#include #include #include #include #include #define MAX_ITEMS 64 #define MIN_SPACING 24 #define TOTAL_WIDTH 720 //~ #define LVINFO_PERF_MON /* all registered info items go here */ /* note: these are somewhat private; they get first sorted in top/bottom bars, * and most of the code works at bar level, without accessing _info_items directly */ static struct lvinfo_item * _info_items[MAX_ITEMS]; static int _info_items_count = 0; static int layout_dirty = 0; static struct semaphore * lvinfo_sem = 0; static int default_font = FONT_MED_LARGE; /* used in normal situations */ static int small_font = FONT_MED; /* used if the layout gets really tight */ void lvinfo_add_items(struct lvinfo_item * items, int count) { if (lvinfo_sem) take_semaphore(lvinfo_sem, 0); for (int i = 0; i < count && _info_items_count < MAX_ITEMS; i++) { _info_items[_info_items_count] = &items[i]; _info_items_count++; } layout_dirty = 1; if (lvinfo_sem) give_semaphore(lvinfo_sem); } void lvinfo_add_item(struct lvinfo_item * item) { lvinfo_add_items(item, 1); } static int is_active(struct lvinfo_item * item) { return item->width && !item->hidden && !item->disabled; } /* call the update functions and compute the metrics */ static void lvinfo_update_items(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int override_font) { /* everybody measure themselves! */ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { items[i]->width = 0; items[i]->height = 0; items[i]->hidden = 0; if (override_font) items[i]->fontspec = override_font; int fnt = items[i]->fontspec; items[i]->color_fg = FONT_FG(fnt); items[i]->color_bg = FONT_BG(fnt); if (items[i]->update) { items[i]->update(items[i], 0); } /* no width/height specified? use defaults */ if (!items[i]->width && items[i]->value) { items[i]->width = bmp_string_width(fnt, items[i]->value); } if (!items[i]->height) { items[i]->height = fontspec_font(fnt)->height; } } } static int lvinfo_check_if_needs_reflow(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int bar_x, int bar_width) { int too_tight = 0; int max_spacing = INT_MIN; int min_spacing = INT_MAX; int prev_right = bar_x; for (int i = 0; i <= count; i++) { /* how far we are from the previous one? */ if (i == count || is_active(items[i])) { int now_left = (i < count) ? items[i]->x - items[i]->width/2 : /* normal case: spacing between items */ bar_x + bar_width ; /* special case: after last item */ int spacing = now_left - prev_right; if (i == 0 || i == count) /* spacing at the borders is normally half of spacing between items */ spacing *= 2; /* multiply by 2 so we can compare these things */ min_spacing = MIN(min_spacing, spacing); max_spacing = MAX(max_spacing, spacing); /* for debugging */ //~ bmp_fill(i == 0 || i == count ? COLOR_BLUE : COLOR_RED, prev_right, 100, now_left - prev_right, 2); if (spacing < MIN_SPACING * 2/3) { too_tight = 1; } prev_right = items[i]->x + items[i]->width/2; } } int imbalanced = (max_spacing - min_spacing > MIN_SPACING*2); return too_tight || imbalanced; } /* assign some items from the global list to top/bottom bars */ static void lvinfo_distribute_items(int which_bar, struct lvinfo_item * items[], int* count, int* space) { for (int i = 0; i < _info_items_count; i++) { if (!_info_items[i]->placed && (which_bar == -1 || _info_items[i]->which_bar == which_bar)) { *space -= _info_items[i]->width + (is_active(_info_items[i]) ? MIN_SPACING : 0); if (*space > 0) { items[(*count)++] = _info_items[i]; _info_items[i]->placed = 1; } } } } static void lvinfo_mark_all_as_not_placed() { for (int i = 0; i < _info_items_count; i++) { _info_items[i]->placed = 0; } } /* how many items are still left to be placed? */ static int lvinfo_remaining_items() { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _info_items_count; i++) { if (!