\name{prob} \alias{prob} \alias{prob-methods} \alias{prob,outer_nacopula-method} \title{Computing Probabilities of "nacopula" Objects to Fall in Hypercubes} \description{ Compute probabilities of a \eqn{d-}dimensional random vector \eqn{U} distributed according to the nested Archimedean copula \code{x} to fall in a hypercube \eqn{(l,u]}, where \eqn{l} and \eqn{u} denote the lower and upper corners of the hypercube, respectively. } \usage{ prob(x, l, u) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a (nested) Archimedean copula of dimension \eqn{d}, i.e., an object of class \code{\linkS4class{nacopula}}, typically constructed with \code{\link{onacopula}(..)}.} \item{l, u}{\eqn{d}-dimensional, \code{\link{numeric}}, lower and upper hypercube boundaries, respectively, satisfying \eqn{0 \le l_i \le u_i \le 1}{0 <= l_i <= u_i <= 1}, for \eqn{i\in{1,\dots,d}}{i in {1,...,d}}.} } \value{A \code{\link{numeric}} in \eqn{[0,1]} which is the probability \eqn{P(l_i