* @file utilities.h
* @brief header files for utility functions
* @author Wayne Zhang
#ifndef CPLM_UTILS_H
#define CPLM_UTILS_H
/* inline functions */
* cumulative sum of a vector of double
* @param x double vector to be summed
* @param n number of elements
* @return cumulative sum
static R_INLINE double dcumsum(double *x, int n){
double sm = 0.0 ;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sm += x[i] ;
return sm ;
* get the maximum value of a double vector
* @param x a double vector
* @param n length of the vector
* @return the maximum value
static R_INLINE double dmax (double *x, int n){
double s = x[0] ;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (x[i] > s) s = x[i] ;
return s ;
* get the minmimum value of a double vector
* @param x a double vector
* @param n length of the vector
* @return the minimum value
static R_INLINE double dmin(double *x, int n){
double s = x[0];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++){
if (x[i] < s) s = x[i];
return s;
* get the maximum value of an int vector
* @param x an int vector
* @param n length of the vector
* @return the maximum value
static R_INLINE int imax (int *x, int n){
int s = x[0] ;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (x[i] > s) s = x[i] ;
return s ;
* Compute sample mean
* @param n number of samples
* @param x samples in long vector
* @return mean
static R_INLINE double mean(double *x, int n){
return dcumsum(x, n) / n ;
* inverse link function
* @param eta linear predictors
* @param lp link power
* @return mean
static R_INLINE double link_inv(double eta, double lp){
return (lp == 0) ? exp(eta) : pow(eta, 1.0 / lp);
* derivative d(mu) / d(eta)
* @param eta linear predictors
* @param lp link power
* @return d(mu)/d(eta)
static R_INLINE double mu_eta(double eta, double lp){
return (lp == 0) ? exp(eta) : pow(eta, 1.0 / lp - 1.0) / lp ;
* Return the sum of squares of the first n elements of x
* @param n
* @param x
* @return sum of squares
static R_INLINE double sqr_length(double *x, int n)
double ans = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ans += x[i] * x[i];
return ans;
* Return the index of the term associated with parameter index ind
* @param ind an index in [0, Gp[nt] - 1]
* @param nt total number of terms
* @param Gp group pointers, a vector of length nt+1 with Gp[0] = 0
* @return sum of squares
static R_INLINE int Gp_grp(int ind, int nt, const int *Gp)
for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) if (ind < Gp[i + 1]) return i;
error(("invalid row index %d (max is %d)"), ind, Gp[nt]);
return -1; /* -Wall */
/* prototypes defined in utilities.c */
double var(double *x, int n) ;
void cov(int n, int p, double *x, double *ans);
// matrix computation
void solve_po(int d, double *v, double *iv) ;
void mult_xtx(int m, int n, double *x, double *out) ;
void mult_mv(char *trans, int m, int n, double *A,
double *x, double *out) ;
void chol(int d, double *v, double *iv);
void solve_po(int d, double *v, double *iv);
// numerical derivatives
void grad(int n, double *x,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data),
void *data, double *ans) ;
void hess(int n, double *x,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data),
void *data, double *ans) ;
// wishart simulation
void rwishart(int d, double nu, double *scal, double *out);