Raw File
Tip revision: 5a20ba005ddcbe9b81f701a248a2ae348d2d9bd8 authored by Gerry Tonkin-Hill on 02 July 2021, 04:00:41 UTC
add shearwater variant calling R scripts and readme
Tip revision: 5a20ba0
title: "Minority Variant Analysis"
author: "Gerry Tonkin-Hill"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
    fig_width: 12
    fig_height: 8
  chunk_output_type: console

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=20, fig.height=12,
                      echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE,
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

# Load data

Load allele count data for each replicate. We only consider those that have generated high quality consensus genomes from both replicates.

run1_files <- Sys.glob("./data/allele_counts/run_1/*.tsv")
run2_files <- Sys.glob("./data/allele_counts/run_2/*.tsv")
replicate_meta <- fread("./Processed_data/keep_replicates_meta.csv", data.table = FALSE, sep=",",fill=TRUE) %>% as_tibble()

run1_files <- run1_files[gsub("\\_ac.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", run1_files)) %in% replicate_meta$central_sample_id]
run2_files <- run2_files[gsub("\\_ac.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", run2_files)) %in% replicate_meta$central_sample_id]

We only consider intra host single nucleotide variants (iSNVs) that are present with a MAF of at least 0.001 and at least 10 supporting reads in both replicates.

run1_list <- map(run1_files, function(x){
  df <- fread(x, data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble
  df$sample <- rep(gsub("\\.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", x)), nrow(df))
names(run1_list) <- gsub("_ac\\.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", run1_files))
run2_list <- map(run2_files, function(x){
  df <- fread(x, data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble
  df$sample <- rep(gsub("\\.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", x)), nrow(df))
names(run2_list) <- gsub("_ac\\.tsv", "", gsub(".*/", "", run2_files))

stopifnot(all(names(run1_list) %in% names(run2_list)))
all_sample_names <- names(run1_list)

run_consensus_df <- imap_dfr(all_sample_names, function(s, i){
  mafA <- run1_list[[s]]
  mafB <- run2_list[[s]]
  # check there are replicates
  if(is.null(mafA) || nrow(mafA)<29000) { return(mafB) }
  if(is.null(mafB) || nrow(mafB)<29000) { return(mafA) }
  countA <- sum(mafA$Good_depth)
  countB <- sum(mafB$Good_depth)
  inA <- mafA[,c('Count_A', 'Count_C', 'Count_G', 'Count_T')]>=pmax(10, (0.001*mafA$Good_depth))
  inB <- mafB[,c('Count_A', 'Count_C', 'Count_G', 'Count_T')]>=pmax(10, (0.001*mafB$Good_depth))
  if (countA>countB){
    mafA[,c('Count_A', 'Count_C', 'Count_G', 'Count_T')][!(inA & inB)] <- 0
  } else {
    mafB[,c('Count_A', 'Count_C', 'Count_G', 'Count_T')][!(inA & inB)] <- 0
run_consensus_df$sample <- gsub('_ac', '', run_consensus_df$sample)
run_consensus_df$Good_depth <- rowSums(run_consensus_df[,c('Count_A', 'Count_C', 'Count_G', 'Count_T')])

# fwrite(run_consensus_df, file = "./Processed_data/consensus_allele_counts_mixture.csv")
run_consensus_df <- fread("./Processed_data/consensus_allele_counts_mixture.csv", data.table = FALSE)

Calculate sample counts

stopifnot(all(replicate_meta$central_sample_id %in% names(run1_list)))
temp <- replicate_meta %>% 
  filter(central_sample_id %in% names(run1_list)) %>% 
  group_by(biosample_source_id) %>% 
    count = n()
  ) %>%

sample_counts <- tibble(
  nhosts=length(run1_files) - sum(temp$count-1),

We now filter iSNVs that were not found using shearwater. We also exclude samples CAMB-728D4 and CAMB-79345 as they had an unusually high number of minority variants (these have already been filtered from the shearwater results).

shearwater_calls <- fread("./data/Shearwater_calls_20200714_annot.txt") %>% 
  as_tibble() %>%
  filter(!mut %in% c('-','INS')) %>%

shearwater_calls <- map_dfr(1:nrow(shearwater_calls), function(i){
  temp <- map2_dfr(unlist(str_split(shearwater_calls$ref[[i]], '')), 
           unlist(str_split(shearwater_calls$mut[[i]], '')), ~{
    temp <- shearwater_calls[i,]
    temp$ref <- .x
    temp$mut <- .y
  temp$pos <- temp$pos[[1]] + 0:(nrow(temp)-1)

shearwater_complex_calls <- fread("./data/Shearwater_calls_20200714_annot.txt", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()

run_consensus_df <- run_consensus_df %>% filter(sample %in% unique(shearwater_calls$sampleID))
colnames(run_consensus_df) <- c('CHR', 'POS', 'A', 'C', 'G', 'T', 'Good_depth', 'sample')

# filter shearwater calls to include just those with good replicates
shearwater_calls <- shearwater_calls %>% filter(sampleID %in% unique(run_consensus_df$sample))

sample_allele_counts <- split(run_consensus_df, run_consensus_df$sample)

run_consensus_df <- map_dfr(unique(shearwater_calls$sampleID), function(sample) {
  #consensus of lofreq calls
  sw_calls <- shearwater_calls %>% filter(sampleID==sample)
  sample_count <- sample_allele_counts[[sample]]
  consA <- (sample_count[,c('A','C','G','T')]>0) & (
  rownames(consA) <- sample_count$POS
  sw_calls <- sw_calls %>% filter(pos %in% sample_count$POS)
  consA[cbind(sw_calls$pos, sw_calls$mut)] <- TRUE
  consA[cbind(sw_calls$pos, sw_calls$ref)] <- TRUE
  sample_count[,c('A','C','G','T')][!consA] <- 0

##Distribution of iSNVs across the genome

Only consider those calls with a coverage of at least 1000. Split into variable and consensus sites.

