates. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.1 BUG FIXES o No clue... CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.0 NEW FEATURES o Brand new packaging: split out from the ClassPrediction package, which is being restructured as a poor man's bundle (i.e., no code, just some "depends" rules).