SETSCRUNCH xscale yscale adjusts the aspect ratio and scaling of the graphics display. After this command is used, all further turtle motion will be adjusted by multiplying the horizontal and vertical extent of the motion by the two numbers given as inputs. For example, after the instruction "SETSCRUNCH 2 1" motion at a heading of 45 degrees will move twice as far horizontally as vertically. If your squares don't come out square, try this. (Alternatively, you can deliberately misadjust the aspect ratio to draw an ellipse.) In wxWidgets only, SETSCRUNCH also changes the size of the text font used for the LABEL command to try to keep the height of characters scaled with the vertical turtle step size. For all modern computers For DOS machines, the scale factors are initially set according to what the hardware claims the aspect ratio is, but the hardware sometimes lies. For DOS, the values set by SETSCRUNCH are remembered in a file (called SCRUNCH.DAT) and are automatically put into effect when a Logo session begins.