MINMAF <- 0.01
MINDEPTH <- 1000

# Store all counts
all_run_consensus_df <- run_consensus_df

# Filter to those variable sites
run_consensus_df <- run_consensus_df %>% 

keep <- rowSums((run_consensus_df[,c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T'
run_consensus_df <- as_tibble(run_consensus_df[keep,])

We ensure only the initial sample for each patient is considered.

meta_multi <- replicate_meta %>% filter(biosample_source_id!='None') %>%
  group_by(biosample_source_id) %>%
      samples = list(central_sample_id[order(collection_date)]),
      dates = list(collection_date[order(collection_date)]),
      n_samples = length(unique(central_sample_id)),
      n_dates = length(unique(collection_date))
    ) %>%

repeated_samples <- unlist(map(meta_multi$samples, ~ .x[-1]))

##Distribution of shared iSNVs across consensus phylogeny

We now plot the phylogeny built from the consensus assemblies of our samples. Links are drawn between the tips of this tree if the samples share an intrahost variant. To avoid this plot being dominated by the most highly variable sites we exclude sites seen in more than 2.5% of samples.

all_seqs <- ape::read.dna("./data/consensus/MA_elan.20200529.consensus.filt.fasta", format = "fasta")
full_tree <- read.tree("./data/consensus/elan.20200529.consensus.filt.mask.tree")
full_tree <- root(full_tree, outgroup='MN908947.3', resolve.root=TRUE)
full_tree <- drop.tip(full_tree, full_tree$tip.label[!full_tree$tip.label %in% all_sample_names])

#determine which minor alleles are seen at the consensus level
consensus_cov <- map_dfr(unique(run_consensus_df$POS), function(i){
  bf <- as_tibble(t(ape::base.freq(all_seqs[,i]))) %>% 
    add_column(POS=i, .before=1)

#exclude positions seen in more than 2.5% of samples
common_sites <- run_consensus_df %>% group_by(POS) %>%
  summarise(count=n()) %>%

#pre split dataframe for speed
representative_sample_names <- all_sample_names[!all_sample_names %in% repeated_samples]
samples_list <- map(representative_sample_names, ~ run_consensus_df %>% 
                      filter(sample==.x) %>% 
                      filter(!POS %in% common_sites$POS))
names(samples_list) <- representative_sample_names

pw <- combinat::combn(length(samples_list), 2)

MINMAF <- 0.01

pairwise_shared_maf <- map2_dfr(pw[1,], pw[2,], function(indexA, indexB){
  mafA <- samples_list[[indexA]]
  mafB <- samples_list[[indexB]]

  inboth <- mafA$POS[mafA$POS %in% mafB$POS]
  if (length(inboth)<1){
  mafA <-  mafA[match(inboth, mafA$POS),]
  mafB <-  mafB[match(inboth, mafB$POS),]
  sim <- map_dfr(1:nrow(mafA), ~{
    a <- mafA[.x,c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')]
    b <- mafB[.x,c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')]
    a <- (a>=(MINMAF*mafA$Good_depth[[.x]])) & (a<max(a))
    b <- (b>=(MINMAF*mafB$Good_depth[[.x]])) & (b<max(b))
    cons <- consensus_cov[consensus_cov$POS==mafA$POS[[.x]], ]
      cons_count=sum(a & b & (cons[2:5]>0)),
      non_cons_count=sum(a & b)-cons_count,
      cons_alles=list(c('a','c','g','t')[a & b & (cons[2:5]>0)]),
      non_cons_alles=list(c('a','c','g','t')[a & b & (cons[2:5]==0)])
  poses <- mafA$POS[sim[,1]>0]
  poses_maf <- unlist(sim[sim[,1]>0,3])
  cons_poses <- mafA$POS[sim[,2]>0]
  cons_maf <- unlist(sim[sim[,2]>0,4])
  sim <- colSums(sim[,1:2])

temp <- shearwater_complex_calls %>% 
  filter(!sampleID %in% repeated_samples) %>%
  filter(r1_vaf<1 & r2_vaf<1)

# filter those seen in more than 2% of samples
high_prev <- names(table(paste(temp$pos, temp$mut)))[table(paste(temp$pos, temp$mut))>21]
complex_calls <- split(paste(temp$pos, temp$mut), temp$sampleID)

pairwise_shared_maf$IHV <- map2_dbl(pairwise_shared_maf$sampleA, pairwise_shared_maf$sampleB, ~{
  sum((complex_calls[[.x]] %in% complex_calls[[.y]]) & (!complex_calls[[.x]] %in% high_prev))
pairwise_shared_maf$IHV_all <- map2_dbl(pairwise_shared_maf$sampleA, pairwise_shared_maf$sampleB, ~{
  sum((complex_calls[[.x]] %in% complex_calls[[.y]]) & (!complex_calls[[.x]] %in% high_prev))

# plot links against tree
d = fortify(full_tree)
d = subset(d, isTip)
tip_order <- with(d, label[order(y, decreasing=T)])
plotdf <- melt(pairwise_shared_maf[,c(1,2,9,10)],'count') %>%
  filter(count>0) %>%
plotdf$variable <- as.character(plotdf$variable)
plotdf$variable[plotdf$variable=='IHV'] <- "within-host variants < 2% of samples"
plotdf$variable[plotdf$variable=='IHV_all'] <- "all within-host variants"

plotdf <- plotdf %>%
  filter(sampleA %in% full_tree$tip.label) %>%
  filter(sampleB %in% full_tree$tip.label)

labels <- c('x ≤ 1', '1 < x ≤ 2', '2 < x ≤ 5', '5 < x ≤ 10', '10 < x ≤ 30')
plotdf$count_range <- cut(plotdf$count, breaks = c(0,1,2,5,10,30), labels = labels)
plotdf$count_range <- factor(as.character(plotdf$count_range), levels = labels)

plotdf <- plotdf %>% filter(plotdf$variable=="within-host variants < 2% of samples")

meta <- fread("./data/replicate_meta.tsv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
loc_anno <- meta %>% filter(sample_id %in% c(plotdf$sampleA, plotdf$sampleB))
loc_anno$adm2[loc_anno$adm2=='Unknown'] <- 'OTHER'
loc_anno$adm2[loc_anno$adm2=='GREATER_LONDON'] <- 'LONDON'
loc_anno$adm2[loc_anno$adm2==""] <- "OTHER"
loc_anno <- tibble(

nodes <- tibble(nodes = tip_order, pos = length(tip_order):1)
gr <- igraph::graph_from_data_frame(plotdf, vertices = nodes)

link <- ggraph(gr, 
       layout = 'manual', 
       y = rep(0, length(nodes$pos)), 
       x = nodes$pos) +
  geom_edge_arc(alpha=0.05, fold = TRUE) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=1:length(tip_order), labels=tip_order) +
  facet_wrap(~count_range, nrow = 1) +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
        panel.background = element_blank())

gg <- ggtree(full_tree) + theme_tree2()

loc_anno$pos <- nodes$pos[match(loc_anno$id, nodes$nodes)]
gg2 <- ggplot(loc_anno, aes(x=location, y=pos, fill=location)) +
  geom_tile(height=5) +
  theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_blank(),
        legend.position = 'none',
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust=1)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c',

gg + gg2 + link + patchwork::plot_layout(widths = c(3,3,6))
ggsave(filename = "Figures/phylogeny_with_maf_links3.pdf", width = 12, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = "Figures/phylogeny_with_maf_links2.png", width = 12, height = 7)

