The web-platform-tests Project [![IRC chat](]( ============================== The web-platform-tests Project is a W3C-coordinated attempt to build a cross-browser testsuite for the Web-platform stack. Writing tests in a way that allows them to be run in all browsers gives browser projects confidence that they are shipping software that is compatible with other implementations, and that later implementations will be compatible with their implementations. This in turn gives Web authors/developers confidence that they can actually rely on the Web platform to deliver on the promise of working across browsers and devices without needing extra layers of abstraction to paper over the gaps left by specification editors and implementors. Running the Tests ================= The tests are designed to be run from your local computer. The test environment requires [Python 2.7+]( (but not Python 3.x). You will also need a copy of OpenSSL. On Windows, be sure to add the Python directory (`c:\python2x`, by default) to your `%Path%` [Environment Variable](, and read the [Windows Notes](#windows-notes) section below. To get the tests running, you need to set up the test domains in your [`hosts` file]( The following entries are required: ``` web-platform.test www.web-platform.test www1.web-platform.test www2.web-platform.test xn--n8j6ds53lwwkrqhv28a.web-platform.test xn--lve-6lad.web-platform.test nonexistent-origin.web-platform.test ``` If you are behind a proxy, you also need to make sure the domains above are excluded from your proxy lookups. The test environment can then be started using ./serve This will start HTTP servers on two ports and a websockets server on one port. By default one web server starts on port 8000 and the other ports are randomly-chosen free ports. Tests must be loaded from the *first* HTTP server in the output. To change the ports, copy the `config.default.json` file to `config.json` and edit the new file, replacing the part that reads: ``` "http": [8000, "auto"] ``` to some port of your choice e.g. ``` "http": [1234, "auto"] ``` If you installed OpenSSL in such a way that running `openssl` at a command line doesn't work, you also need to adjust the path to the OpenSSL binary. This can be done by adding a section to `config.json` like: ``` "ssl": {"openssl": {"binary": "/path/to/openssl"}} ``` Running Tests Automatically --------------------------- Tests can be run automatically in a browser using the `wptrun` script in the root of the checkout. This requires the hosts file and OpenSSL setup documented above, but you must *not* have the test server already running when calling `wptrun`. The basic command line syntax is: ``` ./wptrun product [tests] ``` **On Windows**: for technical reasons the above will not work and you must instead run `python tools/ products [tests]`. where `product` is currently `firefox` or `chrome` and `[tests]` is a list of paths to tests. This will attempt to automatically locate a browser instance and install required dependencies. The command is very configurable; for examaple to specify a particular binary use `wptrun --binary=path product`. The full range of options can be see with `wptrun --help` and `wptrun --wptrunner-help`. Not all dependencies can be automatically installed; in particular the `certutil` tool required to run https tests with Firefox must be installed using a system package manager or similar. On Debian/Ubuntu certutil may be installed using: ``` sudo apt install libnss3-tools ``` And on macOS with homebrew using: ``` brew install nss ``` Submodules ======================================= Some optional components of web-platform-tests (test components from third party software and pieces of the CSS build system) are included as submodules. To obtain these components run the following in the root of your checkout: ``` git submodule update --init --recursive ``` Prior to commit `39d07eb01fab607ab1ffd092051cded1bdd64d78` submodules were requried for basic functionality. If you are working with an older checkout, the above command is required in all cases. When moving between a commit prior to `39d07eb` and one after it git may complain ``` $ git checkout master error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by checkout: […] ``` followed by a long list of files. To avoid this error remove the `resources` and `tools` directories before switching branches: ``` $ rm -r resources/ tools/ $ git checkout master Switched to branch 'master' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master' ``` When moving in the opposite direction, i.e. to a commit that does have submodules, you will need to `git submodule update`, as above. If git throws an error like: ``` fatal: No url found for submodule path 'resources/webidl2/test/widlproc' in .gitmodules Failed to recurse into submodule path 'resources/webidl2' fatal: No url found for submodule path 'tools/html5lib' in .gitmodules Failed to recurse into submodule path 'resources' Failed to recurse into submodule path 'tools' ``` then remove the `tools` and `resources` directories, as above. Windows Notes ============================================= Running wptserve with SSL enabled on Windows typically requires installing an OpenSSL distribution. [Shining Light]( provide a convenient installer that is known to work, but requires a little extra setup, i.e.: Run the installer for Win32_OpenSSL_v1.1.0b (30MB). During installation, change the default location for where to Copy OpenSSL Dlls from the System directory to the /bin directory. After installation, ensure that the path to OpenSSL (typically, this will be `C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin`) is in your `%Path%` [Environment Variable]( If you forget to do this part, you will most likely see a 'File Not Found' error when you start wptserve. Finally, set the path value in the server configuration