\name{cenLR} \alias{cenLR} \title{ Centred log-ratio transformation } \description{ The cenLR transformation moves D-part compositional data from the simplex into a D-dimensional real space. } \usage{ cenLR(x) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ multivariate data ideally of class data.frame or matrix } } \details{ Each composition is divided by the geometric mean of its parts before the logarithm is taken. } \value{ The transformed data, including \item{x.clr}{clr transformed data} \item{gm}{the geometric means of the original composition.} } \references{ Aitchison, J. (1986) \emph{The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data} Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman \& Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p. } \author{ Matthias Templ } \note{ The resulting transformed data set is singular by definition. } \seealso{ \code{\link{cenLRinv}}, \code{\link{addLR}}, \code{\link{isomLR}}, \code{\link{addLRinv}}, \code{\link{isomLRinv}} } \examples{ data(expenditures) eclr <- cenLR(expenditures) inveclr <- cenLRinv(eclr) head(expenditures) head(inveclr) head(isomLRinv(eclr$x.clr)) } \keyword{ manip }