\name{convexhull} \alias{convexhull} \title{Convex Hull} \description{ Computes the convex hull of a spatial object. } \usage{ convexhull(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a window (object of class \code{"owin"}), a point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}), a line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}), or an object that can be converted to a window by \code{\link{as.owin}}. } } \value{ A window (an object of class \code{"owin"}). } \details{ This function computes the convex hull of the spatial object \code{x}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{owin}}, \code{\link{convexhull.xy}}, \code{\link{is.convex}} } \examples{ data(demopat) W <- demopat$window plot(convexhull(W), col="lightblue", border=NA) plot(W, add=TRUE, lwd=2) } \author{Adrian Baddeley \email{adrian@maths.uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} and Rolf Turner \email{r.turner@auckland.ac.nz} } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{utilities}