_info_items[i]->placed) { count++; } } return count; } /* distribute spacing evenly between items */ static void lvinfo_justify_items(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int total_width) { int used_items = 0; int used_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int active = is_active(items[i]); used_items += active ? 1 : 0; used_width += active ? items[i]->width : 0; } /* how much we can stretch? */ int extra_spacing = total_width - used_width; /* todo: use Bresenham algorithm to get rid of these floats */ float spacing_per_item = (float) extra_spacing / used_items; float x = spacing_per_item / 2; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { items[i]->x = x + items[i]->width/2; if (is_active(items[i])) { x += items[i]->width + spacing_per_item; } } } /* heuristic that tells whether we should try to enlarge the font */ static int lvinfo_should_enlarge(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int total_width) { int used_items = 0; int used_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int active = is_active(items[i]); used_items += active ? 1 : 0; used_width += active ? items[i]->width : 0; } int extra_spacing = total_width - used_width; int spacing_per_item = extra_spacing / used_items; return spacing_per_item > MIN_SPACING * 5/4; } /* shrink some items or hide low-priority ones */ /* returns: INT_MIN if nothing was discarded, INT_MAX if error, otherwise it returns the priority of last item discarded */ static int lvinfo_squeeze_space(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int total_width) { int used_items = 0; int used_width = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int active = is_active(items[i]); used_items += active ? 1 : 0; used_width += active ? items[i]->width + MIN_SPACING : 0; } /* how much we can stretch? */ int spacing_needed = used_width - total_width; /* any real need to squeeze space? */ if (spacing_needed <= MIN_SPACING) return INT_MIN; /* sort by priority (lowest first) */ struct lvinfo_item * prio_items[MAX_ITEMS]; memcpy(prio_items, items, sizeof(prio_items)); for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { for (int j = i+1; j < count; j++) { if (prio_items[i]->priority > prio_items[j]->priority) { struct lvinfo_item * aux = prio_items[i]; prio_items[i] = prio_items[j]; prio_items[j] = aux; } } } /* sort by width, largest first */ struct lvinfo_item * big_items[MAX_ITEMS]; memcpy(big_items, items, sizeof(big_items)); for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { for (int j = i+1; j < count; j++) { if (big_items[i]->width < big_items[j]->width) { struct lvinfo_item * aux = big_items[i]; big_items[i] = big_items[j]; big_items[j] = aux; } } } /* shrink items, starting with the largest ones */ /* if we have to shrink 3 or more items, shrink them all */ int shrunk = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { if (is_active(big_items[i])) { int old_width = big_items[i]->width; lvinfo_update_items(&big_items[i], 1, small_font); int new_width = big_items[i]->width; spacing_needed -= (old_width - new_width); shrunk++; if (spacing_needed <= MIN_SPACING && shrunk < 3) { /* succeeded by shrinking 1 or 2 items? */ return INT_MIN; } } } if (spacing_needed <= MIN_SPACING) { return INT_MIN; } /* discard all items until there's enough space; lower priority discarded first */ for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { if (is_active(prio_items[i])) { prio_items[i]->hidden = 1; spacing_needed -= (prio_items[i]->width + MIN_SPACING); if (spacing_needed <= MIN_SPACING) { return prio_items[i]->priority; } } } /* should be unreachable */ return INT_MAX; } static void lvinfo_valign_items(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int bar_y, int bar_height) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { items[i]->y = bar_y + (bar_height - items[i]->height) / 2 + 2; } } static void lvinfo_sort_by_position(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count) { /* sort by preferred position */ /* we need to use a