Raw File
Tip revision: d3179246f8365b8ee7b73167a12e954f2bdfeb91 authored by Benjamin Gregoire on 14 December 2022, 09:56:45 UTC
Merge branch 'main' into deploy-quantum
Tip revision: d317924
with import <nixpkgs> {};

let why314 = why3.overrideAttrs (x:
   { name = "why3.14";
     src = fetchurl {
       url = "";
       sha256 = "0lw0cpx347zz9vvwqibmbxgs80fsd16scgk3isscvwxnajpc3rv8";
     postPatch = "";
   }); in

stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "easycrypt-1.0";
  src = ./.;
  buildInputs = [ ]
    ++ (with ocamlPackages; [ ocaml findlib ocamlbuild (batteries.overrideAttrs (o: { doCheck = false; })) menhir merlin zarith inifiles why314 yojson])
  installFlags = [ "PREFIX=$(out)" ];
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