\name{deff} \alias{deff} \title{ Design Effect and Intra-cluster Correlation } \description{ Computes the Kish design effect and corresponding intra-cluster correlation for a single cluster-sampled variable } \usage{ deff(y, cluster) } \arguments{ \item{y}{ variable to analyze } \item{cluster}{ a variable whose unique values indicate cluster membership. Any type of variable is allowed. }} \value{ a vector with named elements \code{n} (total number of non-missing observations), \code{clusters} (number of clusters after deleting missing data), \code{rho} (intra-cluster correlation), and \code{deff} (design effect). } \author{ Frank Harrell \cr Department of Biostatistics \cr Vanderbilt University \cr \email{f.harrell@vanderbilt.edu} } \seealso{ \code{\link[Design]{bootcov}}, \code{\link[Design]{robcov}} } \examples{ set.seed(1) blood.pressure <- rnorm(1000, 120, 15) clinic <- sample(letters, 1000, replace=TRUE) deff(blood.pressure, clinic) } \keyword{htest} \concept{study design} \concept{cluster sampling}