\name{strcmp} \alias{strcmp} \alias{strcmpi} \title{String Comparison} \description{ Compare two strings or character vectors for equality. } \usage{ strcmp(s1, s2) strcmpi(s1, s2) } \arguments{ \item{s1, s2}{character strings or vectors} } \details{ For \code{strcmp} comparisons are case-sensitive, while for \code{strcmpi} the are case-insensitive. Leading and trailing blanks do count. } \value{ logical, i.e. \code{TRUE} if \code{s1} and \code{s2} have the same length as character vectors and all elements are equal as character strings, else \code{FALSE}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{strcat}} } \examples{ strcmp(c("yes", "no"), c("yes", "no")) strcmpi(c("yes", "no"), c("Yes", "No")) } \keyword{ string }