file to the default OpenSSL configuration file location. To do this, copy `config.default.json` in the web-platform-tests root to `config.json`. Then edit the JSON so that the key `ssl/openssl/base_conf_path` has a value that is the path to the OpenSSL config file (typically this will be `C:\\OpenSSL-Win32\\bin\\openssl.cfg`). Alternatively, you may also use [Bash on Ubuntu on Windows]( in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update build, then access your windows partition from there to launch wptserve. Publication =========== The master branch is automatically synced to Pull requests are [automatically mirrored]( except those that modify sensitive resources (such as `.py`). The latter require someone with merge access to comment with "LGTM" or "w3c-test:mirror" to indicate the pull request has been checked. Finding Things ============== Each top-level directory matches the shortname used by a standard, with some exceptions. (Typically the shortname is from the standard's corresponding GitHub repository.) For some of the specifications, the tree under the top-level directory represents the sections of the respective documents, using the section IDs for directory names, with a maximum of three levels deep. So if you're looking for tests in HTML for "The History interface", they will be under `html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/`. Various resources that tests depend on are in `common`, `images`, and `fonts`. Branches ======== In the vast majority of cases the **only** upstream branch that you should need to care about is `master`. If you see other branches in the repository, you can generally safely ignore them. Contributing ============ Save the Web, Write Some Tests! Absolutely everyone is welcome (and even encouraged) to contribute to test development, so long as you fulfill the contribution requirements detailed in the [Contributing Guidelines][contributing]. No test is too small or too simple, especially if it corresponds to something for which you've noted an interoperability bug in a browser. The way to contribute is just as usual: * Fork this repository (and make sure you're still relatively in sync with it if you forked a while ago). * Create a branch for your changes: `git checkout -b topic`. * Make your changes. * Run the lint script described below. * Commit locally and push that to your repo. * Send in a pull request based on the above. Issues with web-platform-tests ------------------------------ If you spot an issue with a test and are not comfortable providing a pull request per above to fix it, please [file a new issue]( Thank you! Lint tool --------- We have a lint tool for catching common mistakes in test files. You can run it manually by starting the `lint` executable from the root of your local web-platform-tests working directory like this: ``` ./lint ``` The lint tool is also run automatically for every submitted pull request, and reviewers will not merge branches with tests that have lint errors, so you must fix any errors the lint tool reports. In the unusual case of error reports for things essential to a certain test or that for other exceptional reasons shouldn't prevent a merge of a test, update and commit the `lint.whitelist` file in the web-platform-tests root directory to suppress the error reports. For more details, see the [lint-tool documentation][lint-tool]. [lint-tool]: Adding command-line scripts ("tools" subdirs) --------------------------------------------- Sometimes you may want to add a script to the repository that's meant to be used from the command line, not from a browser (e.g., a script for generating test files). If you want to ensure (e.g., for security reasons) that such scripts won't be handled by the HTTP server, but will instead only be usable from the command line, then place them in either: * the `tools` subdir at the root of the repository, or * the `tools` subdir at the root of any top-level directory in the repository which contains the tests the script is meant to be used with Any files in those `tools` directories won't be handled by the HTTP server; instead the server will return a 404 if a user navigates to the URL for a file within them. If you want to add a script for use with a particular set of tests but there isn't yet any `tools` subdir at the root of a top-level directory in the repository containing those tests, you can create a `tools` subdir at the root of that top-level directory and place your scripts there. For example, if you wanted to add a script for use with tests in the `notifications` directory, create the `notifications/tools` subdir and put your script there. Test Review =========== We can sometimes take a little while to go through pull requests because we have to go through all the tests and ensure that they match the specification correctly. But we look at all of them, and take everything that we can. OWNERS files are used only to indicate who should be notified of pull requests. If you are interested in receiving notifications of proposed changes to tests in a given directory, feel free to add yourself to the OWNERS file. Anyone with expertise in the specification under test can approve a pull request. In particular, if a test change has already been adequately reviewed "upstream" in another repository, it can be pushed here without any further review by supplying a link to the upstream review. Getting Involved ================ If you wish to contribute actively, you're very welcome to join the mailing list (low traffic) by [signing up to our mailing list]( The mailing list is [archived][mailarchive]. Join us on irc #testing ([][ircw3org], port 6665). The channel is [archived][ircarchive]. [contributing]: [ircw3org]: [ircarchive]: [mailarchive]: Documentation ============= * [How to write and review tests]( * [Documentation for the wptserve server](