Raw File
# Corpora

Corpora are usually stored in an online repository, such as GitHub or a research data archive
such as [DANS](https://dans.knaw.nl/en/front-page?set_language=en).

## Get corpora

??? abstract "Automatically"
    There are a few corpora in Text-Fabric that are being supported
    with extra modules.
    Text-Fabric will fetch them for you if you use the Text-Fabric browser.
    And if you work with them from within a Python program (e.g. in a Jupyter Notebook),
    Text-Fabric either fetches data automatically, or there is an easy function
    that you can call to fetch data.

??? abstract "Manually"
    You can also download the data you need up-front.
    There are basically two ways:

    ??? abstract "from a release binary"
        Go to the relevant GitHub repository, click on releases, and choose the relevant binary
        that has been attached to the release.
        Download it to your system.
        This is the most economical way to get data.

    ??? abstract "clone the complete repository"
        Clone the relevant GitHub repository to your system.
        This will get you lots of additional data that you might not directly need.

        ??? caution "On Windows?"
            You have to install `git` in
            [some way](https://git-scm.com/downloads)
            for this step.

## Hebrew Bible

??? abstract "From within a program"
    If you are in a Jupyter notebook or Python script,
    this will fetch the data (25MB)

    from tf.extra.bhsa import getTf

    Or if you want to fetch related modules, such as the `phono` transcriptions, you can say

    getTf(source='phono', release='1.0.1')

    ??? hint "ETCBC data"
        Inspect the repositories of the [etcbc organization on GitHub](https://github.com/etcbc)
        to see what is available. Per repository, click the *Releases* button so see
        the release version that holds the relevant binaries with TF-data.
        For example, try [crossrefs](https://github.com/etcbc/parallels/releases).

    ??? hint "ETCBC versions"
        The data of the ETCBC comes in major versions, ranging from `3` (2011) via
        `4`, `4b`, `2016`, `2017` to `c` (2018).
        The latter is a *continuous* version, which will change over time.

??? abstract "From GitHub"
    If you want to be in complete control, you can get the complete data repository
    from GitHub (5GB):

    cd ~/github/etcbc
    git clone https://github.com/etcbc/bhsa

    and likewise you can get other ETCBC data modules such as `phono`.

## Cuneiform tablets from Uruk

??? abstract "From within a program"
    If you are in a Jupyter notebook or Python script,
    the Cunei API will fetch the data for you automatically:

    * The TF-part is 1.6 MB
    * the photos and lineart are 550MB!
    ???+ caution
        So do this only when you have a good internet connection.

??? abstract "From GitHub"
    If you want to be in complete control, you can get the complete data repository
    from GitHub (1.5GB):

    cd ~/github/Nino-cunei
    git clone https://github.com/Nino-cunei/uruk

## More corpora

[Greek](https://github.com/Dans-labs/text-fabric-data/tree/master/greek/sblgnt) and
New Testament have been converted to TF.

We have example corpora in Sanskrit, and Babylonian.

??? abstract "From GitHub"

    cd ~/github
    git clone https://github.com/etcbc/linksyr

    cd ~/github
    git clone https://github.com/Dans-labs/text-fabric-data

All these are not supported by extra interfaces.

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