Tip revision: 86968509e38902580b04a25786c5a58ba2777b21 authored by Antonio Fernandez-Guerra on 28 February 2022, 14:31:29 UTC
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Tip revision: 8696850
layout: page
title: Metagenomic cluster DB - Singletons & small clusters
<h2 class="section-heading text-primary">Singletons</h2>
The sinlgetons are the clusters with only one member/ORF.
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
*Total singletons and their completion*
| Total | Complete "00" | Partial "01" | Partial "10" | Partial "11" |
| 19,911,324 | 2,124,209 | 7,490,987 | 7,023,398 | 3,272,730 |
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
*Singletons Pfan annotations*
| Singletons | Annotated | Not-annotated |
| :--------: | :----------: | :--------------: |
| 19,911,324 | 934,548 (5%) | 18,976,776 (95%) |
| Annotated DUFs | Annotated PF (known function) |
| :------------: | :---------------------------: |
| 82,135 (9%) | 852,413 (91%) |
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">_Genomic unknowns_ singletons: search against UniRef90</h5>
We searched the set of not annotated singletons against UniRef90. We were able to annotate 32% of the not annotated singletons, with 43% of the hits annotated to "hypothetical proteins."
<div class="img_container" style="width:50%; margin:2em auto;">
*Not annotated singletons vs UniRef90 search results*
| Hits (unique) | No-hits |
| :-------------: | :--------------: |
| 6,024,464 (32%) | 12,952,312 (68%) |
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
*UniRef90 hits functional characterization*
| Hits to hypothetical proteins | Hits to not-hypothetical prot. |
| :-------------------------------: | :----------------------------: |
| 2,579,709 (14%) (43% of the hits) | 3,444,755 (57% of the hits) |
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">Singletons _Environmental unknowns_: search against NCBI nr database</h5>
We searched the representatives that reported no matches to the UniRef90 entries (12,952,312) against the NCBI nr database (version 28-08-2017; 130,469,055 non-redundant proteins).
From the 12,952,312 queries we wereable to annotate only the 1.3%.
<div class="img_container" style="width:50%; margin:2em auto;">
*UniRef90-nohits vs NCBI-nr search results*
| Hits | No-hits |
| :------------: | :----------------: |
| 162,038 (1.3%) | 12,790,274 (98.7%) |
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
*NCBI-nr hits functional characterization*
| NR hypothetical | NR not-hypothetical |
| :------------------------------: | :----------------------: |
| 101,632 (0.8%) (63% of the hits) | 60,406 (37% of the hits) |
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">Singletons categories</h5>
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
| K | KWP | GU | EU |
| 852,413 (4%) | 3,505,161 (18%) | 2,763,476 (14%) | 12,790,274 (64%) |
<h2 class="section-heading text-primary">Small clusters</h2>
The small clusters are the set of clusters with less than 10 ORFs.
<div class="img_container" style="width:50%; margin:2em auto;">
*Nuber of small clusters and their ORFs*
| Clusters | Members (ORFs) |
| :-------: | :------------: |
| 9,549,853 | 33,869,465 |
<div class="img_container" style="width:70%; margin:2em auto;">
*Small clusters Pfam annotations*
| Annotated clusters | Annotated to PF | Annotated to DUFs |
| :----------------: | :-------------: | :---------------: |
| 1,028,076 | 946,112 (92%) | 81,964 (8%) |
We retrieved the consensus sequences for the clusters and we proceeded with the classification:
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">Small clusters _Genomic unknowns_: search against UniRef90</h5>
We searched the 8,521,777 not annotated small clusters consensus againt the UniRef90 database. We annotated 56% of the queries.
<div class="img_container" style="width:50%; margin:2em auto;">
*Not annotated small clusters vs UniRef90 search results*
| Hits (unique) | No-hits |
| :-------------: | :-------------: |
| 4,767,685 (56%) | 3,754,092 (44%) |
The majority (54%) of the UniRef90 hits are annotated to "hypothetical" proteins.
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*UniRef90 hits functional characterization*
| Hits to hypothetical proteins | Hits to not-hypothetical prot. |
| :-------------------------------: | :----------------------------: |
| 2,590,710 (30%) (54% of the hits) | 2,176,975 (46% of the hits) |
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">Small clusters _Environmental unknowns_: search against NCBI nr database</h5>
We searched the consensus that reported no matches to the UniProtKB entries (3,754,092) against the NCBI nr database (version 28-08-2017; 130,469,055 non-redundant proteins).
From these 3,754,092 queries we got only 108,267 hits.
<div class="img_container" style="width:50%; margin:2em auto;">
*UniRef90-nohits vs NCBI-nr search results*
| Hits | No-hits |
| :----------: | :-------------: |
| 108,267 (3%) | 3,645,825 (97%) |
We screened these hits for "hypothetical" labels, the results are reported in the table below.
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*NCBI-nr hits functional characterization*
| NR hypothetical | NR not-hypothetical |
| :---------------------------: | :----------------------: |
| 71,588 (2%) (66% of the hits) | 36,679 (33% of the hits) |
<h5 class="section-heading text-primary">Small clusters categories</h5>
<div class="img_container" style="width:90%; margin:2em auto;">
| | K | KWP | GU | EU | Total |
| Clusters | 946,112 (10%) | 2,213,654 (23%) | 2,744,262 (29%) | 3,645,825 (38%) | 9,549,853 |
| ORFs | 3,890,895 | 8,304,629 | 10,281,417 | 11,392,524 | 33,869,465 |