Raw File
  Lagrange and Newtons Interpolation
  Lagrange's and Newton's method of polynomial interpolation.
newtonInterp(x, y, xs = c())

lagrangeInterp(x, y, xs)
  \item{x, y}{x-, y-coordinates of data points defining the polynomial.}
  \item{xs}{either empty, or a vector of points to be interpolated.}
  Straightforward implementation of Lagrange's Newton's method
  (vectorized in \code{xs}).
  A vector of values at \code{xs} of the polynomial defined by \code{x,y}.
  HwB  email: <hwborchers@googlemail.com>
  Each textbook on numerical analysis.
  \code{\link{neville}}, \code{\link{barylag}}
p <- poly(c(1, 2, 3))
fp <- function(x) polyval(p, x)

x <- 0:4; y <- fp(x)
xx <- linspace(0, 4, 51)
yy <- lagrangeInterp(x, y, xx)
yy <- newtonInterp(x, y, xx)
ezplot(fp, 0, 4)
points(xx, yy)}
\keyword{ math }
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