import sys import os import re from glob import glob from shutil import rmtree from subprocess import run from tools.pdocs import console, pdoc3serve, pdoc3, shipDocs ORG = "annotation" REPO = "text-fabric" PKG = "tf" PACKAGE = "text-fabric" SCRIPT = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/{PACKAGE}" DIST = "dist" VERSION_CONFIG = dict( setup=dict( file="", re=re.compile(r"""version\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]"""), mask="version='{}'", ), parameters=dict( file="tf/", re=re.compile(r"""\bVERSION\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]*)['"]"""), mask="VERSION = '{}'", ), ) AN_BASE = os.path.expanduser(f"~/github/{ORG}") TUT_BASE = f"{AN_BASE}/tutorials" TF_BASE = f"{AN_BASE}/{REPO}" TEST_BASE = f"{TF_BASE}/test" APP_BASE = f"{TF_BASE}/apps" SRC = "site" REMOTE = "origin" BRANCH = "gh-pages" currentVersion = None newVersion = None appPat = r"^.*/app-([^/]*)$" appRe = re.compile(appPat) apps = set() for appDir in glob(f"{AN_BASE}/app-*"): match = appRe.fullmatch(appDir) if match: apps.add( apps = sorted(apps) appStr = ", ".join(apps) HELP = f""" python3 command command: -h --help docs : serve docs locally pdocs : build docs sdocs : ship docs clean : clean local develop build l : local develop build lp : local production build i : local non-develop build g : push to github, code and docs v : show current version r1 : version becomes r1+1.0.0 r2 : version becomes r1.r2+1.0 r3 : version becomes r1.r2.r3+1 ship : build for shipping apps : commit and push all tf apps tut : commit and push the tutorials repo a : open {PACKAGE} browser on specific dataset ({appStr}) t : run test suite (relations, qperf) data : build data files for github release For g and ship you need to pass a commit message. For data you need to pass an app argument: {appStr} """ def readArgs(): args = sys.argv[1:] if not len(args) or args[0] in {"-h", "--help", "help"}: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) arg = args[0] if arg not in { "a", "t", "docs", "pdocs", "sdocs", "clean", "l", "lp", "i", "g", "ship", "data", "apps", "tut", "v", "r1", "r2", "r3", }: console(HELP) return (False, None, []) if arg in {"g", "apps", "tut", "ship"}: if len(args) < 2: console("Provide a commit message") return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) if arg in {"a", "t", "data"}: if len(args) < 2: if arg in {"a", "data"}: console(f"Provide a data source [{appStr}]") elif arg in {"t"}: console("Provide a test suite [relations, qperf]") return (False, None, []) return (arg, args[1], args[2:]) return (arg, None, []) def incVersion(version, task): comps = [int(c) for c in version.split(".")] (major, minor, update) = comps if task == "r1": major += 1 minor = 0 update = 0 elif task == "r2": minor += 1 update = 0 elif task == "r3": update += 1 return ".".join(str(c) for c in (major, minor, update)) def replaceVersion(task, mask): def subVersion(match): global currentVersion global newVersion currentVersion = newVersion = incVersion(currentVersion, task) return mask.format(newVersion) return subVersion def showVersion(): global currentVersion versions = set() for (key, c) in VERSION_CONFIG.items(): with open(c["file"]) as fh: text = match = c["re"].search(text) version = console(f'{version} (according to {c["file"]})') versions.add(version) currentVersion = None if len(versions) == 1: currentVersion = list(versions)[0] def adjustVersion(task): for (key, c) in VERSION_CONFIG.items(): console(f'Adjusting version in {c["file"]}') with open(c["file"]) as fh: text = text = c["re"].sub(replaceVersion(task, c["mask"]), text) with open(c["file"], "w") as fh: fh.write(text) if currentVersion == newVersion: console(f"Rebuilding version {newVersion}") else: console(f"Replacing version {currentVersion} by {newVersion}") def makeDist(pypi=True): distFile = "{}-{}".format(PACKAGE, currentVersion) distFileCompressed = f"{distFile}.tar.gz" distPath = f"{DIST}/{distFileCompressed}" distPath = f"{DIST}/*" if os.path.exists(DIST): rmtree(DIST) os.makedirs(DIST, exist_ok=True) run(["python3", "", "sdist", "bdist_wheel"]) if pypi: run(["twine", "upload", "-u", "dirkroorda", distPath]) # run("./", shell=True) def commit(task, msg): run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) if task in {"ship"}: tagVersion = f"v{currentVersion}" commitMessage = f"Release {currentVersion}: {msg}" run(["git", "tag", "-a", tagVersion, "-m", commitMessage]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "--tags"]) def commitApps(msg): for app in apps: os.chdir(f"{AN_BASE}/app-{app}") console(f"In {os.getcwd()}") run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) os.chdir(f"{TF_BASE}") def commitTut(msg): os.chdir(f"{TUT_BASE}") console(f"In {os.getcwd()}") run(["git", "add", "--all", "."]) run(["git", "commit", "-m", msg]) run(["git", "push", "origin", "master"]) os.chdir(f"{TF_BASE}") def tfbrowse(dataset, remaining): rargs = " ".join(remaining) cmdLine = f"{PACKAGE} {dataset} {rargs}" try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def tftest(suite, remaining): suiteDir = f"{TEST_BASE}/generic" suiteFile = f"{suite}.py" good = True try: os.chdir(suiteDir) except Exception: good = False console(f'Cannot find TF test directory "{suiteDir}"') if not good: return if not os.path.exists(suiteFile): console(f'Cannot find TF test suite "{suite}"') return rargs = " ".join(remaining) cmdLine = f"python3 {suiteFile} -v {rargs}" try: run(cmdLine, shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass def clean(): run(["python3", "", "develop", "-u"]) if os.path.exists(SCRIPT): os.unlink(SCRIPT) run(["pip3", "uninstall", "-y", PACKAGE]) def main(): (task, msg, remaining) = readArgs() if not task: return elif task == "a": tfbrowse(msg, remaining) elif task == "t": tftest(msg, remaining) elif task == "docs": pdoc3serve(PKG) elif task == "pdocs": pdoc3(PKG) elif task == "sdocs": shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) elif task == "clean": clean() elif task == "l": clean() run(["python3", "", "develop"]) elif task == "lp": clean() run(["python3", "", "sdist"]) distFiles = glob(f"dist/{PACKAGE}-*.tar.gz") run(["pip3", "install", distFiles[0]]) elif task == "i": clean makeDist(pypi=False) run( [ "pip3", "install", "--upgrade", "--no-index", "--find-links", f'file://{TF_BASE}/dist"', PACKAGE, ] ) elif task == "g": shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) commit(task, msg) elif task == "apps": commitApps(msg) elif task == "tut": commitTut(msg) elif task == "v": showVersion() elif task in {"r", "r1", "r2", "r3"}: adjustVersion(task) elif task == "ship": showVersion() if not currentVersion: console("No current version") return answer = input("right version ? [yn]") if answer != "y": return shipDocs(ORG, REPO, PKG) makeDist() commit(task, msg) main()