stable sorting algorithm, so items with the same preferred position will not get swapped */ int done = 0; while (!done) { done = 1; for (int i = 0; i < count-1; i++) { if (items[i]->preferred_position > items[i+1]->preferred_position) { struct lvinfo_item * aux = items[i]; items[i] = items[i+1]; items[i+1] = aux; done = 0; } } } } /* top/bottom bar */ static struct lvinfo_item * top_items[MAX_ITEMS]; static struct lvinfo_item * bot_items[MAX_ITEMS]; static int top_count = 0; static int bot_count = 0; static void lvinfo_refresh_layout() { /* try 3 layouts: * normal (large font), * tight if there are still items that didn't fit, * and really tight, which attempts to squeeze everything and leave it up to the display routine to sort it out **/ for (int tight = 0; tight <= 2; tight++) { /* reset the "placed" flag so we can rebuild the layout from scratch */ lvinfo_mark_all_as_not_placed(); /* reset top/bottom bars */ top_count = bot_count = 0; /* distribute stuff to top/bottom bars */ lvinfo_update_items(_info_items, _info_items_count, tight ? small_font : default_font); int top_space = tight == 2 ? TOTAL_WIDTH * 10 : TOTAL_WIDTH; int bot_space = top_space; /* first, move the items that can't be placed elsewhere */ lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_TOP_BAR_ONLY, top_items, &top_count, &top_space); lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_BOTTOM_BAR_ONLY, bot_items, &bot_count, &bot_space); /* next, try to follow the preferences */ lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_PREFER_TOP_BAR, top_items, &top_count, &top_space); lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_PREFER_BOTTOM_BAR, bot_items, &bot_count, &bot_space); /* still some items that couldn't fit according to preferences? move to the other bar */ lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_PREFER_TOP_BAR, bot_items, &bot_count, &bot_space); lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_PREFER_BOTTOM_BAR, top_items, &top_count, &top_space); /* fill the remaining space with items that don't care where they are placed */ lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_WHEREVER_IT_FITS, top_items, &top_count, &top_space); lvinfo_distribute_items(LV_WHEREVER_IT_FITS, bot_items, &bot_count, &bot_space); /* finished? hope so; otherwise, go back and try a tighter layout */ if (lvinfo_remaining_items() == 0) { break; } } /* sort items */ lvinfo_sort_by_position(top_items, top_count); lvinfo_sort_by_position(bot_items, bot_count); /* distribute spacing evenly between items */ lvinfo_justify_items(top_items, top_count, TOTAL_WIDTH); lvinfo_justify_items(bot_items, bot_count, TOTAL_WIDTH); } static void lvinfo_display_bar(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int bar_x, int bar_y, int bar_width, int bar_height) { int default_bg = FONT_BG(default_font); int default_bg_out = (default_bg == COLOR_BG_DARK ? 0 : default_bg); int prev_right = bar_x; int prev_bg = default_bg_out; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* don't process empty items */ if (!is_active(items[i])) continue; /* position */ int x = items[i]->x; int w = items[i]->width; int now_left = x - w/2; int now_right = x + w/2; int y = items[i]->y; int y0 = bar_y; int x0 = now_left; /* range checking */ if (now_left < bar_x) continue; if (now_right > bar_x + bar_width) continue; /* font */ int fnt = items[i]->fontspec; /* override colors */ fnt = FONT(fnt, items[i]->color_fg, items[i]->color_bg); int bg = FONT_BG(fnt); /* fill the gap between this item and previous one */ /* the Voronoi cell associated with each item will get filled by the same background color */ if (prev_right >= 0 && now_left > prev_right) { int gap = now_left - prev_right + 1; bmp_fill(prev_bg, prev_right, y0, gap/2, bar_height); bmp_fill(bg, prev_right+gap/2, y0, gap/2, bar_height); } /* clear the space for current box */ bmp_fill(bg, x0, y0, w, bar_height); /* for