(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) require import AllCore Ring List StdRing StdOrder. require (*--*) Bigop Bigalg. (*---*) import RField IntID IntOrder. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) theory Bigbool. theory BBXor. clone include Bigop with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- false, op Support.( + ) <- Bool.( ^^ ) proof Support.Axioms.* by smt(). end BBXor. theory BBOr. clone include Bigop with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- false, op Support.( + ) <- ( \/ ) proof Support.Axioms.* by smt(). lemma bigP (P F : 'a -> bool) (xs : 'a list): big P F xs <=> has F (filter P xs). proof. elim: xs=> //= x xs ih. rewrite big_cons; case: (P x)=> //=. by rewrite ih. qed. end BBOr. theory BBAnd. clone include Bigop with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- true, op Support.( + ) <- ( /\ ) proof Support.Axioms.* by smt(). lemma bigP (P F : 'a -> bool) (xs : 'a list): big P F xs <=> all F (filter P xs). proof. elim: xs=> //= x xs ih. rewrite big_cons; case: (P x)=> //=. by rewrite ih. qed. end BBAnd. end Bigbool. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) theory Bigint. clone include Bigalg.BigOrder with type Num.t <- int, pred Num.Domain.unit (z : int) <- (z = 1 \/ z = -1), op Num.Domain.zeror <- 0, op Num.Domain.oner <- 1, op Num.Domain.( + ) <- Int.( + ), op Num.Domain.([-]) <- Int.([-]), op Num.Domain.( * ) <- Int.( * ), op Num.Domain.invr <- (fun (z : int) => z), op Num.Domain.intmul <- IntID.intmul, op Num.Domain.ofint <- IntID.ofint_id, op Num.Domain.exp <- IntID.exp, op Num.Domain.lreg <- IntID.lreg, op Num."`|_|" <- Int."`|_|", op Num.( <= ) <- Int.(<=), op Num.( < ) <- Int.(< ), op Num.minr <- Int.min, op Num.maxr <- Int.max proof Num.Domain.* by smt(), Num.Axioms.* by smt() rename [theory] "BAdd" as "BIA" [theory] "BMul" as "BIM" remove abbrev Num.Domain.(-) remove abbrev Num.Domain.(/). lemma nosmt sumzE ss : sumz ss = BIA.big predT (fun x => x) ss. proof. by elim: ss=> [|s ss ih] //=; rewrite BIA.big_cons -ih. qed. lemma nosmt big_constz (P : 'a -> bool) x s: BIA.big P (fun i => x) s = x * (count P s). proof. by rewrite BIA.sumr_const -IntID.intmulz. qed. lemma nosmt bigi_constz x (n m:int): n <= m => BIA.bigi predT (fun i => x) n m = x * (m - n). proof. by move=> ?; rewrite BIA.sumri_const // -IntID.intmulz. qed. lemma nosmt big_count (P : 'a -> bool) s: BIA.big P (fun (x : 'a) => count (pred1 x) s) (undup s) = size (filter P s). proof. rewrite size_filter -(mul1r (count _ _)) -big_constz. have := perm_undup_count s => /BIA.eq_big_perm <-. rewrite BIA.big_flatten BIA.big_map /predT /(\o). rewrite BIA.big_mkcond; apply/BIA.eq_bigr=> x _ /=. rewrite big_constz mul1r -filter_pred1 count_filter. case: (P x)=> [Px|NPx]; last rewrite count_pred0_eq //. + by apply/eq_count => y @/pred1; split=> [->|[]]. + by move=> y @/predI @/pred1; case: (y = x). qed. abbrev sumid i j = BIA.bigi predT (fun n => n) i j. lemma sumidE_r n : 0 <= n => 2 * sumid 0 n = (n * (n - 1)). proof. elim: n => /= [|n ge0_n ih]; first by rewrite BIA.big_geq // div0z. by rewrite BIA.big_int_recr //= mulrDr ih #ring. qed. end Bigint. import Bigint. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) theory Bigreal. clone include Bigalg.BigOrder with type Num.t <- real, pred Num.Domain.unit (z : real) <- (z <> 0%r), op Num.Domain.zeror <- 0%r, op Num.Domain.oner <- 1%r, op Num.Domain.( + ) <- Real.( + ), op Num.Domain.([-]) <- Real.([-]), op Num.Domain.( * ) <- Real.( * ), op Num.Domain.invr <- Real.inv, op Num.Domain.intmul <- RField.intmul, op Num.Domain.ofint <- RField.ofint, op Num.Domain.exp <- RField.exp, op Num.Domain.lreg <- RField.lreg, op Num."`|_|" <- Real."`|_|", op Num.( <= ) <- Real.(<=), op Num.( < ) <- Real.(< ), op Num.minr = fun (x y : real), if x <= y then x else y, op Num.maxr = fun (x y : real), if y <= x then x else y proof Num.Domain.* by smt(RField.invr0), Num.Axioms.* by smt() rename [theory] "BAdd" as "BRA" [theory] "BMul" as "BRM" remove abbrev Num.Domain.(-) remove abbrev Num.Domain.