(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1998 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Printf let compargs = ref ([] : string list) let profargs = ref ([] : string list) let toremove = ref ([] : string list) let option opt () = compargs := opt :: !compargs let option_with_arg opt arg = compargs := arg :: opt :: !compargs let process_file filename = compargs := filename :: !compargs let make_archive = ref false let usage = "Usage: ocamlcp \noptions are:" let incompatible o = fprintf stderr "ocamlcp: profiling is incompatible with the %s option\n" o; exit 2 module Options = Main_args.Make_options (struct let _a () = make_archive := true; option "-a" () let _c = option "-c" let _cclib s = option_with_arg "-cclib" s let _ccopt s = option_with_arg "-ccopt" s let _custom = option "-custom" let _g = option "-g" let _i = option "-i" let _I s = option_with_arg "-I" s let _impl s = option_with_arg "-impl" s let _intf s = option_with_arg "-intf" s let _intf_suffix s = option_with_arg "-intf_suffix" s let _linkall = option "-linkall" let _make_runtime = option "-make_runtime" let _noassert = option "-noassert" let _o s = option_with_arg "-o" s let _output_obj = option "-output-obj" let _pp s = incompatible "-pp" let _thread () = incompatible "-thread" let _unsafe = option "-unsafe" let _use_runtime s = option_with_arg "-use_runtime" s let _v = option "-v" let _verbose = option "-verbose" let _nopervasives = option "-nopervasives" let _drawlambda = option "-drawlambda" let _dlambda = option "-dlambda" let _dinstr = option "-dinstr" let anonymous = process_file end) let _ = let optlist = Options.list @ [ "-p", Arg.String(fun s -> profargs := s :: "-m" :: !profargs), "[afilmt] Profile constructs specified by argument:\n\ \032 a Everything\n\ \032 f Function calls\n\ \032 i if ... then ... else\n\ \032 l while, for\n\ \032 m match ... with\n\ \032 t try ... with" ] in Arg.parse optlist process_file usage; let status = Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "ocamlc -pp \"ocamlprof -instrument %s\" %s %s" (String.concat " " (List.rev !profargs)) (if !make_archive then "" else "profiling.cmo") (String.concat " " (List.rev !compargs))) in exit status