Raw File

DT_SRC_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
DT_SRC_DIR=$(cd "$DT_SRC_DIR/../" && pwd -P)


git shortlog -sne release-2.2.0..HEAD

echo "are you sure these guys received proper credit in the about dialog?"
echo "HINT: $ tools/generate_authors.rb release-2.2.0..HEAD > AUTHORS"
read answer

# prefix rc with ~, so debian thinks its less than
echo "* archiving git tree"

dt_decoration=$(git describe --tags $branch | sed 's,^release-,,;s,-,+,;s,-,~,;' | sed 's/rc/~rc/')

echo "* * creating root archive"
git archive --format tar HEAD --prefix=darktable-$dt_decoration/ -o darktable-$dt_decoration.tar

echo "* * creating submodule archives"
# for each of git submodules append to the root archive
git submodule foreach --recursive 'git archive --format tar --verbose --prefix="darktable-'$dt_decoration'/$path/" HEAD --output "'$DT_SRC_DIR'/darktable-sub-$sha1.tar"'

if [ $(ls "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-sub-"*.tar | wc -l) != 0  ]; then
  echo "* * appending submodule archives, combining all tars"
  tar --concatenate --file "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-$dt_decoration.tar" "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-sub-"*.tar
  # remove sub tars
  echo "* * removing all sub tars"
  rm -rf "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-sub-"*.tar

echo "* * done creating archive"

TMPDIR=`mktemp -d -t darktable-XXXXXX`
cd "$TMPDIR"

tar xf "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-$dt_decoration.tar"

# create version header for non-git tarball:
echo "* creating version header"
"$DT_SRC_DIR/tools/create_version_c.sh" darktable-$dt_decoration/src/version_gen.c $dt_decoration

# remove usermanual, that's > 80 MB and released separately
echo "* removing usermanual"
rm -rf darktable-$dt_decoration/doc/usermanual

# drop regression_tests. for internal use, and need git anyway
echo "* removing tools/regression_tests"
rm -rf darktable-$dt_decoration/tools/regression_tests

# ... and also remove RELEASE_NOTES. that file is just for internal use
#echo "* removing RELEASE_NOTES"
#rm -rf darktable-$dt_decoration/RELEASE_NOTES

# wrap it up again
echo "* creating final tarball"
tar cf darktable-$dt_decoration.tar darktable-$dt_decoration/
rm "$DT_SRC_DIR/darktable-$dt_decoration.tar"
xz -z -v -9 -e darktable-$dt_decoration.tar
cp darktable-$dt_decoration.tar.xz "$DT_SRC_DIR"

# now test the build:
echo "* test compiling"
rm -rf darktable-$dt_decoration/
tar xf darktable-$dt_decoration.tar.xz
cd darktable-$dt_decoration/
./build.sh --prefix "$TMPDIR/darktable/"

echo "to actually test this build you should do:"
echo "cd $TMPDIR/darktable-$dt_decoration/build && make install"
echo "then run darktable from:"
echo "$TMPDIR/darktable/bin/darktable"

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