# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Base: get_world_counter # DO NOT ALTER ORDER OR SPACING OF METHODS BELOW const lineoffset = @__LINE__ ambig(x, y) = 1 ambig(x::Integer, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Integer) = 3 ambig(x::Int, y::Int) = 4 ambig(x::Number, y) = 5 # END OF LINE NUMBER SENSITIVITY using LinearAlgebra, SparseArrays # For curmod_* include("testenv.jl") getline(m::Core.TypeMapEntry) = getline(m.func::Method) getline(m::Method) = m.line - lineoffset ambigs = Any[[], [3], [2, 5], [], [3]] for m in methods(ambig) ln = getline(m) atarget = ambigs[ln] if isempty(atarget) @test m.ambig === nothing else aln = Int[getline(a::Core.TypeMapEntry) for a in m.ambig] @test sort(aln) == atarget end end @test length(methods(ambig)) == 5 @test length(Base.methods_including_ambiguous(ambig, Tuple)) == 5 @test length(methods(ambig, (Int, Int))) == 1 @test length(methods(ambig, (UInt8, Int))) == 0 @test length(Base.methods_including_ambiguous(ambig, (UInt8, Int))) == 3 @test ambig("hi", "there") == 1 @test ambig(3.1, 3.2) == 5 @test ambig(3, 4) == 4 @test_throws MethodError ambig(0x03, 4) @test_throws MethodError ambig(0x03, 4) # test that not inserted into cache # Ensure it still works with potential inlining callambig(x, y) = ambig(x, y) @test_throws MethodError callambig(0x03, 4) # Printing ambiguity errors let err = try ambig(0x03, 4) catch _e_ _e_ end io = IOBuffer() Base.showerror(io, err) lines = split(String(take!(io)), '\n') ambig_checkline(str) = startswith(str, " ambig(x, y::Integer) in $curmod_str at") || startswith(str, " ambig(x::Integer, y) in $curmod_str at") || startswith(str, " ambig(x::Number, y) in $curmod_str at") @test ambig_checkline(lines[2]) @test ambig_checkline(lines[3]) @test ambig_checkline(lines[4]) @test lines[5] == "Possible fix, define" @test lines[6] == " ambig(::Integer, ::Integer)" end ambig_with_bounds(x, ::Int, ::T) where {T<:Integer,S} = 0 ambig_with_bounds(::Int, x, ::T) where {T<:Integer,S} = 1 let err = try ambig_with_bounds(1, 2, 3) catch _e_ _e_ end io = IOBuffer() Base.showerror(io, err) lines = split(String(take!(io)), '\n') @test lines[end] == " ambig_with_bounds(::$Int, ::$Int, ::T) where T<:Integer" end ## Other ways of accessing functions # Test that non-ambiguous cases work let io = IOBuffer() @test precompile(ambig, (Int, Int)) == true cf = @eval @cfunction(ambig, Int, (Int, Int)) @test ccall(cf, Int, (Int, Int), 1, 2) == 4 @test length(code_lowered(ambig, (Int, Int))) == 1 @test length(code_typed(ambig, (Int, Int))) == 1 end # Test that ambiguous cases fail appropriately let io = IOBuffer() @test precompile(ambig, (UInt8, Int)) == false cf = @eval @cfunction(ambig, Int, (UInt8, Int)) # test for a crash (doesn't throw an error) @test_throws(MethodError(ambig, (UInt8(1), Int(2)), get_world_counter()), ccall(cf, Int, (UInt8, Int), 1, 2)) @test_throws(ErrorException("no unique matching method found for the specified argument types"), which(ambig, (UInt8, Int))) @test length(code_typed(ambig, (UInt8, Int))) == 0 end # Method overwriting doesn't destroy ambiguities @test_throws MethodError ambig(2, 0x03) ambig(x, y::Integer) = 3 @test_throws MethodError ambig(2, 0x03) # Method overwriting by an ambiguity should also invalidate the method cache (#21963) ambig(x::Union{Char, Int8}) = 'r' @test ambig('c') == 'r' @test ambig(Int8(1)) == 'r' @test_throws MethodError ambig(Int16(1)) ambig(x::Union{Char, Int16}) = 's' @test_throws MethodError ambig('c') @test ambig(Int8(1)) == 'r' @test ambig(Int16(1)) == 's' # Automatic detection of ambiguities module Ambig1 ambig(x, y) = 1 ambig(x::Integer, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Integer) = 3 end ambs = detect_ambiguities(Ambig1) @test length(ambs) == 1 module