##Identifying possible mixed infections

Potential mixed infections were identified using a linear model by testing whether the allele frequencies in a sample could be better explained by the inclusion of an additional consensus genome from the COG-UK dataset of the 29th May 2020. Additional samples mixtures were considered if the addition of a COG-UK consensus genome could explain at least 2 iSNVs and have at most 1 variant that was not found in the alleles of the sample. This identified 54 putative mixtures which were then screened manually to obtain 36 potentially mixed samples.

```{r, eval=FALSE}
fwrite(run_consensus_df, "./Processed_data/run_consensus_mixture.csv", sep=',', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
run_consensus_df <- fread("./Processed_data/run_consensus_mixture.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()

all_seqs <- ape::read.dna("./data/consensus/MA_elan.20200529.consensus.filt.fasta", format = "fasta")
aln_length <- ncol(all_seqs)
all_seqs[!all_seqs %in% as.DNAbin(c('a','c','g','t'))] <- as.DNAbin('n')
names <- unlist(fread(file = "./data/consensus/snp_dist_MA_elan.20200529.consensus.filt.mask.csv", header = F, nrows = 1, sep="\t"))
snp_dist <- fread("./data/consensus/snp_dist_MA_elan.20200529.consensus.filt.mask.csv", 
                  data.table = FALSE, skip = 1, header = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
snp_dist$V1 <- names[snp_dist$V1+2]
snp_dist$V2 <- names[snp_dist$V2+2]

dups <- snp_dist %>% group_by(V1) %>%
    dups = list(V2)
dups <- unlist(dups$dups)
all_seqs_dedup <- rownames(all_seqs)[!rownames(all_seqs) %in% dups]

all_samples <- unique(run_consensus_df$sample)


mixture_tests <- furrr::future_map_dfr(all_samples, function(sA){
  aA_orig <- all_seqs[rownames(all_seqs)==sA,]

  mA_orig <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=aln_length)
  mA_orig[1,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('a')] <- 1
  mA_orig[2,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('c')] <- 1
  mA_orig[3,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('g')] <- 1
  mA_orig[4,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('t')] <- 1
  sfA_orig <- run_consensus_df %>% filter(sample==sA)
  fA_orig <- mA_orig
  fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS] <- t(sfA_orig[,c('A','C','G','T')]/rowSums(sfA_orig[,c('A','C','G','T')]))
  mA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS] <- 1*t(t(fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS, drop=FALSE])==colMaxs(fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS, drop=FALSE]))
  pairwise_res <- map_dfr(1:length(all_seqs_dedup), ~ {
    sB <- all_seqs_dedup[[.x]]
    aB <- all_seqs[rownames(all_seqs)==sB,]
    mB <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=aln_length)
    mB[1,aB==as.DNAbin('a')] <- 1
    mB[2,aB==as.DNAbin('c')] <- 1
    mB[3,aB==as.DNAbin('g')] <- 1
    mB[4,aB==as.DNAbin('t')] <- 1
    keep <- (colSums(mA_orig)>0) & (colSums(mB)>0)
    mA <- mA_orig[,keep]
    mB <- mB[,keep]
    fA <- fA_orig[,keep]
    model_data <- tibble(
    model_data <- model_data[(rowSums(model_data==1)!=3) & (rowSums(model_data==0)!=3),,drop=FALSE]
    # model_data <- model_data[model_data$consensusA!=model_data$consensusB,,drop=FALSE]
    n_extra_explained <- sum(((model_data$freq>0) & (model_data$consensusB>0)) & (model_data$consensusA<=0))
    n_mismatch <- sum((model_data$freq<=0) & (model_data$consensusB>0))

    if (nrow(model_data)<1){
        sampleA=sA, sampleB=sB, estimate=NA,
        std.error=NA, statistic=NA, p.value=NA,
    model <- broom::tidy(lm(freq~-1+consensusA+consensusB, model_data))[2,] %>%
      add_column(sampleB=sB, .before = 1) %>%
      add_column(sampleA=sA, .before = 1)
    model$term <- NULL
    model$n_extra_explained <- n_extra_explained
    model$n_mismatch <- n_mismatch
  }) %>% 
    arrange(p.value) %>%
}, .progress = TRUE)

write.csv(mixture_tests, "./Processed_data/mixture_tests_revised.csv", sep=',', quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

Load the preprocessed results from the code above.

mixture_tests <- fread("./Processed_data/mixture_tests_revised.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
mixture_tests_mm <- mixture_tests %>% 
  filter(n_mismatch<2) %>%
  filter(n_extra_explained>1) %>%
  filter(estimate>0) %>%
mixture_tests_mm <- mixture_tests_mm[!duplicated(mixture_tests_mm$sampleA),]

# remove those that on manual inspection don't appear to be convincingly mixtures
mixture_tests_mm <- mixture_tests_mm[!mixture_tests_mm$sampleA %in% c('CAMB-7A326','CAMB-75E93', 'CAMB-71F76', 'CAMB-71D30',
                                                     'CAMB-7657F', 'CAMB-776F3', 'CAMB-76B31', 'CAMB-76BC8',
                                                     'CAMB-7A71B', 'CAMB-7780C', 'CAMB-72494', 'CAMB-79433',
                                                     'CAMB-77CB5', 'CAMB-775E7', 'CAMB-75FFA', 'CAMB-7A890',
                                                     'CAMB-76B9B', 'CAMB-7674C', 'CAMB-77FBC'),]

generate plots of the resulting mixtures

all_meta <- fread("./data/consensus/cog_2020-05-08_metadata.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
all_meta$sample <- map_chr(str_split(all_meta$sequence_name, '/'), ~ .x[[2]])
mixture_tests_mm$lineageA <- all_meta$lineage[match(mixture_tests_mm$sampleA, all_meta$sample)]
mixture_tests_mm$lineageB <- all_meta$lineage[match(mixture_tests_mm$sampleB, all_meta$sample)]
aln_length <- ncol(all_seqs)

pair_plots_data <- map_dfr(1:nrow(mixture_tests_mm), function(i){
  sA <- mixture_tests_mm$sampleA[[i]]
  sB <- mixture_tests_mm$sampleB[[i]]
  aA_orig <- all_seqs[rownames(all_seqs)==sA,]
  mA_orig <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=aln_length)
  mA_orig[1,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('a')] <- 1
  mA_orig[2,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('c')] <- 1
  mA_orig[3,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('g')] <- 1
  mA_orig[4,aA_orig==as.DNAbin('t')] <- 1
  sfA_orig <- run_consensus_df %>% filter(sample==sA)
  fA_orig <- mA_orig
  fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS] <- t(sfA_orig[,c('A','C','G','T')]/rowSums(sfA_orig[,c('A','C','G','T')]))
  mA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS] <- 1*t(t(fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS, drop=FALSE])==colMaxs(fA_orig[,sfA_orig$POS, drop=FALSE]))
  aB <- all_seqs[rownames(all_seqs)==sB,]
  mB <- matrix(0, nrow=4, ncol=aln_length)
  mB[1,aB==as.DNAbin('a')] <- 1
  mB[2,aB==as.DNAbin('c')] <- 1
  mB[3,aB==as.DNAbin('g')] <- 1
  mB[4,aB==as.DNAbin('t')] <- 1
  keep <- (colSums(mA_orig)>0) & (colSums(mB)>0)
  colnames(mA_orig) <- 1:ncol(mA_orig)
  colnames(mB) <- 1:ncol(mB)
  colnames(fA_orig) <- 1:ncol(fA_orig)
  mA <- mA_orig[,keep]
  mB <- mB[,keep]
  fA <- fA_orig[,keep]
  model_data <- tibble(
    pos=rep(as.numeric(colnames(fA)), each=4),
    base=rep(c('A','C','G','T'), ncol(fA)),
  colnames(model_data)[3:5] <- c('frequency', 'consensus', 'co-infection')
                                 # sprintf('%s, lineage %s', sA, mixture_tests_mm$lineageA[[i]]),
                                 # sprintf('%s, lineage %s', sB, mixture_tests_mm$lineageB[[i]]))#, mixture_tests_mm$n_extra_explained[[i]]))
  model_data <- model_data[(rowSums(model_data[,3:5]==1)!=3) & (rowSums(model_data[,3:5]==0)!=3),]
  model_data$lineage <- 'other'
  model_data$lineage[model_data[,5]==1] <- colnames(model_data)[[5]]
  model_data$lineage[model_data[,4]==1] <- colnames(model_data)[[4]]
  model_data$pair <- sprintf("%s (%s) - %s (%s)",
                             sA, mixture_tests_mm$lineageA[[i]],
                             sB, mixture_tests_mm$lineageB[[i]])

pair_plots_data$lineage <- factor(pair_plots_data$lineage, levels = c('consensus', 'co-infection', 'other')) 

gg <- ggplot(pair_plots_data, aes(x=pos, y=frequency, col=lineage)) + 
  geom_point(size=2, alpha=0.5) + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(1, 29903)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c('#4393c3','#d6604d','#bdbdbd')) +
