############################################################### # # # (c) Toni Giorgino # # Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics # # University of Pavia - Italy # # www.labmedinfo.org # # # # $Id: plot.dtw.R 156 2008-06-19 15:21:22Z tonig $ # # ############################################################### ## Plot a dtw non-object, switching depending on requested type plot.dtw <- function(x, type="alignment", ...) { pt<-pmatch(type,c("alignment", "twoway", "threeway", "density")); switch(pt, dtwPlotAlignment(x, ...), dtwPlotTwoWay(x, ...), dtwPlotThreeWay(x, ...), dtwPlotDensity(x, ...) ); } ## an alias dtwPlot <- plot.dtw; dtwPlotAlignment <- function(d, xlab="Query index", ylab="Template index", ...) { plot( d$index1,d$index2, xlim=c(1,d$N),ylim=c(1,d$M), xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, ... ); } ## Normalization plots the average cost per step instead of ## the cumulative cost dtwPlotDensity <- function(d, normalize=FALSE, xlab="Query index", ylab="Template index", ...) { cm<-d$costMatrix; if(is.null(cm)) stop("dtwPlotDensity requires dtw internals (set keep.internals=TRUE on dtw() call)"); ## We can safely modify cm locally if(normalize) { norm <- attr(d$stepPattern,"norm"); if(is.na(norm)) step("No normalization known for step pattern used"); if(norm=="N") { cm <- cm / row(cm); } else if(norm=="N+M") { cm <- cm / (row(cm)+col(cm)); } else if(norm=="M") { cm <- cm / col(cm); } } xd<-dim(cm)[1]; yd<-dim(cm)[2]; image(cm,col=terrain.colors(100),x=1:xd,y=1:yd, xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, ...); contour(cm,x=1:xd,y=1:yd,add=TRUE); lines(d$index1,d$index2,col="blue",lwd=2); } ## Well-known and much-copied pairwise matching dtwPlotTwoWay <- function(d,xts=NULL,yts=NULL, offset=0, ts.type="l",pch=21, match.indices=NULL, match.col="gray70", xlab="Index", ylab="Query value", ... ) { if(is.null(xts) || is.null(yts)) { xts <- d$query; yts <- d$template; } if(is.null(xts) || is.null(yts)) stop("Original timeseries are required"); ytso<-yts+offset; ## pad to longest maxlen<-max(length(xts),length(ytso)); length(xts)<-maxlen; length(ytso)<-maxlen; ## save default, for resetting... def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE); ## plot q+t matplot(cbind(xts,ytso), type=ts.type,pch=pch, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...); ## display secondary axis if offset if(offset!=0) { axt<-axTicks(2); axis(4,at=axt+offset,labels=axt); } ## plot the matching # par(par.match); if(is.null(match.indices)) { ml<-length(d$index1); idx<-1:ml; } else { idx <- match.indices; } ## x0, y0 coordinates of points from which to draw. ## x1, y1 coordinates of points to which to draw. segments(d$index1[idx],xts[d$index1[idx]], d$index2[idx],ytso[d$index2[idx]], col=match.col,lty=3); par(def.par)#- reset to default } ## ################################################## ## Global distance density plot # for each plot, we should set: color, width, style, type # for match lines: color, width, style dtwPlotThreeWay <- function(d,xts=NULL,yts=NULL, type.align="l",type.ts="l", match.indices=NULL, margin=4, inner.margin=0.2, title.margin=1.5, xlab="Query index",ylab="Template index",main="Timeseries alignment", ... ) { if(is.null(xts) || is.null(yts)) { xts <- d$query; yts <- d$template; } # Sanity check if(is.null(xts) || is.null(yts)) stop("Original timeseries are required"); # Coerce to plain vectors xts <- as.matrix(xts); yts <- as.matrix(yts); # Verify if not multivariate if( ncol(xts)>1 || ncol(yts)>1 ) stop("Only single-variate timeseries can be displayed. (You may want to extract a column for visualization purposes.)"); def.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save default, for resetting... layout(matrix(c(3,1,0,2),2,2,byrow=TRUE), c(1,3), c(3,1), TRUE); imar<-inner.margin; bmar<-margin; lmar<-margin; tmar<-margin+title.margin; rmar<-margin; mlab=margin/2; mtex=margin/6; nn<-length(xts); mm<-length(yts); # Plot the warping function par(mar=c(imar,imar,tmar,rmar)); # todo: plot over segments plot(d$index1,d$index2,type=type.align, xlim=c(1,nn),ylim=c(1,mm), ax=FALSE,main=main, ... ); # fake a diagonal, to set the axes if(! is.null(match.indices) ) { # vertical match segments idx <- match.indices; segments(d$index1[idx],0, d$index1[idx],d$index2[idx], col="grey60",lty=3); # horz. segments(0,d$index2[idx], d$index1[idx],d$index2[idx], col="grey60",lty=3); } box(); # axis are 1- bot; 2- left; 3- top; 4- right # Plot query (horizontal, bottom) par(mar=c(bmar,imar,imar,rmar)); plot(xts ~ c(1:nn), type=type.ts, xlab=xlab ,mgp=c(mlab,mtex,0) ,ax=FALSE, ); axis(1); axis(2); box(); # Plot template (vertical, left) par(mar=c(imar,lmar,tmar,imar)); # reverse the horiz. axis so that rotation is more natural plot(c(1:mm) ~ yts, xlim=rev(range(yts)), type=type.ts, ylab=ylab, mgp=c(mlab,mtex,0) , ax=FALSE, ); axis(3); axis(2); box(); par(def.par)#- reset to default }