Ambig2 ambig(x, y) = 1 ambig(x::Integer, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Integer) = 3 ambig(x::Number, y) = 4 end ambs = detect_ambiguities(Ambig2) @test length(ambs) == 2 module Ambig3 ambig(x, y) = 1 ambig(x::Integer, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Integer) = 3 ambig(x::Int, y::Int) = 4 end ambs = detect_ambiguities(Ambig3) @test length(ambs) == 1 module Ambig4 ambig(x, y) = 1 ambig(x::Int, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Int) = 3 ambig(x::Int, y::Int) = 4 end ambs = detect_ambiguities(Ambig4) @test length(ambs) == 0 module Ambig5 ambig(x::Int8, y) = 1 ambig(x::Integer, y) = 2 ambig(x, y::Int) = 3 end ambs = detect_ambiguities(Ambig5) @test length(ambs) == 2 # Test that Core and Base are free of ambiguities # not using isempty so this prints more information when it fails @test detect_ambiguities(Core, Base; imported=true, recursive=true, ambiguous_bottom=false) == [] # some ambiguities involving Union{} type parameters are expected, but not required @test !isempty(detect_ambiguities(Core, Base; imported=true, ambiguous_bottom=true)) module AmbigStdlib using Test # List standard libraries. Exclude modules such as Main. modules = [mod for (pkg, mod) in Base.loaded_modules if pkg.uuid !== nothing] # not using isempty so this prints more information when it fails @test detect_ambiguities(modules...; imported=true, recursive=true) == [] end # module amb_1(::Int8, ::Int) = 1 amb_1(::Integer, x) = 2 amb_1(x, ::Int) = 3 # if there is an ambiguity with some methods and not others, `methods` # should return just the non-ambiguous ones, i.e. the ones that could actually # be called. @test length(methods(amb_1, Tuple{Integer, Int})) == 1 amb_2(::Int, y) = 1 amb_2(x, ::Int) = 2 amb_2(::Int8, y) = 3 @test length(methods(amb_2)) == 3 # make sure no duplicates amb_3(::Int8, ::Int8) = 1 amb_3(::Int16, ::Int16) = 2 amb_3(::Integer, ::Integer) = 3 amb_3(::Integer, x) = 4 amb_3(x, ::Integer) = 5 # ambiguous definitions exist, but are covered by multiple more specific definitions let ms = methods(amb_3).ms @test !Base.isambiguous(ms[4], ms[5]) end amb_4(::Int8, ::Int8) = 1 amb_4(::Int16, ::Int16) = 2 amb_4(::Integer, x) = 4 amb_4(x, ::Integer) = 5 # as above, but without sufficient definition coverage let ms = methods(amb_4).ms @test Base.isambiguous(ms[3], ms[4]) end g16493(x::T, y::Integer) where {T<:Number} = 0 g16493(x::Complex{T}, y) where {T} = 1 let ms = methods(g16493, (Complex, Any)) @test length(ms) == 1 @test first(ms).sig == (Tuple{typeof(g16493), Complex{T}, Any} where T) end # issue #17350 module Ambig6 struct ScaleMinMax{To,From} end map1(mapi::ScaleMinMax{To,From}, val::From) where {To<:Union{Float32,Float64},From<:Real} = 1 map1(mapi::ScaleMinMax{To,From}, val::Union{Real,Complex}) where {To<:Union{Float32,Float64},From<:Real} = 2 end @test isempty(detect_ambiguities(Ambig6)) module Ambig7 struct T end (::T)(x::Int8, y) = 1 (::T)(x, y::Int8) = 2 end @test length(detect_ambiguities(Ambig7)) == 1 module Ambig17648 struct MyArray{T,N} <: AbstractArray{T,N} data::Array{T,N} end foo(::Type{Array{T,N}}, A::MyArray{T,N}) where {T,N} = A.data foo(::Type{Array{T,N}}, A::MyArray{T,N}) where {T<:AbstractFloat,N} = A.data foo(::Type{Array{S,N}}, A::MyArray{T,N}) where {S<:AbstractFloat,N,T<:AbstractFloat} = copyto!(Array{S}(undef, unsize(A)), A.data) foo(::Type{Array{S,N}}, A::AbstractArray{T,N}) where {S<:AbstractFloat,N,T<:AbstractFloat} = copyto!