  facet_wrap(~pair, ncol = 5) +
  ylab("freq") +
  theme_bw(base_size = 12) +
  xlab('position') +

# pp <- patchwork::wrap_plots(pair_plots,guides = 'collect') + patchwork::plot_layout(ncol = 1)
ggsave(gg, filename = "Figures/potential_mixtures_revised.pdf", width = 20, height = 20, limitsize = FALSE)

gg <- ggplot(pair_plots_data %>% filter(pair %in% c('CAMB-7217F (B.1) - CAMB-79EF9 (B.3)',
                                                    'CAMB-7A57B (B.2.1) - CAMB-75ADB (B.1.1)',
                                                    'CAMB-75BE7 (B.3) - CAMB-76621 (B.3)')), 
             aes(x=pos, y=frequency, col=lineage)) + 
  geom_point(size=2, alpha=0.5) + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(1, 29903)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = c(0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1)) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c('#4393c3','#d6604d','#bdbdbd')) +
  facet_wrap(~pair, ncol = 1) +
  ylab("freq") +
  theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
  xlab('position') +
ggsave(gg, filename = "Figures/potential_mixtures_selected_3.png", width = 12, height = 7)
ggsave(gg, filename = "Figures/potential_mixtures_selected_3.pdf", width = 12, height = 7)

##Consensus background of common intrahost variants

To help ascertain whether common intrahost variants are the result of independent mutation events rather than transmission we generate heatmaps for a selection of variants which indicate the genomic background in which they occur. If these variants were the result of transmission we would expect to see the genetic background of fixed variants after aligning to the reference. That is, given an intrahost variant we would expect to see highly similar consensus sequences. The heatmaps below indicate that this is generally not the case and thus independent mutation events better explain many of the shared intrahost variants between samples.

shearwater_calls_no_rep <- shearwater_calls %>% filter(!sampleID %in% repeated_samples)
shearwater_calls_no_rep$pos_change <- sprintf("%s%i%s", shearwater_calls_no_rep$ref, shearwater_calls_no_rep$pos, shearwater_calls_no_rep$mut)
ct_meta <- fread("data/replicate_meta_with_ct.tsv") %>% as_tibble()

plot_mixed_vaf <- function(pos){
  temp_samples <- unique(shearwater_calls_no_rep$sampleID[(shearwater_calls_no_rep$pos_change==pos) & (shearwater_calls_no_rep$vaf<0.95) & (shearwater_calls_no_rep$vaf>0.0)])
  temp_samples <- temp_samples[temp_samples %in% ct_meta$sample_id[ct_meta$diagnostic_ct_value<24]]
  temp_samples <- sample(temp_samples, min(10, length(temp_samples)))
  pdf <- shearwater_calls_no_rep %>% filter(sampleID %in% temp_samples)
  pdf$pos_change <- factor(pdf$pos_change, levels=c(pos, unique(pdf$pos_change)[unique(pdf$pos_change)!=pos]))
  gg <- ggplot(pdf, aes(y=pos_change, x=sampleID, fill=vaf)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
    xlab('sample') +
    ylab('variant') +
    scale_fill_stepsn(colours = c('#ca0020','#f4a582','#f7f7f7','#92c5de', '#4393c3', '#2166ac','#252525'), breaks=c(0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95)) +
    # scale_fill_binned(type = 'viridis', breaks=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)) +

gg1 <- plot_mixed_vaf("A13780T")
ggsave('./Figures/heatmap_A13780T.png', height = 7, width = 10)

gg2 <- plot_mixed_vaf("C683T")
ggsave('./Figures/heatmap_C683T.png', height = 7, width = 10)

gg3 <- plot_mixed_vaf("A1547T")
ggsave('./Figures/heatmap_A1547T.png', height = 7, width = 10)

focus <- c("A13780T", "C635T", "C21575T")
pdf_all <- map_dfr(focus, function(pos){
  temp_samples <- unique(shearwater_calls_no_rep$sampleID[(shearwater_calls_no_rep$pos_change==pos) & (shearwater_calls_no_rep$vaf<0.95) & (shearwater_calls_no_rep$vaf>0.0)])
  temp_samples <- temp_samples[temp_samples %in% ct_meta$sample_id[ct_meta$diagnostic_ct_value<24]]
  temp_samples <- sample(temp_samples, min(10, length(temp_samples)))
  pdf <- shearwater_calls_no_rep %>% filter(sampleID %in% temp_samples)
  pdf$pos <- pos

pdf_all$order_x <- paste(pdf_all$sampleID, pdf_all$pos)
pdf_all$order_x <- factor(pdf_all$order_x, 
                          levels = unlist(map(focus, ~{
  tempdf <- pdf_all %>% filter(pos==.x)
  d <- matrix(0, nrow=length(unique(tempdf$sampleID)),
              ncol = length(unique(tempdf$pos_change)),
              dimnames = list(unique(tempdf$sampleID),
  d[as.matrix(tempdf[,c('sampleID','pos_change')])] <- tempdf$vaf
  d <- dist(d)
  h <- hclust(d)
  return(paste(unique(tempdf$sampleID)[h$order], .x))

pdf_all$pos_change[pdf_all$pos_change %in% focus] <- paste(pdf_all$pos_change[pdf_all$pos_change %in% focus],
                                                           pdf_all$pos[pdf_all$pos_change %in% focus])

pdf_all$pos_change <- factor(pdf_all$pos_change, levels=c(paste(focus, focus), 
                                                                                             ) %in% paste(focus, focus)]))
xticklabs <- function(x){gsub(' .*$', '', x)}

ggplot(pdf_all, aes(y=pos_change, x=order_x, fill=vaf)) + 
  geom_tile() +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  facet_wrap(~pos, nrow = 1, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_discrete(labels=xticklabs) +
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  xlab('sample') +
  ylab('variant') +
  scale_fill_stepsn(colours = c('#ca0020','#f4a582','#f7f7f7','#92c5de', 
                                '#4393c3', '#2166ac','#252525'), breaks=c(0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95))

ggsave('./Figures/heatmap_selected_3.png', height = 7, width = 15)
ggsave('./Figures/heatmap_selected_3.pdf', height = 7, width = 15)

We call lineages using pangolin v1.1.14 and database date 2020-05-19.

lineage_calls <- fread("/Users/gt4/Documents/covid_deep/data/consensus/combined_consensus_replicates_filt_lineage_report.csv", 
                       data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
stopifnot(all(run_consensus_df$sample %in% lineage_calls$taxon))
run_consensus_df$lineage <- lineage_calls$lineage[match(run_consensus_df$sample, lineage_calls$taxon)]

###Pairwise transmission model

To investigate transmission, samples were only considered if both replicates produced high quality consensus genomes. When multiple samples from the same host were available the earliest sample was used. Pairwise SNP distances were generated between the consensus genomes using pairsnp v0.2.0 (Tonkin-Hill 2018). The distribution of the underlying number of intermediate transmission events between each pair of samples was then inferred using an implementation of the transcluster algorithm (Stimson et al. 2019; Tonkin-Hill 2020). The serial interval and evolutionary rate were set to 5 days and 1e-3 substitutions/site/year (Fauver et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). 

replicate_meta <- fread("./Processed_data/keep_replicates_meta.csv", data.table = FALSE, sep=",",fill=TRUE) %>% as_tibble()
consensus_seqs <- ape::read.dna("./data/consensus/combined_consensus_replicates_filt.fa", format = 'fasta')
meta <- fread("./data/replicate_meta.tsv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
date_info <- replicate_meta[,c('central_sample_id','collection_date')] %>% filter(collection_date!='None')
consensus_seqs_w_dates <- consensus_seqs[names(consensus_seqs) %in% date_info$central_sample_id]
ape::write.FASTA(consensus_seqs_w_dates, file = "./data/consensus/combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa")
fwrite(date_info, file = "./data/consensus/combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.csv", quote = FALSE, sep=",", col.names = TRUE)

Create the necessary multiple sequence alignment.

mafft --auto --thread -1 --keeplength --addfragments combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa nCoV-2019.reference.fasta > MA_combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa

