setMethod("summary", signature(object = "bild"), function(object,cov=FALSE,cor=FALSE) { cat("\nCall:\n") print(object@call) cat("\nNumber of profiles in the dataset: ", object@ni.cases, "\n") cat("\nNumber of profiles used in the fit: ", object@n.cases, "\n") cat("\nLog likelihood: ", round(object@log.likelihood, 4),"\n") cat("\nAIC: ", round(object@aic, 4),"\n") coef <- object@coefficients nas <-[, 1]) cnames <- names(coef[, 1][!nas]) coef <- matrix(rep(coef[, 1][!nas], 5), ncol = 5) coef.aux<-matrix(rep(coef[, 1][!nas], 5), ncol = 5) coef[, 1] <- 1:dim(coef)[[1]] coef[, 3] <- object@se[, 1][!nas] coef[, 4] <- round(coef[, 2]/coef[, 3], 3) coef.aux[,1]<-pnorm(coef[, 2]/coef[, 3]) coef.aux[,2]<-1-pnorm(coef[, 2]/coef[, 3]) for (i in 1:dim(coef)[[1]]) {coef.aux[i,3]<-min(coef.aux[i, 1],coef.aux[i, 2])} coef[, 5] <- round(2*coef.aux[,3],6) dimnames(coef) <- list(cnames, c("Label", "Value", "Std. Error", "t value", "p-value")) cat("\nCoefficients:\t\n") if(all(, "omega")))) print(coef[ , ]) else {print(coef[-dim(coef)[[1]], ]) cat("\nRandom effect (omega):\t\n") print(coef[dim(coef)[[1]],2:(dim(coef)[[2]]-2) ])} if (cov){ cat("\nCovariance of Coefficients: \n") print(object@covariance, digits = 2)} if (cor){ cat("\nCorrelation of Coefficients: \n") print(object@correlation, digits = 2)} cat("\nMessage: ", object@message,"\n") })