## Makefile help {#makefiles-help} ### Statistics These provide statistics about the data and the configuration. - `make stats-easy_node`: Prints summary of declared nots using the EasyNode frameworks. - `make stats-easy_logs`: Prints summary of available logs. - `make stats-easy_algo`: Prints summary of available algorithms. ### Testing These commands run the unit tests. - `make test-all`: Run all the tests. - `make test-circle`: The tests to run in continuous integration. . - `make test-catkin_tests`: Run the ROS tests. - `make test-anti_instagram`: Run the `anti_instagram` tests. - `make test-comptests`: Run the `comptests` tests. - `make test-comptests-clean`: Run the `comptests` tests. - `make test-comptests-collect-junit`: Collects the JUnit results. - `make test-download-logs`: Downloads the logs needed for the tests. ### Building commands Commands to build the software. - `make build-catkin` : Runs `catkin_make`. - `make build-catkin-parallel` : Runs `catkin_make`, with 4 threads. - `make build-catkin-parallel-max` : Runs `catkin_make`, with many threads. - `make build-machines` : Builds the machines file. - `make build-machines-clean` : Removes the machines file. - `make build-clean` : Clean everything. ### Docker commands For using Docker images - `make docker-build`: Creates the image. - `make docker-upload`: Uploads the image. - `make docker-clean`: Removes all local images. ### Automated files generation Generation of documentation - `make generate-all`: Generates everything. - `make generate-help`: Generates help. - `make generate-easy_node`: Generates the easy node documentation. - `make generate-easy_node-clean`: Cleans the generated files. ### Demos These are simple demos TODO: to write ### Hardware tests To perform hardware tests: - `make hw-test-camera` : Testing Camera HW by taking a picture (smile!). - `make hw-test-turn-right`: Calibration right turn - `make hw-test-turn-left`: Calibrating left turn - `make hw-test-turn-forward`: Calibrating forward turn ### Maintenance A couple of utilities for robot maintenance. - `make maintenance-fix-time`: Fixes the time. - `make maintenance-clean-pyc`: Removes pyc files. ### Open house demos These were the open house demos. TODO: to write