## __ __ _ __ _ _
## | \/ |__ _| |_____ / _(_) |___
## | |\/| / _` | / / -_) _| | / -_)
## |_| |_\__,_|_\_\___|_| |_|_\___|
## Use `help` as default target for this Makefile.
.DEFAULT: help
## Do not print recipes for this Makefile. We will take care of the printing
## ourselves.
## Recipes are sent to Shell in one go, instead of line-by-line. We make sure to
## add the `-e` flag to compensate (as well as the useful `-u` and `-C`). We
## also have to add `-c` explicitly when we play with `.SHELLFLAGS`.
SHELL = sh
## ___ _ _
## / __|___ _ _ __| |_ __ _ _ _| |_ ___
## | (__/ _ \ ' \(_-< _/ _` | ' \ _(_-<
## \___\___/_||_/__/\__\__,_|_||_\__/__/
## This section defines constants used everywhere else in this Makefile. They
## describe where to find files, where to put them, what utilities to use, and
## some lists of objects gotten from the database.
## The target build directory.
output := ./_build
website-output := $(output)/website
tests-output := $(output)/tests
## Where to find the database and the views.
database := ./database
views := ./views
tests := ./tests
## Where to find some utilities.
yaml2json := yq --output-format json
lilypond := lilypond --loglevel=warning -dno-point-and-click
inkscape := HOME=$$(mktemp -d) xvfb-run inkscape
## The list of dances in the database and their target names in $(website-output).
dances := $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(database)/dance/*.yaml)))
built_dances := $(addprefix $(website-output)/dance/, $(dances))
## The list of tunes in the database and their target names in $(website-output).
tunes := $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(database)/tune/*.yaml)))
built_tunes := $(addprefix $(website-output)/tune/, $(tunes))
## The list of books in the database and their target names in $(website-output).
books := $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(database)/book/*.yaml)))
built_books := $(addprefix $(website-output)/book/, $(books))
## _ _ _ __ ___ _
## | || |___| |_ __ / _|___ / __| |___ __ _ _ _
## | __ / -_) | '_ \ > _|_ _| | (__| / -_) _` | ' \
## |_||_\___|_| .__/ \_____| \___|_\___\__,_|_||_|
## |_|
## The default endpoint for this endpoint is `help`, which prints a help
## message about the other endpoints.
.PHONY: help clean
printf 'Just try `make website`.\n'
printf 'Cleaning up.\n'
rm -Rf $(output)
## ___ _ _ _
## | _ )_ _(_) |__| |
## | _ \ || | | / _` |
## |___/\_,_|_|_\__,_|
## How to build the shape of the $(website-output) directory. The rules later on will
## depend on this shape, unless they clearly depend on something that implies
## that the shape already exists.
mkdir $(output)
$(website-output): $(output)
mkdir $(website-output)
$(website-output)/dance: $(website-output)
mkdir $(website-output)/dance
$(website-output)/tune: $(website-output)
mkdir $(website-output)/tune
$(website-output)/book: $(website-output)
mkdir $(website-output)/book
$(tests-output): $(output)
mkdir $(tests-output)
## Individual dances
## Generate a raw JSON file out of a database dance entry.
$(website-output)/dance/%.raw.json: $(database)/dance/%.yaml $(website-output)/dance
printf 'Making `dance/%s.raw.json`...\n' $*
cat $< | $(yaml2json) | jq '{dance:., slug:"$*"}' > $@
## Generate a JSON file out of a raw dance JSON file.
$(website-output)/dance/%.json: $(website-output)/dance/%.raw.json $(website-output)/all.raw.json
printf 'Making `dance/%s.json`...\n' $*
cat $< \
| jq '. + $$all + {title:(.dance.name + " | Dance"), root:".."}' \
--argjson all "$$(cat $(website-output)/all.raw.json)" \
> $@
## Generate a TeX file out of a dance JSON file.
$(website-output)/dance/%.tex: $(website-output)/dance/%.json
printf 'Making `dance/%s.tex`...\n' $*
cat $(views)/tex/preamble.tex
j2 $(views)/tex/dance.tex.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py
