Raw File
\title{Distribution Function of Interpoint Distance }
  Computes the cumulative distribution function of the distance
  between two independent random points in a given window
  or windows.
  distcdf(W, V=W, \dots, dW=1, dV=dW, nr=1024)
    A window (object of class \code{"owin"}) containing the
    first random point.
    Optional. Another window containing the second random point.
    Defaults to \code{W}.
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{as.mask}} to determine the
    pixel resolution for the calculation.
  \item{dV, dW}{
    Optional. Probability densities (not necessarily normalised)
    for the first and second random points respectively.
    Data in any format acceptable
    to \code{\link{as.im}}, for example, a \code{function(x,y)}
    or a pixel image or a numeric value. The default
    corresponds to a uniform distribution over the window.
    Integer. The number of values of interpoint distance \eqn{r}
    for which the CDF will be computed.
    Should be a large value!
  An object of class \code{"fv"}, see \code{\link{fv.object}},
  which can be plotted directly using \code{\link{plot.fv}}.
  This command computes the Cumulative Distribution Function
    CDF(r) = Prob(T \le r)
    CDF(r) = Prob(T <= r)
  of the Euclidean distance \eqn{T = \|X_1 - X_2\|}{T = |X1-X2|}
  between two independent random points \eqn{X_1}{X1} and \eqn{X_2}{X2}.

  In the simplest case, the command \code{distcdf(W)}, the random points are 
  assumed to be uniformly distributed in the same
  window \code{W}.

  Alternatively the two random points may be 
  uniformly distributed in two different windows \code{W} and \code{V}.

  In the most general case the first point \eqn{X_1}{X1} is random
  in the window \code{W} with a probability density proportional to
  \code{dW}, and the second point \eqn{X_2}{X2} is random in
  a different window \code{V} with probability density proportional
  to \code{dV}.

  The calculation is performed by numerical integration of the set covariance
  function \code{\link{setcov}} for uniformly distributed points, and
  by computing the covariance function \code{\link{imcov}} in the
  general case. The accuracy of the result depends on
  the pixel resolution used to represent the windows: this is controlled
  by the arguments \code{\dots} which are passed to \code{\link{as.mask}}.
  For example use \code{eps=0.1} to specify pixels of size 0.1 units.
 # The unit disc
 B <- disc()
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner

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