% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/metrics.R \name{F1_score} \alias{F1_score} \title{Calculate the F1-score} \usage{ F1_score(tp, fp, tn, fn, ...) } \arguments{ \item{tp}{(numeric) number of true positives.} \item{fp}{(numeric) number of false positives.} \item{tn}{(numeric) number of true negatives.} \item{fn}{(numeric) number of false negatives.} \item{...}{for capturing additional arguments passed by method.} } \description{ Calculate the F1-score from true positives, false positives, true negatives and false negatives. The inputs must be vectors of equal length. \cr \cr F1_score = (2 * tp) / (2 * tp + fp + fn) \cr } \examples{ F1_score(10, 5, 20, 10) F1_score(c(10, 8), c(5, 7), c(20, 12), c(10, 18)) } \seealso{ Other metric functions: \code{\link{abs_d_ppv_npv}}, \code{\link{abs_d_sens_spec}}, \code{\link{accuracy}}, \code{\link{cohens_kappa}}, \code{\link{cutpoint}}, \code{\link{false_omission_rate}}, \code{\link{misclassification_cost}}, \code{\link{npv}}, \code{\link{odds_ratio}}, \code{\link{p_chisquared}}, \code{\link{plr}}, \code{\link{ppv}}, \code{\link{precision}}, \code{\link{prod_ppv_npv}}, \code{\link{prod_sens_spec}}, \code{\link{recall}}, \code{\link{risk_ratio}}, \code{\link{sensitivity}}, \code{\link{specificity}}, \code{\link{sum_ppv_npv}}, \code{\link{sum_sens_spec}}, \code{\link{total_utility}}, \code{\link{tpr}}, \code{\link{tp}}, \code{\link{youden}} }