```{r, eval=FALSE}
temp_msa <- ape::read.dna("./data/consensus/MA_combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa", format = 'fasta')
temp_msa <- temp_msa[2:nrow(temp_msa),]
ape::write.FASTA(temp_msa, file = "./data/consensus/MA_combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa")

Run the pairsnp and transcluster algorithms. These packages are available at and respectively.

python ~/fasttranscluster/ --msa MA_combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.fa  --dates combined_consensus_replicates_filt_dates.csv --save_probs --snp_threshold 10 -K 20 -o ./

Load results and filter out repeated samples from the same patient.

trans_probs <- fread("./data/consensus/transcluster_probabilities.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble() 

# remove repeated samples
trans_probs <- trans_probs %>%
  filter(!sampleA %in% repeated_samples) %>%
  filter(!sampleB %in% repeated_samples)


Plot with possible mixed infections included.

temp <- shearwater_complex_calls %>% 
  filter(!sampleID %in% repeated_samples) %>%
  filter(r1_vaf<0.99 & r2_vaf<0.99)

high_prev <- names(table(paste(temp$pos, temp$mut)))[table(paste(temp$pos, temp$mut))>5]
temp$mut_pos <- paste(temp$pos, temp$mut)
temp$maf <-  temp$vaf
temp$maf[temp$vaf>0.5] <- temp$vaf_ref[temp$vaf>0.5]
temp <- temp %>%filter(!mut_pos %in% high_prev)
complex_calls <- split(temp, temp$sampleID)

trans_vs_poly <- map_dfr(c(0.01,0.02, 0.05, 0.1), function(min_maf){
  trans_probs$shared_poly <- map_dbl(1:nrow(trans_probs), function(i){
    if (!trans_probs$sampleA[[i]] %in% names(complex_calls)) return(0)
    if (!trans_probs$sampleB[[i]] %in% names(complex_calls)) return(0)
    mafA <- complex_calls[[trans_probs$sampleA[[i]]]] %>% filter(maf>min_maf)
    mafB <- complex_calls[[trans_probs$sampleB[[i]]]] %>% filter(maf>min_maf)
    return(sum(mafA$mut_pos %in% mafB$mut_pos))
  trans_probs$min_maf <- min_maf

trans_vs_poly$`probability direct transmission` <- cut(exp(trans_vs_poly$`0`), breaks=seq(0,0.4,0.01))

temp <- trans_vs_poly %>% filter(min_maf==0.1) %>% filter(exp(`0`)>0.18) %>% filter(shared_poly>0)
length(unique(c(temp$sampleA, temp$sampleB)))

trans_vs_poly <- trans_vs_poly %>% group_by(min_maf, `probability direct transmission`) %>%
colnames(trans_vs_poly) <- c("MAF","probability direct transmission", "mean shared minor variants")
trans_vs_poly$MAF <- paste("minimum MAF:", trans_vs_poly$MAF)

ggplot(trans_vs_poly, aes(x=`probability direct transmission`, y=`mean shared minor variants`)) + 
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(~MAF, ncol = 1) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  ylab("mean pairwise shared variants")

ggsave(filename = "./Figures/pairwise_transmission_prob_vs_multi_maf_w_mix.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/pairwise_transmission_prob_vs_multi_maf_w_mix.png", width = 9, height = 7)

plot with possible mixtures excluded

trans_probs <- fread("./data/consensus/transcluster_probabilities.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble() 

# remove repeated samples
trans_probs <- trans_probs %>%
  filter(!sampleA %in% repeated_samples) %>%
  filter(!sampleB %in% repeated_samples)