} > $@
## Generate a PDF file out of a dance TeX file.
$(website-output)/dance/%.pdf: $(website-output)/dance/%.tex
printf 'Making `dance/%s.pdf`...\n' $*
cd $(dir $<)
xelatex -halt-on-error $(notdir $<) 2>&1
) && true
if [ $$return_code -ne 0 ]; then
printf ' => \e[1;31munexpected failure while compiling PDF\e[0m.\n'
printf ' Here is the output from XeLaTeX:\n'
printf '\n\e[37m%s\e[0m\n\n' "$$output" | sed 's|^\(.*\)| \1|'
exit $$return_code
## Generate a HTML file out of a dance JSON file.
$(website-output)/dance/%.html: $(website-output)/dance/%.json
printf 'Making `dance/%s.html`...\n' $*
j2 $(views)/html/dance.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Index of dances
$(website-output)/dances.raw.json: $(addsuffix .raw.json, $(built_dances))
printf 'Making `dances.raw.json`...\n'
if [ -n '$^' ]; then
jq -s 'map({(.slug): (.dance)}) | .+[{}] | add | {dances:.}' $^ > $@
printf ' => trivial file because no built dances\n'
mkdir -p $$(dirname $@) ## FIXME: this is a bit dirty
jq -n '{dances:{}}' > $@
$(website-output)/dances.json: $(website-output)/dances.raw.json
printf 'Making `dances.json`...\n'
cat $< | jq '. + {root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/dances.html: $(website-output)/dances.json
printf 'Making `dances.html`...\n'
j2 $(views)/html/dances.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Individual tunes
## Generate a raw JSON file out of a database tune entry.
$(website-output)/tune/%.raw.json: $(database)/tune/%.yaml $(website-output)/tune
printf 'Making `tune/%s.raw.json`...\n' $*
cat $< | $(yaml2json) | jq '{tune:., slug:"$*"}' > $@
## Generate a JSON file out of a raw tune JSON file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.json: $(website-output)/tune/%.raw.json $(website-output)/all.raw.json
printf 'Making `tune/%s.json`...\n' $*
cat $< \
| jq '. + $$all + {title:(.tune.name + " | Tune"), root:".."}' \
--argjson all "$$(cat $(website-output)/all.raw.json)" \
> $@
## Generate a LilyPond file out of a tune JSON file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.ly: $(website-output)/tune/%.json
printf 'Making `tune/%s.ly`...\n' $*
cat $(views)/ly/version.ly
cat $(views)/ly/repeat-aware.ly
cat $(views)/ly/bar-number-in-instrument-name-engraver.ly
cat $(views)/ly/beginning-of-line.ly
cat $(views)/ly/repeat-volta-fancy.ly
cat $(views)/ly/preamble.ly
j2 $(views)/ly/tune.ly.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py
} > $@
## Generate a PDF file out of a tune LilyPond file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.pdf: $(website-output)/tune/%.ly
printf 'Making `tune/%s.pdf`...\n' $*
cd $(dir $<)
$(lilypond) $*
## Generate a short LilyPond file out of a tune JSON file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.short.ly: $(website-output)/tune/%.json
printf 'Making `tune/%s.short.ly`...\n' $*
cat $(views)/ly/version.ly
cat $(views)/ly/repeat-aware.ly
cat $(views)/ly/bar-number-in-instrument-name-engraver.ly
cat $(views)/ly/beginning-of-line.ly
cat $(views)/ly/repeat-volta-fancy.ly
cat $(views)/ly/preamble.ly
cat $(views)/ly/preamble.short.ly
j2 $(views)/ly/tune.ly.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py
} > $@
## Generate a SVG file out of a tune short LilyPond file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.svg: $(website-output)/tune/%.short.ly
printf 'Making `tune/%s.svg`...\n' $*
cd $(dir $<)