(/). import Bigint.BIA Bigint.BIM BRA BRM. lemma sumr_ofint (P : 'a -> bool) F s : (Bigint.BIA.big P F s)%r = (BRA.big P (fun i => (F i)%r) s). proof. elim: s => [//|x s ih]; rewrite !big_cons; case: (P x)=> // _. by rewrite fromintD ih. qed. lemma prodr_ofint (P : 'a -> bool) F s : (Bigint.BIM.big P F s)%r = (BRM.big P (fun i => (F i)%r) s). proof. elim: s => [//|x s ih]; rewrite !big_cons; case: (P x)=> // _. by rewrite fromintM ih. qed. lemma sumr_const (P : 'a -> bool) (x : real) (s : 'a list): BRA.big P (fun (i : 'a) => x) s = (count P s)%r * x. proof. by rewrite sumr_const RField.intmulr RField.mulrC. qed. lemma sumri_const (x : real) (n m : int): n <= m => BRA.bigi predT (fun _ => x) n m = (m - n)%r * x. proof. by move=> ?; rewrite sumri_const // RField.intmulr RField.mulrC. qed. lemma sumr1 (s : 'a list) : BRA.big predT (fun i => 1%r) s = (size s)%r. proof. by rewrite sumr_const count_predT RField.mulr1. qed. lemma sumr1_int (n : int) : 0 <= n => BRA.bigi predT (fun i => 1%r) 0 n = n%r. proof. by move=> ge0_n; rewrite sumr1 size_range ler_maxr. qed. lemma sumidE n : 0 <= n => BRA.bigi predT (fun i => i%r) 0 n = (n * (n - 1))%r / 2%r. proof. move=> ge0_n; rewrite -sumr_ofint -sumidE_r //. by rewrite fromintM mulrAC divff. qed. lemma sumr_undup ['a] (P : 'a -> bool) (F : 'a -> real) s : BRA.big P F s = BRA.big P (fun a => (count (pred1 a) s)%r * (F a)) (undup s). proof. rewrite BRA.sumr_undup; apply/BRA.eq_bigr=> x _ /=. by rewrite intmulr mulrC. qed. lemma sum_pow (p : real) (n : int) : 0 <= n => p <> 1%r => BRA.bigi predT (fun i => p^i) 0 n = (1%r - p^n) / (1%r - p). proof. move=> ge0_n neq1_p; have <- := sum_expr p n ge0_n. by rewrite mulrAC divff 1:/#. qed. lemma sum_pow_le (p : real) (n : int) : 0 <= n => 0%r <= p < 1%r => BRA.bigi predT (fun i => p^i) 0 n <= 1%r / (1%r - p). proof. move=> ge0_n rg_p; have h := sum_expr_le p n ge0_n rg_p. by rewrite &(RealOrder.ler_pdivl_mulr) 1:/# mulrC. qed. lemma sum_ipow_le (p : real) (n : int) : 0%r <= p < 1%r => BRA.bigi predT (fun (i:int) => i%r*p^i) 0 n <= 1%r / (1%r - p)^2. proof. move=> rg_p; have h := sum_iexpr_le p n rg_p. rewrite &(RealOrder.ler_pdivl_mulr) -1:mulrC //. - by rewrite RealOrder.expr_gt0 /#. rewrite &(RealOrder.ler_trans _ _ _ _ h) RealOrder.lerr_eq. by congr; apply: BRA.eq_bigr => /= i _; rewrite ofintR. qed. end Bigreal. import Bigreal. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) require import Bool. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) clone Bigop as BBA with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- false, op Support.(+) <- Bool.( ^^ ) proof Support.Axioms.* by (delta; smt()). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) theory BBM. clone include Bigop with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- true, op Support.(+) <- Pervasive.( /\ ) proof Support.Axioms.* by (delta; smt()). lemma bigP (P : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list): big predT P s <=> (forall a, mem s a => P a). proof. elim: s => [|x s ih] //=; rewrite !big_cons {1}/predT /=. rewrite ih; split=> [[Px h] y [->|/h]|h] //. by split=> [|y sy]; apply/h; rewrite ?sy. qed. end BBM. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) theory BBO. clone include Bigop with type t <- bool, op Support.idm <- false, op Support.(+) <- Pervasive.( || ) proof Support.Axioms.* by (delta; smt()). lemma bigP (P : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list): big predT P s <=> (exists a, mem s a /\ P a). proof. elim: s => [|x s ih] //=; rewrite big_cons /predT /=. rewrite ih; case: (P x)=> Px /=; first by exists x. have h: forall y, P y => y <> x by move=> y Py; apply/negP=> ->>. split; case=> y [sy ^Py /h ne_yx]; exists y. by rewrite ne_yx. by case: sy. qed. lemma nosmt b2i_big (P1 P2 : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list) : b2i (big P1 P2 s) <= BIA.big P1 (fun i => b2i (P2 i)) s. proof. elim: s => [|x s ih] //=; rewrite big_cons BIA.big_cons. case: (P1 x)=> //= P1x; rewrite oraE b2i_or. rewrite -addrA ler_add2l ler_subl_addr ler_paddr //. by rewrite -b2i_and b2i_ge0. qed. lemma nosmt b2r_big (P1 P2 : 'a -> bool) (s : 'a list) : b2r (big P1 P2 s) <= BRA.big P1 (fun i => b2r (P2 i)) s. proof. rewrite b2rE (BRA.eq_bigr _ _ (fun i => (b2i (P2 i))%r)). by move=> x _ /=; rewrite b2rE. by rewrite -sumr_ofint le_fromint b2i_big. qed. end BBO.