#!/usr/bin/env bash #SBATCH #SBATCH --job-name=metaWRAP #SBATCH --partition=lrgmem #SBATCH --time=72:0:0 #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 #SBATCH --mem=800G ############################################################################################################################################################## # Master metaWRAP script that calls on individual modules/pipelines ############################################################################################################################################################## help_message () { echo"" echo "Usage: metaWRAP [module]" echo "Options:" echo "" echo " read_qc Raw read QC module (read trimming and contamination removal)" echo " assembly Assembly module (metagenomic assembly)" echo " kraken KRAKEN module (taxonomy annotation of reads and assemblies)" echo " blobology Blobology module (GC vs Abund plots of contigs and bins)" echo "" echo " binning Binning module (metabat, maxbin, or concoct)" echo " bin_refinement Refinement of bins from binning module" echo " reassemble_bins Reassemble bins using metagenomic reads" echo " quant_bins Quantify the abundance of each bin across samples" echo " classify_bins Assign taxonomy to genomic bins" echo " annotate_bins Functional annotation of draft genomes" echo "" echo " --help | -h show this help message" echo " --version | -v show metaWRAP version" echo " --show-config show where the metawrap configuration files are stored" echo "";} config_file=$(which config-metawrap) source $config_file if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "cannot find config-metawrap file - something went wrong with the installation!" exit 1 fi comm () { ${SOFT}/print_comment.py "$1" "-"; } ######################################################################################################## ######################## LOADING IN THE PARAMETERS AND RUNNING MODULE ######################## ######################################################################################################## # setting scripts, pipelines, and databases locations from config file (should be in same folder as main script) if [ "$1" = assembly ]; then echo metawrap assembly ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/assembly.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = phylosift ]; then #echo phylosift.sh ${@:2} #${PIPES}/phylosift.sh ${@:2} echo "The PHYLOSIFT module of metaWRAP is disabled in this version of metaWRAP" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = read_qc ]; then echo metawrap read_qc ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/read_qc.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = binning ]; then echo metawrap binning ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/binning.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = blobology ]; then echo metawrap blobology ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/blobology.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = kraken ]; then echo metawrap kraken ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/kraken.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = all ]; then #echo all.sh ${@:2} #${PIPES}/all.sh ${@:2} echo "ALL module of metaWRAP is disabled in this version of metaWRAP" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = bin_refinement ]; then echo metawrap bin_refinement ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/bin_refinement.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = reassemble_bins ]; then echo metawrap reassemble_bins ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/reassemble_bins.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = quant_bins ]; then echo metawrap quant_bins ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/quant_bins.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = classify_bins ]; then echo metawrap classify_bins ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/classify_bins.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = annotate_bins ]; then echo metawrap annotate_bins ${@:2} time ${PIPES}/annotate_bins.sh ${@:2} exit 0 elif [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then help_message exit 0 elif [ "$1" = "-v" ] || [ "$1" = "--version" ]; then echo "" echo "metaWRAP v=1.0" echo "" exit 0 elif [ "$1" = "--show-config" ]; then comm "MetaWRAP script found in $(which metawrap) and config-metawrap file was found in $(which config-metawrap). Please make sure these paths are consistent with each other." comm "Here are the contents of config-metawrap:" cat $(which config-metawrap) exit 0 else comm "Please select a proper module of metaWRAP." help_message exit 1 fi ######################################################################################################## ######################## END OF METAWRAP PIPELINE ######################## ########################################################################################################