# remove samples that are potentially mixed
mixed_samples <- mixture_tests_mm$sampleA

trans_probs <- trans_probs %>%
  filter(!sampleA %in% mixed_samples) %>%
  filter(!sampleB %in% mixed_samples)

trans_vs_poly <- map_dfr(c(0.01,0.02, 0.05, 0.1), function(min_maf){
  trans_probs$shared_poly <- map_dbl(1:nrow(trans_probs), function(i){
    if (!trans_probs$sampleA[[i]] %in% names(complex_calls)) return(0)
    if (!trans_probs$sampleB[[i]] %in% names(complex_calls)) return(0)
    mafA <- complex_calls[[trans_probs$sampleA[[i]]]] %>% filter(maf>min_maf)
    mafB <- complex_calls[[trans_probs$sampleB[[i]]]] %>% filter(maf>min_maf)
    return(sum(mafA$mut_pos %in% mafB$mut_pos))
  trans_probs$min_maf <- min_maf

trans_vs_poly$`probability direct transmission` <- cut(exp(trans_vs_poly$`0`), breaks=seq(0,0.4,0.01))

temp <- trans_vs_poly %>% filter(min_maf==0.1) %>% filter(exp(`0`)>0.18) %>% filter(shared_poly>0)
length(unique(c(temp$sampleA, temp$sampleB)))

trans_vs_poly <- trans_vs_poly %>% group_by(min_maf, `probability direct transmission`) %>%
colnames(trans_vs_poly) <- c("MAF","probability direct transmission", "mean shared minor variants")
trans_vs_poly$MAF <- paste("minimum MAF:", trans_vs_poly$MAF)

ggplot(trans_vs_poly, aes(x=`probability direct transmission`, y=`mean shared minor variants`)) + 
  # geom_point(size=5) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_wrap(~MAF, ncol = 1) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  ylab("mean pairwise shared variants")

ggsave(filename = "./Figures/pairwise_transmission_prob_vs_multi_maf.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/pairwise_transmission_prob_vs_multi_maf.png", width = 9, height = 7)

##Position level statistics

To investigate the phylogentic signal present in the patterns of intra host varianst across the consensus phylogeny we generated binary presence/absence vectors to indicate which of the replicate pairs a minority variant occurred in. These were then used with the maximum likelihood phylogeny previously described to infer both the delta and D-statistic which indicates the concordance between the minority variant and the consensus phylogeny. The R package caper v0.2 was used to infer the D-statistic (Orme et al. 2013; Fritz and Purvis 2010). The delta statistic was calculated using the R code provided with the publication (Borges et al. 2019). 

#### Delta statistic


samples_considered <- unique(run_consensus_df$sample)[!unique(run_consensus_df$sample) %in% mixture_tests_mm$sampleA]
samples_considered <- c(samples_considered, 'MN908947.3')

ml_tree <- read.tree("./data/consensus/elan.20200529.consensus.filt.mask.tree")
ml_tree <- drop.tip(ml_tree, ml_tree$tip.label[!ml_tree$tip.label %in% samples_considered])
ml_tree <- root(ml_tree, outgroup='MN908947.3', resolve.root=TRUE)
ml_tree <- multi2di(ml_tree)
ml_tree$edge.length <- pmax(ml_tree$edge.length, 1e-10)


tb <- table(run_consensus_df$POS[run_consensus_df$sample %in% samples_considered])

delta_results <- furrr::future_map_dfr(names(tb)[tb>2], ~ {
  tr <- ml_tree$tip.label %in% run_consensus_df$sample[run_consensus_df$POS==.x]
  d <- delta(trait = tr,
      tree = ml_tree, 
      lambda0 = 1,
      se = 1,
      sim = 10000, 
      thin = 10, 
      burn = 5000)
}, .progress = TRUE)

delta_results$log1_delta <- log(delta_results$delta+1)
delta_results <- delta_results %>% arrange(delta)

pos_counts <- run_consensus_df %>%
  group_by(POS) %>%

delta_results$count <- pos_counts$count[match(delta_results$POS, pos_counts$POS)]

ggplot(delta_results, aes(x=delta)) + 
  geom_histogram() + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 14)
ggsave(file="./Figures/delta_histogram.png", width = 9, height = 7)
ggsave(file="./Figures/delta_histogram.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)

write.csv(delta_results, file="./Processed_data/delta_results.csv", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

#### D statistic

```{r, eval=FALSE}
bindata <- map_dfc(names(tb)[tb>2], ~{
  ml_tree$tip.label %in% run_consensus_df$sample[run_consensus_df$POS==.x]
colnames(bindata) <- names(tb)[tb>2]
bindata <- bindata*1
bindata <- bindata %>% add_column(sample=ml_tree$tip.label, .before = 1)

bindata <-, bindata, sample)

saveRDS(bindata, "./Processed_data/bindata.RDS")
bindata <- readRDS("./Processed_data/bindata.RDS")


phylo.d <- function (data, phy, names.col, binvar, permut = 1000, rnd.bias = NULL) 
    if (!missing(data)) {
        if (!inherits(data, "")) {
            if (missing(names.col)) 
                stop("names column is missing")
            names.col <- deparse(substitute(names.col))
            data <- caicStyleArgs(data = data, phy = phy, names.col = names.col)
    # binvar <- deparse(substitute(binvar))
    bininds <- match(binvar, names(data$data))
    if ( 
        (stop("'", binvar, "' is not a variable in data."))
    ds <- data$data[, bininds]
    if (any( 
        stop("'", binvar, "' contains missing values.")
    if (is.character(ds)) 
        ds <- as.factor(ds)
    if (length(unique(ds)) > 2) 
        stop("'", binvar, "' contains more than two states.")
    if (length(unique(ds)) < 2) 
        stop("'", binvar, "' only contains a single state.")
    propStates <- unclass(table(ds))
    propState1 <- propStates[1]/sum(propStates)
    names(dimnames(propStates)) <- binvar
    if (is.factor(ds)) 
        ds <- as.numeric(ds)
    if (!is.numeric(permut)) 
        (stop("'", permut, "' is not numeric."))
    if (!is.null(rnd.bias)) {
        rnd.bias <- deparse(substitute(rnd.bias))
        rnd.ind <- match(rnd.bias, names(data$data))
        if ( 
            (stop("'", rnd.bias, "' is not a variable in data."))
        rnd.bias <- data$data[, rnd.bias]
    el <- data$phy$edge.length
    elTip <- data$phy$edge[, 2] <= length(data$phy$tip.label)
    if (any(el[elTip] == 0)) 
        stop("Phylogeny contains pairs of tips on zero branch lengths, cannot currently simulate")
    if (any(el[!elTip] == 0)) 
        stop("Phylogeny contains zero length internal branches. Use di2multi.")
    ds.ran <- replicate(permut, sample(ds, prob = rnd.bias))
    if (is.null(data$vcv)) {
        vcv <- VCV.array(data$phy)
    else {
        vcv <- data$vcv
    ds.phy <- rmvnorm(permut, sigma = unclass(vcv))
    ds.phy <-
    ds.phy.thresh <- apply(ds.phy, 2, quantile, propState1)
    ds.phy <- sweep(ds.phy, 2, ds.phy.thresh, "<")
    ds.phy <- as.numeric(ds.phy)
    dim(ds.phy) <- dim(ds.ran)
    ds.ran <- cbind(Obs = ds, ds.ran)
    ds.phy <- cbind(Obs = ds, ds.phy)
    dimnames(ds.ran) <- dimnames(ds.phy) <- list(data$phy$tip.label, 
        c("Obs", paste("V", 1:permut, sep = "")))
    phy <- reorder(data$phy, "pruningwise") <- contrCalc(vals = ds.ran, phy = phy, ref.var = "V1", 
        picMethod = "phylo.d", crunch.brlen = 0) <- contrCalc(vals = ds.phy, phy = phy, ref.var = "V1", 
        picMethod = "phylo.d", crunch.brlen = 0)
    ransocc <- colSums($contrMat)
    physocc <- colSums($contrMat)
    if (round(ransocc[1], digits = 6) != round(physocc[1], digits = 6)) 
        stop("Problem with character change calculation in phylo.d")
    obssocc <- ransocc[1]
    ransocc <- ransocc[-1]
    physocc <- physocc[-1]
    soccratio <- (obssocc - mean(physocc))/(mean(ransocc) - mean(physocc))
    soccpval1 <- sum(ransocc < obssocc)/permut
    soccpval0 <- sum(physocc > obssocc)/permut
    dvals <- list(DEstimate = soccratio, Pval1 = soccpval1, Pval0 = soccpval0, 
        Parameters = list(Observed = obssocc, MeanRandom = mean(ransocc), 
            MeanBrownian = mean(physocc)), StatesTable = propStates, 
        Permutations = list(random = ransocc, brownian = physocc), 
        NodalVals = list(observed =$nodVal[, 1, drop = FALSE], 
            random =$nodVal[, -1, drop = FALSE], brownian =$nodVal[, 
                -1, drop = FALSE]), binvar = binvar, data = data, 
        nPermut = permut, rnd.bias = rnd.bias)
    class(dvals) <- "phylo.d"

Dstat_results <- furrr::future_map_dfr(colnames(bindata$data), ~{
  ds <- phylo.d(bindata, ml_tree, binvar = .x)
write.csv(Dstat_results, "./Processed_data/Dstat_results.csv", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

combine into table

