\name{phasePlots} \alias{phasePlots} \title{Calculate Phase Plots} \description{Calculate phase plots} \usage{ phasePlots(data, max.lag=1,diff=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{data}{A matrix, time series matrix, or an object of class TSdata.} \item{max.lag}{The maximum number of shifts to plot} \item{diff}{If TRUE the data is plotted against the difference with lagged values.} } \value{None} \section{Side Effects}{ A plot of (the phase space) the data against (differenced) lagged values is produced. } \details{ Non-linearities may show up as a non-linear surface, but this is a projection so, for example, a spherical space would not show up. Some sort of cross-section window would show this but require even more plots. A good statistical test would be better! } \examples{ data("egJofF.1dec93.data", package="dse") phasePlots(egJofF.1dec93.data) } \concept{DSE} \keyword{ts}