/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include #include "global_defs.h" #include "parsing.h" #include "phase_change.h" void phase_change_apply(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy, float **B, float **B_b, float Ra, float clapeyron, float depth, float transT, float width); void calc_phase_change(struct All_variables *E, float **B, float **B_b, float Ra, float clapeyron, float depth, float transT, float width); void debug_phase_change(struct All_variables *E, float **B); void phase_change_allocate(struct All_variables *E) { int j; int nno = E->lmesh.nno; int nsf = E->lmesh.nsf; for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { E->Fas410[j] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->Fas410_b[j] = (float *) malloc((nsf+1)*sizeof(float)); E->Fas670[j] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->Fas670_b[j] = (float *) malloc((nsf+1)*sizeof(float)); E->Fascmb[j] = (float *) malloc((nno+1)*sizeof(float)); E->Fascmb_b[j] = (float *) malloc((nsf+1)*sizeof(float)); } return; } void phase_change_input(struct All_variables *E) { int m = E->parallel.me; /* for phase change 410km */ input_float("Ra_410",&(E->control.Ra_410),"0.0",m); input_float("clapeyron410",&(E->control.clapeyron410),"0.0",m); input_float("transT410",&(E->control.transT410),"0.0",m); input_float("width410",&(E->control.width410),"0.0",m); if (E->control.width410!=0.0) E->control.width410 = 1.0/E->control.width410; /* for phase change 670km */ input_float("Ra_670",&(E->control.Ra_670),"0.0",m); input_float("clapeyron670",&(E->control.clapeyron670),"0.0",m); input_float("transT670",&(E->control.transT670),"0.0",m); input_float("width670",&(E->control.width670),"0.0",m); if (E->control.width670!=0.0) E->control.width670 = 1.0/E->control.width670; /* for phase change CMB */ input_float("Ra_cmb",&(E->control.Ra_cmb),"0.0",m); input_float("clapeyroncmb",&(E->control.clapeyroncmb),"0.0",m); input_float("transTcmb",&(E->control.transTcmb),"0.0",m); input_float("widthcmb",&(E->control.widthcmb),"0.0",m); if (E->control.widthcmb!=0.0) E->control.widthcmb = 1.0/E->control.widthcmb; return; } void phase_change_apply_410(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy) { if (abs(E->control.Ra_410) > 1e-10) { phase_change_apply(E, buoy, E->Fas410, E->Fas410_b, E->control.Ra_410, E->control.clapeyron410, E->viscosity.z410, E->control.transT410, E->control.width410); } return; } void phase_change_apply_670(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy) { if (abs(E->control.Ra_670) > 1e-10) phase_change_apply(E, buoy, E->Fas670, E->Fas670_b, E->control.Ra_670, E->control.clapeyron670, E->viscosity.zlm, E->control.transT670, E->control.width670); return; } void phase_change_apply_cmb(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy) { if (abs(E->control.Ra_cmb) > 1e-10) phase_change_apply(E, buoy, E->Fascmb, E->Fascmb_b, E->control.Ra_cmb, E->control.clapeyroncmb, E->viscosity.zcmb, E->control.transTcmb, E->control.widthcmb); return; } void phase_change_apply(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy, float **B, float **B_b, float Ra, float clapeyron, float depth, float transT, float width) { int m, i; calc_phase_change(E, B, B_b, Ra, clapeyron, depth, transT, width); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) buoy[m][i] -= Ra * B[m][i]; if (E->control.verbose) { fprintf(E->fp_out, "Ra=%f, clapeyron=%f, depth=%f, transT=%f, width=%f\n", Ra, clapeyron, depth, transT, width); debug_phase_change(E,B); } return; } void calc_phase_change(struct