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// #docregion
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
import { Hero } from './hero';

  selector: 'app-happy-hero',
  template: 'Wow. You like {{hero.name}}. What a happy hero ... just like you.'
export class HappyHeroComponent {
  @Input() hero!: Hero;

  selector: 'app-sad-hero',
  template: 'You like {{hero.name}}? Such a sad hero. Are you sad too?'
export class SadHeroComponent {
  @Input() hero!: Hero;

  selector: 'app-confused-hero',
  template: 'Are you as confused as {{hero.name}}?'
export class ConfusedHeroComponent {
  @Input() hero!: Hero;

  selector: 'app-unknown-hero',
  template: '{{message}}'
export class UnknownHeroComponent {
  @Input() hero!: Hero;
  get message() {
    return this.hero && this.hero.name ?
      `${this.hero.name} is strange and mysterious.` :
      'Are you feeling indecisive?';

export const heroSwitchComponents =
  [ HappyHeroComponent, SadHeroComponent, ConfusedHeroComponent, UnknownHeroComponent ];
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