debugging: show the center of each item */ //~ bmp_fill(COLOR_RED, x-1, y0-2, 2, 2); if (items[i]->custom_drawing) { /* anybody asked for custom drawing? */ if (items[i]->update) { items[i]->update(items[i], 1); } } else { /* no custom draw? use our default print routine */ bmp_printf(fnt, x, y, items[i]->value); } prev_right = x + w/2; prev_bg = bg; } /* fill the remaining space till the far right */ if (count > 0) { int now_left = TOTAL_WIDTH; int gap = now_left - prev_right; bmp_fill(prev_bg, prev_right, bar_y, gap / 2, bar_height); bmp_fill(default_bg_out, prev_right + gap / 2, bar_y, gap / 2, bar_height); } } static void lvinfo_align_and_display(struct lvinfo_item * items[], int count, int bar_x, int bar_y, int bar_width, int bar_height) { #ifdef LVINFO_PERF_MON int64_t t0 = get_us_clock_value(); #endif /* choose a default font */ /* try to borrow the color from the cropmarks; if it's fully transparent, use transparent gray */ int bg = (items == top_items) ? TOPBAR_BGCOLOR : BOTTOMBAR_BGCOLOR; if (bg == 0) bg = COLOR_BG_DARK; default_font = FONT(FONT_MED_LARGE, COLOR_WHITE, bg) | FONT_ALIGN_CENTER; small_font = FONT(FONT_MED, COLOR_WHITE, bg) | FONT_ALIGN_CENTER; int font_changed = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* colors changed? reset the font to large and refresh the layout */ /* this will also update the text and dimensions for all items */ int prev_fnt = items[i]->fontspec; int colors_changed = (prev_fnt & 0xFFFF) != (default_font & 0xFFFF); if (colors_changed) font_changed++; lvinfo_update_items(&items[i], 1, colors_changed ? default_font : 0); } /* should we try to display everything in large font? */ /* if it doesn't look bad, keep the previous layout */ int should_enlarge = lvinfo_should_enlarge(items, count, bar_width); if (should_enlarge) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { /* check each item; if it was small and now it should be enlarged, update the font */ int prev_fnt = items[i]->fontspec; int font_should_change = (prev_fnt & FONT_MASK) != (default_font & FONT_MASK); if (font_should_change) { font_changed++; lvinfo_update_items(&items[i], 1, default_font); } } } int needs_reflow = font_changed || lvinfo_check_if_needs_reflow(items, count, bar_x, bar_width); if (needs_reflow) { /* some items got too tight? try to re-distribute the spacing between them */ lvinfo_justify_items(items, count, bar_width); /* things got really tight */ int still_needs_reflow = lvinfo_check_if_needs_reflow(items, count, bar_x, bar_width); if (still_needs_reflow) { int severity = lvinfo_squeeze_space(items, count, bar_width); lvinfo_justify_items(items, count, bar_width); if (severity >= 0) { /* important items were disabled */ /* it may be better if we try to rebuild the layout from scratch */ layout_dirty = 1; } } } /* center items vertically */ lvinfo_valign_items(items, count, bar_y, bar_height); #ifdef LVINFO_PERF_MON int64_t t1 = get_us_clock_value(); #endif /* and... finally, display them! */ lvinfo_display_bar(items, count, bar_x, bar_y, bar_width, bar_height); #ifdef LVINFO_PERF_MON int64_t t2 = get_us_clock_value(); bmp_printf(FONT_MED, 10, items == top_items ? 100 : 200, "Layout : %d "SYM_MICRO"s \nDrawing: %d "SYM_MICRO"s", (int)(t1-t0), (int)(t2-t1)); #endif } void lvinfo_display(int top, int bottom) { take_semaphore(lvinfo_sem, 0); static int refresh_timer = INT_MIN; if (layout_dirty && should_run_polling_action(2000, &refresh_timer)) { console_printf("LVINFO: refresh layout\n"); lvinfo_refresh_layout(); layout_dirty = 0; } if (top) { lvinfo_align_and_display(top_items, top_count, 0, get_ml_topbar_pos(), TOTAL_WIDTH, 32); } if (bottom) { lvinfo_align_and_display(bot_items, bot_count, 0, get_ml_bottombar_pos(), TOTAL_WIDTH, 32); } give_semaphore(lvinfo_sem); } static void lvinfo_init() { lvinfo_sem = create_named_semaphore("lvinfo_sem", 1); } INIT_FUNC("lvinfo", lvinfo_init);