Raw File
%%%%%%% R-Clustering demo file
% This demo applies the R-Clustering segmentation algorithm on a set
% captured by a lifelogging wearable camera.
% For a visualization of the result, use the 'plot_params' variable in 
% loadParametersDemo.m.

% Load parameters

% Folder with lifelogging images that we want to segment
folder = [pwd '/test_data/Subject1'];

% Format of the images in 'folder
images_format = '.jpg';

% .csv, .txt or .xls file with the GT segmentation of the data
% (OPTIONAL, set to empty string if you don't want an evaluation of the result) 
GT_path = [pwd '/test_data/GT/GT_Subject1.csv'];
% GT_path ='';

%% The R-Clustering segmentation is applied
segmentation = RClustering(folder, images_format, data_params, R_Clustering_params, CNN_params, Semantic_params, plot_params, GT_path);

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