Raw File
#!/bin/env python
"""Rewrite statmap file and rerank candidates using the statistic values
generated from the followup of candidates.
import h5py, numpy, argparse, logging, pycbc
from pycbc.conversions import sec_to_year
from pycbc.events.coinc import calculate_n_louder
from shutil import copyfile

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version',
parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--stat-files', nargs='+',
    help="Statistic files produced by candidate followup codes")
    help="File containing the candidate times which were analyzed")
    help="The statmap file containing the candidates to rerank")
    help="Provided only for injection sets, use this file to provide the "
         "background to rank candidate significance")

args = parser.parse_args()

# Reconstruct the full set of statistic values for our candidates
f = h5py.File(args.followup_file, 'r')
num = len(f['offsets']) # Number of followups done

# Mapping between the followups done and the original candidate list
# May be shorter due to duplicates in the original set (which combines
# background / background_exc, etc
inv = f['inverse'][:]
stats = numpy.zeros(num)
sections = f.attrs['sections']

values = []
starts = []
for fname in args.stat_files:
    f = h5py.File(fname, 'r')
    s = f.attrs['start_index']
    v = f['stat'][:]
    stride = f.attrs['stride']
    stats[s::stride] = v
stats = stats[inv]

# copy statmap file to output since we'll
# only make a few modifications
copyfile(args.statmap_file, args.output_file)
o = h5py.File(args.output_file)

# Update the statistic values
for sec in sections:
    # New stats for this section
    nsize = len(o[sec]['stat'])
    o[sec]['stat'][...] = stats[:nsize]
    # use for next section
    stats = stats[nsize:]

background_time = o.attrs['background_time']
coinc_time = o.attrs['foreground_time']
coinc_time_exc = o.attrs['foreground_time_exc']
background_time_exc = o.attrs['background_time_exc']

# Injection run
if args.ranking_file:
    f = h5py.File(args.ranking_file, 'r')
    fstat = o['foreground/stat'][:]
    backstat = f['background_exc/stat'][:]
    dec = f['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:]

    bnum, fnum = calculate_n_louder(backstat, fstat, dec)

    ifar = background_time / (fnum + 1)
    fap = 1 - numpy.exp(- coinc_time / ifar)
    o['foreground/ifar'][...] = sec_to_year(ifar)
    o['foreground/fap'][...] = fap

    o['foreground/ifar_exc'][...] = o['foreground/ifar'][:]
    o['foreground/fap_exc'][...] = o['foreground/fap'][:]

# full data run
    fstat = o['foreground/stat'][:]
    backstat = o['background/stat'][:]
    dec = o['background/decimation_factor'][:]
    dec_exc = o['background_exc/decimation_factor'][:]
    backstat_exc = o['background_exc/stat'][:]

    bnum, fnum = calculate_n_louder(backstat, fstat, dec)
    bnum_exc, fnum_exc = calculate_n_louder(backstat_exc, fstat, dec_exc)

    o['background/ifar'][...] = sec_to_year(background_time / (bnum + 1))
    o['background_exc/ifar'][...] = sec_to_year(background_time_exc / (bnum_exc + 1))

    ifar = background_time / (fnum + 1)
    fap = 1 - numpy.exp(- coinc_time / ifar)
    o['foreground/ifar'][...] = sec_to_year(ifar)
    o['foreground/fap'][...] = fap

    ifar_exc = background_time_exc / (fnum_exc + 1)
    fap_exc = 1 - numpy.exp(- coinc_time_exc / ifar_exc)
    o['foreground/ifar_exc'][...] = sec_to_year(ifar_exc)
    o['foreground/fap_exc'][...] = fap_exc
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