(Array{S}(undef, size(A)), A) end @test isempty(detect_ambiguities(Ambig17648)) module Ambig8 # complex / unsorted(-able) ambiguities f(::Union{typeof(pi), Integer}) = 1 f(::Union{AbstractIrrational, Int}) = 2 f(::Irrational) = 3 f(::Signed) = 4 g(::Irrational) = 3 g(::Signed) = 4 g(::Union{typeof(pi), Integer}) = 1 g(::Union{AbstractIrrational, Int}) = 2 struct Irrational2 <: AbstractIrrational; end end @test isempty(methods(Ambig8.f, (Int,))) @test isempty(methods(Ambig8.g, (Int,))) for f in (Ambig8.f, Ambig8.g) @test length(methods(f, (Integer,))) == 2 @test f(0x00) == 1 @test f(Ambig8.Irrational2()) == 2 @test f(MathConstants.γ) == 3 @test f(Int8(0)) == 4 @test_throws MethodError f(0) @test_throws MethodError f(pi) end module Ambig9 f(x::Complex{<:Integer}) = 1 f(x::Complex{<:Rational}) = 2 end @test !Base.isambiguous(methods(Ambig9.f)..., ambiguous_bottom=false) @test Base.isambiguous(methods(Ambig9.f)..., ambiguous_bottom=true) @test !Base.isambiguous(methods(Ambig9.f)...) @test length(detect_ambiguities(Ambig9, ambiguous_bottom=false)) == 0 @test length(detect_ambiguities(Ambig9, ambiguous_bottom=true)) == 1 @test length(detect_ambiguities(Ambig9)) == 0 # issue #25341 module M25341 _totuple(::Type{Tuple{Vararg{E}}}, itr, s...) where {E} = E end @test length(detect_unbound_args(M25341; recursive=true)) == 1 # Test that Core and Base are free of UndefVarErrors # not using isempty so this prints more information when it fails @testset "detect_unbound_args in Base and Core" begin # TODO: review this list and remove everything between test_broken and test let need_to_handle_undef_sparam = Set{Method}(detect_unbound_args(Core; recursive=true)) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Core.Compiler.eltype, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Any}}})) @test_broken need_to_handle_undef_sparam == Set() pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Core.Compiler._cat, Tuple{Any, AbstractArray})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, first(methods(Core.Compiler.same_names))) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Core.Compiler.convert, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}, Tuple{}})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Core.Compiler.convert, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}, Tuple{Int8}})) @test need_to_handle_undef_sparam == Set() end let need_to_handle_undef_sparam = Set{Method}(detect_unbound_args(Base; recursive=true)) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base._totuple, (Type{Tuple{Vararg{E}}} where E, Any, Any))) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.eltype, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Any}}})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, first(methods(Base.same_names))) @test_broken need_to_handle_undef_sparam == Set() pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base._cat, Tuple{Any, AbstractArray})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.byteenv, (Union{AbstractArray{Pair{T}, 1}, Tuple{Vararg{Pair{T}}}} where T<:AbstractString,))) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base._cat, (Any, SparseArrays._TypedDenseConcatGroup{T} where T))) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.float, Tuple{AbstractArray{Union{Missing, T},N} where {T, N}})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.zero, Tuple{Type{Union{Missing, T}} where T})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.one, Tuple{Type{Union{Missing, T}} where T})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.oneunit, Tuple{Type{Union{Missing, T}} where T})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.convert, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}, Tuple{}})) pop!(need_to_handle_undef_sparam, which(Base.convert, Tuple{Type{Tuple{Vararg{Int}}}, Tuple{Int8}})) @test need_to_handle_undef_sparam == Set() end end @testset "has_bottom_parameter with Union{} in tvar bound" begin @test Base.has_bottom_parameter(Ref{<:Union{}}) end nothing # don't return a module from the remote include