\name{mvtBinaryEP-package} \alias{mvtBinaryEP-package} \alias{mvtBinaryEP-package} \docType{package} \title{ A Package For Generating Correlated Binary Data } \description{ Uses the algorithm of Emrich and Piedmonte (1991) to generate correlated binary data for a given correlation matrix } \details{ \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab mvtBinaryEP \cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version: \tab 1.0\cr Date: \tab 2009-02-16\cr License: \tab GPL(>=2) \cr } The most important function is \code{ep}. Other functions include \code{ranMVN}, \code{ranMVN2}, and \code{ranMvnXch}. These are used in the \code{ep} function to generate correlated binary responses. The user may use these functions if multivariate normal data is desired. We note that the \code{mvtnorm} package also avails the user of functions to generate multivariate data which may be more efficient than our mutivariate normal functions. } \author{ These routines were written by Dr. Bahjat Qaqish in SAS and translated to R by Kunthel By. Questions may be relayed to } \references{ Emrich, L.J. and Piedmonte, M.R., A method for generating high-dimensional multivariate binary variates, The American Statistician, 45:302-304, 1991. }