0.2 first version to CRAN 0.2-1 fixed bugs in docs found by scripts on CRAN (R-devel check) 0.3 added data/echinacea.txt man/echinacea.Rd test/tutor.R added test in aster.R added package vignette added examples on all help pages to be used by users 0.3-1 changed variable "site" to "pop" in echinacea.txt corresponding changes in many other files \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} in tutor.Rnw many small changes in wording in tutor.Rnw 0.4 made trust the default optimizer 0.4-1 removed the timing.pdf vignette, fixed xrefs to trust in Rd files 0.4-2 added import(trust) to NAMESPACE 0.5 added 4-th family "two.trunc.poisson" actually implemented code for k-truncated Poisson put document describing k-truncated Poisson in inst/doc new R function rktp that simulates k-truncated Poisson cannot implement k-truncated Poisson for arbitrary family until families get (non-exponential family) parameters, such as k for k-truncated Poisson, r for negative binomial, offset for Poisson, n for binomial(n, p), sigma for normal-location. All of that goes on the to-do list, along with multivariate families (as per revised version of the paper), especially multinomial and normal-location-scale. fixed (?!) or at least worked around nasty validation bug in predict.aster 0.5-1 fixed bug in tests/tutor.R caused by bug fix in R. optim was ignoring its maxit argument when method == "CG". When it stopped ignoring it, it failed to converge, because it takes more than 1000 iterations. 0.5-2 fixed bug in inst/doc/trunc.Rnw -- must be vignette to pass R CMD check 0.6 new superfamily system: exponential families with non-exponential family hyperparameters canonical affine models 0.6-1 negative binomial distribution 0.6-2 truncated negative binomial distribution fixed bug in 0.6 and 0.6-1 that made them useless with models that did not have unrestricted canonical parameter space: mlogl could return NaN rather than Inf (which is what it is supposed to do) when evaluating at point outside the canonical space. Now hopefully fixed with new code in astunco.c and astcond.c. (TODO: need more tests with restricted parameter space. foobar.R is not enough. Note 0.6 and 0.6-1 were not made public, so no one bug CJG saw this bug. Still it does show the tests directory is deficient.) 0.7 added normal-location families; see ?fam.normal.location 0.7-1 fixed incorrect signature in as.character.astfam 0.7-2 new data sets: echin2 chamae2 chamae aphid added warning (varb must be factor) to vignette 0.7-3 unmatched braces in .Rd files chamae2 chamae 0.7-4 fixed bug in predict.aster.formula documentation. amat is three-way array just as for predict.aster example already required this. removed tests/tutor.R took too long and tested nothing specific 0.7-5 added newcoef argument to predict.aster and predict.aster.formula 0.7-6 fix doc bug found by Rd version 2 parser 0.7-7 add sim.rda dataset for TR 669 and 674 Also add references to aster.Rd