All_variables *E, float **B, float **B_b, float Ra, float clapeyron, float depth, float transT, float width) { int i,j,k,n,ns,m; float e_pressure,pt5,one; pt5 = 0.5; one = 1.0; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { e_pressure = (E->sphere.ro-E->sx[m][3][i]) - depth - clapeyron*(E->T[m][i]-transT); B[m][i] = pt5*(one+tanh(width*e_pressure)); } ns = 0; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noy;k++) for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { ns++; B_b[m][ns]=0.0; for (i=1;ilmesh.noz;i++) { n = (k-1)*E->lmesh.noz*E->lmesh.nox + (j-1)*E->lmesh.noz + i; if (B[m][n]>=pt5 && B[m][n+1]<=pt5) B_b[m][ns]=(E->sx[m][3][n+1]-E->sx[m][3][n])*(pt5-B[m][n])/(B[m][n+1]-B[m][n])+E->sx[m][3][n]; } } } return; } void debug_phase_change(struct All_variables *E, float **B) { int m, j; fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_phase_change_buoyancy\n"); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { fprintf(E->fp_out,"for cap %d\n",E->sphere.capid[m]); for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nno;j++) fprintf(E->fp_out,"Z = %.6e T = %.6e B[%06d] = %.6e \n",E->sx[m][3][j],E->T[m][j],j,B[m][j]); } fflush(E->fp_out); return; } /* The following three functions are obsolete. */ void phase_change_410(E,B,B_b) struct All_variables *E; float **B,**B_b; { int i,j,k,n,ns,m; float e_pressure,pt5,one; pt5 = 0.5; one=1.0; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { e_pressure = (E->sphere.ro-E->sx[m][3][i])-E->viscosity.z410- E->control.clapeyron410*(E->T[m][i]-E->control.transT410); B[m][i] = pt5*(one+tanh(E->control.width410*e_pressure)); } ns = 0; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noy;k++) for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { ns = ns + 1; B_b[m][ns]=0.0; for (i=1;ilmesh.noz;i++) { n = (k-1)*E->lmesh.noz*E->lmesh.nox + (j-1)*E->lmesh.noz + i; if (B[m][n]>=pt5&&B[m][n+1]<=pt5) B_b[m][ns]=(E->sx[m][3][n+1]-E->sx[m][3][n])*(pt5-B[m][n])/(B[m][n+1]-B[m][n])+E->sx[m][3][n]; } } } return; } void phase_change_670(E,B,B_b) struct All_variables *E; float **B,**B_b; { int i,j,k,n,ns,m; float e_pressure,pt5,one; pt5 = 0.5; one=1.0; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { e_pressure = (E->sphere.ro-E->sx[m][3][i])-E->viscosity.zlm- E->control.clapeyron670*(E->T[m][i]-E->control.transT670); B[m][i] = pt5*(one+tanh(E->control.width670*e_pressure)); } ns = 0; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noy;k++) for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { ns = ns + 1; B_b[m][ns]=0.0; for (i=1;ilmesh.noz;i++) { n = (k-1)*E->lmesh.noz*E->lmesh.nox + (j-1)*E->lmesh.noz + i; if (B[m][n]>=pt5&&B[m][n+1]<=pt5) B_b[m][ns]=(E->sx[m][3][n+1]-E->sx[m][3][n])*(pt5-B[m][n])/(B[m][n+1]-B[m][n])+E->sx[m][3][n]; } } } return; } void phase_change_cmb(E,B,B_b) struct All_variables *E; float **B,**B_b; { int i,j,k,n,ns,m; float e_pressure,pt5,one; pt5 = 0.5; one=1.0; for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { e_pressure = (E->sphere.ro-E->sx[m][3][i])-E->viscosity.zcmb- E->control.clapeyroncmb*(E->T[m][i]-E->control.transTcmb); B[m][i] = pt5*(one+tanh(E->control.widthcmb*e_pressure)); } ns = 0; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noy;k++) for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nox;j++) { ns = ns + 1; B_b[m][ns]=0.0; for (i=1;ilmesh.noz;i++) { n = (k-1)*E->lmesh.noz*E->lmesh.nox + (j-1)*E->lmesh.noz + i; if (B[m][n]>=pt5&&B[m][n+1]<=pt5) B_b[m][ns]=(E->sx[m][3][n+1]-E->sx[m][3][n])*(pt5-B[m][n])/(B[m][n+1]-B[m][n])+E->sx[m][3][n]; } } } return; }