```{r, ecal=FALSE}
Dstat_results <- fread("./Processed_data/Dstat_results.csv", data.table = FALSE) %>% as_tibble()
concordance_stats <- merge(delta_results, Dstat_results, by.x='POS', by.y='pos', all=TRUE) %>% as_tibble()
concordance_stats$log1_delta <- NULL
colnames(concordance_stats) <- c('position', 'delta', 'MAF count', 'D statistic', 'D probability random', 'D probability brownian')
concordance_stats <- concordance_stats[,  c('position', 'delta', 'D statistic', 'D probability random', 'D probability brownian', 'MAF count')]
write.csv(concordance_stats, file='Processed_data/concordance_statistics.csv', quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

##Within host variation increases over time

To investigate the possible accumulation of de novo mutations during the course of an infection, we studied 43 individuals for whom we had multiple samples collected at different timepoints. Initially, we collect the VAFs inferred using the shearwater algorithm. Unlike in much of the analysis above, we allow for more complex variants rather than just single nucleotude polymorphisms.

MINMAF <- 0.01
MINDEPTH <- 1000


rownames(countsall) <- fread("./data/sample_list_1181.tsv", header = FALSE, data.table = FALSE)$V1
colnames(countsall) <- 1:ncol(countsall)
dimnames(countsall)[[3]] <- c("A","T","C","G","-","INS")

multi_run_calls <- shearwater_complex_calls %>% 
  filter(r1_vaf<1 & r2_vaf<1) %>%
  filter(sampleID %in% unlist(meta_multi$samples))

multi_run_calls$host <- replicate_meta$biosample_source_id[match(multi_run_calls$sampleID, replicate_meta$central_sample_id)]
multi_run_calls$date <- replicate_meta$collection_date[match(multi_run_calls$sampleID, replicate_meta$central_sample_id)]
multi_run_calls <- multi_run_calls %>% filter(date!='None')
temp <- table(multi_run_calls$host[!duplicated(multi_run_calls$sampleID)])
multi_run_calls <- multi_run_calls %>% filter(!multi_run_calls$host %in% names(temp)[temp<2])
multi_run_calls$date <- as_date(multi_run_calls$date)
multi_run_calls$mut_simple <- multi_run_calls$mut
multi_run_calls$mut_simple[!multi_run_calls$mut_simple %in% c(
  "-","T","G","C","A","INS")] <- map_chr(multi_run_calls$mut_simple[!multi_run_calls$mut_simple %in% c("-","T","G","C","A","INS")], ~{

multi_run_calls_recovered <- multi_run_calls %>% 
  group_by(host) %>%
    samples <- unique(.x$sampleID)
    nsamples <- length(samples)
    mis <- table(paste(.x$mut_simple, .x$pos))
    mis <- .x[paste(.x$mut_simple, .x$pos) %in% names(mis)[mis!=nsamples],]
    missing <- map_dfr(1:nrow(mis), function(i){
      missing_samples <- unique(samples[!samples %in% mis$sampleID[(mis$pos==mis$pos[[i]]) & (mis$mut_simple[[i]]==mis$mut_simple)]])
      vafs <- map_dfr(missing_samples, function(s){
        vaf <- countsall[s, mis$pos[[i]], mis$mut_simple[[i]]]/sum(countsall[s, mis$pos[[i]],])
        if (vaf>0.001) {
          temp <- mis[i,]
          temp$sampleID <- s
          temp$vaf <- vaf
          temp$date <- unique(replicate_meta$collection_date[replicate_meta$central_sample_id==s])
        } else {
  }, keep = TRUE)

multi_run_calls_recovered <-, multi_run_calls_recovered)
multi_run_calls_recovered <- multi_run_calls_recovered[!duplicated(multi_run_calls_recovered[,c('sampleID', 'pos', 'mut')]),]
multi_run_calls_recovered <- rbind(multi_run_calls, multi_run_calls_recovered)

all_consensus <- multi_run_calls_recovered %>% 
  group_by(pos, mut, host) %>%
    allcons = all(vaf>0.75)
  ) %>% filter(allcons)
all_consensus$combined <- sprintf("%s %s %s", all_consensus$pos, all_consensus$mut, all_consensus$host)

multi_run_calls_recovered <- multi_run_calls_recovered %>%
  filter(!paste(pos, mut, host) %in% all_consensus$combined)

Generate time series plots of the inferred VAFs within each patient. Multiple samples on the same day are 'jittered' to enable the variation within a day to be observed.

