\name{colpairs} \alias{colpairs} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Applies a function to all pairs of columns } \description{ Given an nxp matrix \code{m} and a function \code{f}, returns the pxp matrix got by applying \code{f} to all pairs of columns of \code{m} . } \usage{ colpairs(m, f, diag = 0, na.omit = FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{m}{ a matrix } \item{f}{ a function of two vectors, which returns a single result. } \item{diag}{ if supplied, this value is placed on the diagonal of the result. } \item{na.omit}{ If \code{TRUE}, rows with missing values are omitted for each pair of columns. } \item{\dots}{ argments are passed to \code{f}. } } \value{ a matrix matrix got by applying \code{f} to all pairs of columns of \code{m} . } %-\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Catherine B. Hurley } \seealso{ \code{\link{gave}}, \code{\link{partition.crit}}, \code{\link{order.single}},\code{\link{order.endlink}}} \examples{ data(state) state.m <- colpairs(state.x77, function(x,y) cor.test(x,y,"two.sided","kendall")$estimate, diag=1) state.col <- dmat.color(state.m) # This is equivalent to state.m <- cor(state.x77,method="kendall") layout(matrix(1:2,nrow=1,ncol=2)) cparcoord(state.x77, panel.color= state.col) # Get rid of the panels with lots of line crossings (yellow) by reorderings cparcoord(state.x77, order.endlink(state.m), state.col) layout(matrix(1,1)) # m is a homogeneity measure of each pairwise variable plot m <- -colpairs(scale(state.x77), gave) o<- order.single(m) pcols = dmat.color(m) # Color panels by level of m and reorder variables so that # pairs with high m are near the diagonal. cpairs(state.x77,order=o, panel.colors=pcols) # In this case panels showing either of Area or Population # exhibit the most clumpiness because these variables # are skewed. } \keyword{multivariate}