\name{world} \alias{world} \title{Plot of the world} \description{ Plots quickly, medium resolution outlines of large land masses and bodies of water. } \usage{ world(ylim = c(-90, 90), xlim = NULL, add = FALSE, asp = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", eps = 0.1, shift = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{ylim}{range of latitudes} \item{xlim}{range of longitudes} \item{add}{logical; if true will add the world map to current plot.} \item{asp}{aspect ratio used if \code{add} is false, see \code{\link{plot.default}}.} \item{xlab,ylab}{labels for x- and y-axis; empty by default.} \item{xaxt,yaxt}{axis type for x- and y-axis; empty by default.} \item{eps}{ Tolerance to decide when to insert line break about 0 if map is to be shifted. (leave this at .1) } \item{shift}{ If TRUE shifts to be centered on the Dateline and longitude runs from 0 to 360. If FALSE centers on Prime Meridian and longitude runs from -180 to 180.} \item{\dots}{ These are graphical arguments that are passed to the \code{\link{lines}} (and \code{\link{plot}} if \code{add} is false) function that draws the outline.} } \details{ This function uses the FIELDS dataset world.dat for the coordinates. The main advantage of this function is that it is fast and easy to modify. The shift option to center over the dateline is useful because often plots of ocean and atmosphere information center the map this way. } \seealso{US} \examples{ # Draw map in device color number 2 ( usually red?) world( col=2) # add the US US( add=TRUE) ## Western Europe (*which* big island is missing ?) ## with a (light color!) coordinate grid: world(xlim=c(-10,18),ylim=c(36,60), xaxt = "s", yaxt = "s") grid() } \keyword{hplot} % docclass is function