all_meta <- fread("./data/majora.20200501.metadata.tsv") %>% as_tibble() %>%
  filter(central_sample_id %in% multi_run_calls_recovered$sampleID)
multi_run_calls_recovered$swab_site <- all_meta$swab_site[match(multi_run_calls_recovered$sampleID, all_meta$central_sample_id)]
multi_run_calls_recovered$sample_type_collected <- all_meta$sample_type_collected[match(multi_run_calls_recovered$sampleID, all_meta$central_sample_id)]

plotdf <- multi_run_calls_recovered
plotdf$mut_pos<- paste(plotdf$mut_simple, plotdf$pos)

hostdaycount <- table(paste(plotdf$host, plotdf$date)[!duplicated(plotdf$sampleID)])
samedaycount <- unlist(map(paste(plotdf$host, plotdf$date), ~{
  ids <- unique(plotdf$sampleID[paste(plotdf$host, plotdf$date)==.x])
  ids <- setNames(1:length(ids), ids)
min_date <- plotdf %>% group_by(host) %>%
min_date <- setNames(min_date$min_dat, min_date$host)
plotdf$date_adj <- plotdf$date - min_date[plotdf$host]
plotdf$date_adj <- plotdf$date_adj + (samedaycount[plotdf$sampleID]-1)*0.1 - (hostdaycount[paste(plotdf$host, plotdf$date)]-1)*0.05

ggplot(plotdf, aes(x=date_adj, y=vaf, col=mut_pos)) + 
  geom_line(alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~host, scales = "free_x") +
  scale_color_discrete(guide=FALSE) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:9) +
  scale_y_sqrt() +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  xlab('days from first sample') +

ggsave(filename = "./Figures/vaf_by_repeated_sample.pdf", width = 15, height = 10)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/vaf_by_repeated_sample.png", width = 15, height = 10)

focus <- c('CAMS001538', 'CAMS001741', 'CAMS002128')
ggplot(plotdf %>% filter(host %in% focus), aes(x=date_adj, y=vaf, col=mut_pos)) + 
  geom_line(alpha=0.5) +
  geom_point(alpha=0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~host, scales = "free_x", nrow = 1) +
  scale_color_discrete(guide=FALSE) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:9) +
  # scale_y_sqrt() +
  theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
  xlab('days from first sample') +

ggsave(filename = "./Figures/selected3_vaf_by_repeated_sample.pdf", width = 12, height = 5)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/selected3_vaf_by_repeated_sample.png", width = 12, height = 5)

To focus on the variance within samples we plot the number of shared variants versus the total number of minority variants for each pairwise combination of samples taken from the same patient on the same day. We also plot the proportion of shared variants between each pairwise combination, split by the different sampling techniques used.

same_days <- table(paste(multi_run_calls_recovered$host, multi_run_calls_recovered$date)[!duplicated(multi_run_calls_recovered$sampleID)])
same_days <- same_days[same_days>1]

plotdf <- multi_run_calls_recovered[paste(multi_run_calls_recovered$host, multi_run_calls_recovered$date) %in% names(same_days),]
plotdf$mut_pos <- paste(plotdf$mut, plotdf$pos)

plotdf2 <- plotdf %>% 
  group_by(host, date) %>%
    sample_type = paste(sort(unique(sample_type_collected)), collapse = "_"),
    n_samples = length(unique(sampleID)),
    n_shared = sum(table(mut_pos)==length(unique(sampleID))),
    mean_shared = mean(table(mut_pos)/length(unique(sampleID))),
    ids = list(unique(sampleID)),
    tm = list(table(mut_pos)),
    n_muts = length(unique(mut_pos)),
    prop_shared = sum(table(mut_pos)==length(unique(sampleID)))/length(unique(mut_pos))

gg1 <- ggplot(plotdf2, aes(x=sample_type, y=prop_shared)) + 
  geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = NA) +
  geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.1, size=2) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  xlab('sample types') +
  ylab("proportion of shared minority variants")
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/swab_type_vs_prop_shared.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/swab_type_vs_prop_shared.png", width = 9, height = 7)

gg2 <- ggplot(plotdf2, aes(x=n_shared, y=n_muts)) + 
  geom_jitter(height = 0.1, width = 0.1, size=2) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 14) +
  xlab("number of shared minority variant") + 
  ylab("total number of minority variants")
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/maf_total_vs_shared.pdf", width = 9, height = 7)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/maf_total_vs_shared.png", width = 9, height = 7)

gg1 + gg2 + patchwork::plot_layout(nrow = 1)

#test excluding samples with more than two to avoid bias
t.test(plotdf2$prop_shared[plotdf2$n_samples==2 & plotdf2$sample_type=='swab'],
       plotdf2$prop_shared[plotdf2$n_samples==2 & plotdf2$sample_type=='sputum_swab'], 
       alternative = 'greater')

#alternative strategy of including the number of samples in the model leads to a similar result.
plotdf2$isswab <- plotdf2$sample_type=='swab'
summary(glm(n_shared ~ isswab + n_samples + n_muts, data = plotdf2, family='poisson'))

Finally, we plot the difference in the number of withinhost minority variants between each pairwise combination of samples where the x-axis indicates the number of days seperating those samples.

multi_run_calls$ct <- as.numeric(meta$diagnostic_ct_value[match(multi_run_calls$sampleID, meta$sample_id)])

pairwise_within_host_maf_diff <- map_dfr(unique(multi_run_calls_recovered$host), ~ {
  temp <- multi_run_calls %>% 
    filter(host==.x) %>% 
    group_by(sampleID, date) %>% 
      maf_count = n(),
      max_ct = max(ct)
    ) %>% arrange(date)
  if (nrow(temp)<2) return(tibble())
  pw <- combinat::combn(nrow(temp), 2, simplify = FALSE)
  maf_diff <- map_dfr(pw, function(p){
      date_diff = temp$date[[p[[2]]]] - temp$date[[p[[1]]]],
      maf_diff = temp$maf_count[[p[[2]]]] - temp$maf_count[[p[[1]]]],
      max_ct = max(temp$max_ct)
  }) %>% 
    group_by(date_diff) %>%
      mean_maf_diff = mean(maf_diff),
      max_ct = max(temp$max_ct)
  maf_diff$host <- .x

gg3 <- ggplot(pairwise_within_host_maf_diff, aes(x=date_diff, y=mean_maf_diff, group=date_diff, col=max_ct)) +
  geom_boxplot(outlier.colour = NA) +
  geom_jitter(height = 0, width = 0.2, size=3) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks=0:9) +
  scale_color_binned(type='viridis') +
  xlab("time difference between samples (days)") +
  ylab("difference in number of minor alleles") +
  labs(color='max Ct')

model_data <- multi_run_calls_recovered %>% 
  group_by(host, date, sampleID, sample_type_collected) %>%
model_data$adj_date <- as.numeric(model_data$date  - min_date[model_data$host])

summary(glmer(maf_count ~  adj_date + sample_type_collected + (1|host), family = "poisson", data = model_data))

ggsave(filename = "./Figures/repeated_samples_maf_count_vs_date.pdf", width = 12, height = 5)
ggsave(filename = "./Figures/repeated_samples_maf_count_vs_date.png", width = 12, height = 5)
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