$(lilypond) -dbackend=svg $*.short.ly
$(inkscape) --batch-process --export-area-drawing --export-plain-svg \
--export-filename=$*.svg $*.short.svg 2>/dev/null
rm $*.short.svg
## Generate a HTML file out of a tune JSON file.
$(website-output)/tune/%.html: $(website-output)/tune/%.json
printf 'Making `tune/%s.html`...\n' $*
j2 $(views)/html/tune.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Index of tunes
$(website-output)/tunes.raw.json: $(addsuffix .raw.json, $(built_tunes))
printf 'Making `tunes.raw.json`...\n'
if [ -n '$^' ]; then
jq -s 'map({(.slug): (.tune)}) | .+[{}] | add | {tunes:., root:"."}' $^ > $@
printf ' => trivial file because no built tunes\n'
mkdir -p $$(dirname $@) ## FIXME: this is a bit dirty
jq -n '{tunes:{}, root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/tunes.json: $(website-output)/tunes.raw.json
printf 'Making `tunes.json`...\n'
cat $< | jq '. + {root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/tunes.html: $(website-output)/tunes.json
printf 'Making `tunes.html`...\n'
j2 $(views)/html/tunes.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Individual books
## Generate a raw JSON file out of a database book entry.
$(website-output)/book/%.raw.json: $(database)/book/%.yaml $(website-output)/book
printf 'Making `book/%s.raw.json`...\n' $*
cat $< | $(yaml2json) | jq '{book:., slug:"$*"}' > $@
## Generate a JSON file out of a raw book JSON file.
$(website-output)/book/%.json: $(website-output)/book/%.raw.json $(website-output)/all.raw.json
printf 'Making `book/%s.json`...\n' $*
cat $< \
| jq '. + $$all + {title:(.book.title + " | Book"), root:".."}' \
--argjson all "$$(cat $(website-output)/all.raw.json)" \
> $@
## Generate a HTML file out of a book JSON file.
$(website-output)/book/%.html: $(website-output)/book/%.json
printf 'Making `book/%s.html`...\n' $*
j2 $(views)/html/book.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Index of books
$(website-output)/books.raw.json: $(addsuffix .raw.json, $(built_books))
printf 'Making `books.raw.json`...\n'
if [ -n '$^' ]; then
jq -s 'map({(.slug): (.book)}) | .+[{}] | add | {books:.}' $^ > $@
printf ' => trivial file because no built books\n'
jq -n '{books:{}}' > $@
$(website-output)/books.json: $(website-output)/books.raw.json
printf 'Making `books.json`...\n'
cat $< | jq '. + {root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/books.html: $(website-output)/books.json
printf 'Making `books.html`...\n'
j2 $(views)/html/books.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## Index &
$(website-output)/all.raw.json: $(website-output)/dances.raw.json $(website-output)/tunes.raw.json $(website-output)/books.raw.json
printf 'Making `all.raw.json`...\n'
jq -s '{dances:.[0].dances, tunes:.[1].tunes, books:.[2].books}' $^ > $@
$(website-output)/index.json: $(website-output)/all.raw.json
printf 'Making `index.json`...\n'
cat $< | jq '. + {root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/index.html: $(website-output)/index.json
printf 'Making `index.html`...\n'
j2 $(views)/html/index.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
$(website-output)/non-scddb.json: $(website-output)/all.raw.json
printf 'Making `non-scddb.json`...\n'
cat $< | jq '. + {root:"."}' > $@
$(website-output)/non-scddb.html: $(website-output)/non-scddb.json
printf 'Making `non-scddb.html`...\n'
j2 $(views)/html/non-scddb.html.j2 $< --filters $(views)/j2filters.py > $@
## All
.PHONY: dances tunes books index css static website
dances: $(addsuffix .html, $(built_dances)) $(addsuffix .pdf, $(built_dances)) $(website-output)/dances.html
tunes: $(addsuffix .html, $(built_tunes)) $(addsuffix .svg, $(built_tunes)) $(addsuffix .pdf, $(built_tunes)) $(website-output)/tunes.html
books: $(addsuffix .html, $(built_books)) $(website-output)/books.html
index: $(website-output)/index.html $(website-output)/non-scddb.html
css: $(website-output)
cp $(views)/css/reset.css $(website-output)
sassc $(views)/css/style.scss $(website-output)/style.css
static: $(website-output)
printf 'Copying static files`...\n'
cp -R $(views)/static/* $(website-output)
website: dances tunes books index css static
## _____ _
## |_ _|__ __| |_ ___
## | |/ -_|_-< _(_-<
## |_|\___/__/\__/__/
.PHONY: test-website
dances=$$(yq --unwrapScalar '.build-arguments.dances.[]' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
tunes=$$(yq --unwrapScalar '.build-arguments.tunes.[]' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
books=$$(yq --unwrapScalar '.build-arguments.books.[]' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
make website dances="$$dances" tunes="$$tunes" books="$$books"
.PHONY: tests
tests: $(tests-output)
if ! [ -d $(website-output) ]; then
printf 'The website need to be built first for tests to run.\n'
exit 7
paths=$$(yq '.paths | length' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
for ii in $$(seq 1 $$paths); do
i=$$((ii - 1))
path=$$(yq ".paths[$$i]" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
printf 'Path #%d of %d. `%s`:\n' "$$ii" "$$paths" "$$path"
mkdir -p "$$(dirname $(tests-output)/"$$path")"
viewports=$$(yq '.viewports | length' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
for jj in $$(seq 1 $$viewports); do
j=$$((jj - 1))
name=$$(yq ".viewports[$$j].name" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
width=$$(yq ".viewports[$$j].width" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
printf ' Viewport #%d of %d: `%s` (width: %d).\n' "$$jj" "$$viewports" "$$name" "$$width"
tests/take-screenshot \
file://$$PWD/$(website-output)/"$$path" \
$(tests-output)/"$$output_path" \
$$width \
) && true
if [ -e $(tests-output)/"$$output_path" ]; then
chmod 644 $(tests-output)/"$$output_path"
unexpected_failures=$$((unexpected_failures + 1))
printf ' => \e[1;31munexpected failure while taking screenshot\e[0m.\n'
printf ' Here is the output from Firefox:\n'
printf '\n\e[37m%s\e[0m\n\n' "$$firefox_output" | sed 's|^\(.*\)| \1|'
if ! [ -e $(tests)/outputs/"$$output_path" ]; then
dissimilarities=$$((dissimilarities + 1))
printf ' => \e[31mno reference to compare to\e[0m.\n'
compare -compose src -metric AE -format '' \
$(tests)/outputs/"$$output_path" $(tests-output)/"$$output_path" \
$(tests-output)/"$$diff_path" \
) && true
if [ $$return_code -eq 1 ]; then
dissimilarities=$$((dissimilarities + 1))
printf ' => \e[31mdissimilarity\e[0m.\n'
elif [ $$return_code -ge 2 ]; then
unexpected_failures=$$((unexpected_failures + 1))
printf ' => \e[1;31munexpected failure while comparing\e[0m.\n'
printf ' Here is the output from ImageMagick:\n'
printf '\n\e[37m%s\e[0m\n\n' "$$compare_output" | sed 's|^\(.*\)| \1|'
if [ $$unexpected_failures -gt 0 ]; then
printf 'There were \e[1;31m%d unexpected failures\e[0m.\n' "$$unexpected_failures"
exit 2
if [ $$dissimilarities -gt 0 ]; then
printf 'There were \e[31m%d dissimilarities\e[0m.\n' "$$dissimilarities"
exit 1
.PHONY: promote-test-outputs
if ! [ -d $(tests-output) ]; then
printf 'The tests need to have been run before being promoted.\n'
exit 7
printf 'Promoting all the tests outputs.\n'
paths=$$(yq '.paths | length' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
for ii in $$(seq 1 $$paths); do
i=$$((ii - 1))
path=$$(yq ".paths[$$i]" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
printf ' Path #%d of %d. `%s`:\n' "$$ii" "$$paths" "$$path"
mkdir -p "$$(dirname $(tests)/outputs/"$$path")"
viewports=$$(yq '.viewports | length' $(tests)/meta.yaml)
for jj in $$(seq 1 $$viewports); do
j=$$((jj - 1))
name=$$(yq ".viewports[$$j].name" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
width=$$(yq ".viewports[$$j].width" $(tests)/meta.yaml)
printf ' Viewport #%d of %d: `%s` (%d).\n' "$$jj" "$$viewports" "$$name" "$$width"
cp $(tests-output)/"$$output_path" $(tests)/outputs/"$$output_path"